use crate::model::Vertex; use anyhow::*; pub struct RenderPipelineBuilder<'a> { layout: Option<&'a wgpu::PipelineLayout>, vertex_shader: Option>, fragment_shader: Option>, front_face: wgpu::FrontFace, cull_mode: wgpu::CullMode, depth_bias: i32, depth_bias_slope_scale: f32, depth_bias_clamp: f32, primitive_topology: wgpu::PrimitiveTopology, color_states: Vec, depth_stencil_state: Option, index_format: wgpu::IndexFormat, vertex_buffers: Vec>, sample_count: u32, sample_mask: u32, alpha_to_coverage_enabled: bool, } impl<'a> RenderPipelineBuilder<'a> { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { layout: None, vertex_shader: None, fragment_shader: None, front_face: wgpu::FrontFace::Ccw, cull_mode: wgpu::CullMode::None, depth_bias: 0, depth_bias_slope_scale: 0.0, depth_bias_clamp: 0.0, primitive_topology: wgpu::PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList, color_states: Vec::new(), depth_stencil_state: None, index_format: wgpu::IndexFormat::Uint32, vertex_buffers: Vec::new(), sample_count: 1, sample_mask: !0, alpha_to_coverage_enabled: false, } } pub fn layout(&mut self, layout: &'a wgpu::PipelineLayout) -> &mut Self { self.layout = Some(layout); self } pub fn vertex_shader(&mut self, src: wgpu::ShaderModuleSource<'a>) -> &mut Self { self.vertex_shader = Some(src); self } pub fn fragment_shader(&mut self, src: wgpu::ShaderModuleSource<'a>) -> &mut Self { self.fragment_shader = Some(src); self } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn front_face(&mut self, ff: wgpu::FrontFace) -> &mut Self { self.front_face = ff; self } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn cull_mode(&mut self, cm: wgpu::CullMode) -> &mut Self { self.cull_mode = cm; self } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn depth_bias(&mut self, db: i32) -> &mut Self { self.depth_bias = db; self } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn depth_bias_slope_scale(&mut self, dbss: f32) -> &mut Self { self.depth_bias_slope_scale = dbss; self } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn depth_bias_clamp(&mut self, dbc: f32) -> &mut Self { self.depth_bias_clamp = dbc; self } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn primitive_topology(&mut self, pt: wgpu::PrimitiveTopology) -> &mut Self { self.primitive_topology = pt; self } pub fn color_state(&mut self, cs: wgpu::ColorStateDescriptor) -> &mut Self { self.color_states.push(cs); self } /// Helper method for [RenderPipelineBuilder::color_state] pub fn color_solid(&mut self, format: wgpu::TextureFormat) -> &mut Self { self.color_state(wgpu::ColorStateDescriptor { format, alpha_blend: wgpu::BlendDescriptor::REPLACE, color_blend: wgpu::BlendDescriptor::REPLACE, write_mask: wgpu::ColorWrite::ALL, }) } pub fn depth_stencil_state(&mut self, dss: wgpu::DepthStencilStateDescriptor) -> &mut Self { self.depth_stencil_state = Some(dss); self } /// Helper method for [RenderPipelineBuilder::depth_stencil_state] pub fn depth_no_stencil( &mut self, format: wgpu::TextureFormat, depth_write_enabled: bool, depth_compare: wgpu::CompareFunction, ) -> &mut Self { self.depth_stencil_state(wgpu::DepthStencilStateDescriptor { format, depth_write_enabled, depth_compare, stencil: Default::default(), }) } /// Helper method for [RenderPipelineBuilder::depth_no_stencil] pub fn depth_format(&mut self, format: wgpu::TextureFormat) -> &mut Self { self.depth_no_stencil(format, true, wgpu::CompareFunction::Less) } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn index_format(&mut self, ifmt: wgpu::IndexFormat) -> &mut Self { self.index_format = ifmt; self } pub fn vertex_buffer(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.vertex_buffers.push(V::desc()); self } pub fn vertex_buffer_desc(&mut self, vb: wgpu::VertexBufferDescriptor<'a>) -> &mut Self { self.vertex_buffers.push(vb); self } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn sample_count(&mut self, sc: u32) -> &mut Self { self.sample_count = sc; self } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn sample_mask(&mut self, sm: u32) -> &mut Self { self.sample_mask = sm; self } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn alpha_to_coverage_enabled(&mut self, atce: bool) -> &mut Self { self.alpha_to_coverage_enabled = atce; self } pub fn build(&mut self, device: &wgpu::Device) -> Result { // We need a layout if self.layout.is_none() { bail!("No pipeline layout supplied!"); } let layout = self.layout.unwrap(); // Render pipelines always have a vertex shader, but due // to the way the builder pattern works, we can't // guarantee that the user will specify one, so we'll // just return an error if they forgot. // // We could supply a default one, but a "default" vertex // could take on many forms. An error is much more // explicit. if self.vertex_shader.is_none() { bail!("No vertex shader supplied!") } let vs = create_shader_module( device, self.vertex_shader .take() .context("Please include a vertex shader")?, ); // The fragment shader is optional (IDK why, but it is). // Having the shader be optional is giving me issues with // the borrow checker so I'm going to use a default shader // if the user doesn't supply one. let fs_spv = self .fragment_shader .take() .context("Please include a fragment shader")?; let fs = create_shader_module(device, fs_spv); let pipeline = device.create_render_pipeline(&wgpu::RenderPipelineDescriptor { label: Some("Render Pipeline"), layout: Some(&layout), vertex_stage: wgpu::ProgrammableStageDescriptor { module: &vs, entry_point: "main", }, fragment_stage: Some(wgpu::ProgrammableStageDescriptor { module: &fs, entry_point: "main", }), rasterization_state: Some(wgpu::RasterizationStateDescriptor { front_face: self.front_face, cull_mode: self.cull_mode, depth_bias: self.depth_bias, depth_bias_slope_scale: self.depth_bias_slope_scale, depth_bias_clamp: self.depth_bias_clamp, clamp_depth: false, }), primitive_topology: self.primitive_topology, color_states: &self.color_states, depth_stencil_state: self.depth_stencil_state.clone(), vertex_state: wgpu::VertexStateDescriptor { index_format: self.index_format, vertex_buffers: &self.vertex_buffers, }, sample_count: self.sample_count, sample_mask: self.sample_mask, alpha_to_coverage_enabled: self.alpha_to_coverage_enabled, }); Ok(pipeline) } } fn create_shader_module( device: &wgpu::Device, spirv: wgpu::ShaderModuleSource, ) -> wgpu::ShaderModule { device.create_shader_module(spirv) }