// Vertex shader struct Camera { view_pos: vec4, view_proj: mat4x4, } @group(1) @binding(0) var camera: Camera; struct Light { position: vec3, color: vec3, } @group(2) @binding(0) var light: Light; struct VertexInput { @location(0) position: vec3, @location(1) tex_coords: vec2, @location(2) normal: vec3, @location(3) tangent: vec3, @location(4) bitangent: vec3, } struct InstanceInput { @location(5) model_matrix_0: vec4, @location(6) model_matrix_1: vec4, @location(7) model_matrix_2: vec4, @location(8) model_matrix_3: vec4, @location(9) normal_matrix_0: vec3, @location(10) normal_matrix_1: vec3, @location(11) normal_matrix_2: vec3, } struct VertexOutput { @builtin(position) clip_position: vec4, @location(0) tex_coords: vec2, @location(1) tangent_position: vec3, @location(2) tangent_light_position: vec3, @location(3) tangent_view_position: vec3, } @vertex fn vs_main( model: VertexInput, instance: InstanceInput, ) -> VertexOutput { let model_matrix = mat4x4( instance.model_matrix_0, instance.model_matrix_1, instance.model_matrix_2, instance.model_matrix_3, ); let normal_matrix = mat3x3( instance.normal_matrix_0, instance.normal_matrix_1, instance.normal_matrix_2, ); // Construct the tangent matrix let world_normal = normalize(normal_matrix * model.normal); let world_tangent = normalize(normal_matrix * model.tangent); let world_bitangent = normalize(normal_matrix * model.bitangent); let tangent_matrix = transpose(mat3x3( world_tangent, world_bitangent, world_normal, )); let world_position = model_matrix * vec4(model.position, 1.0); var out: VertexOutput; out.clip_position = camera.view_proj * world_position; out.tex_coords = model.tex_coords; out.tangent_position = tangent_matrix * world_position.xyz; out.tangent_view_position = tangent_matrix * camera.view_pos.xyz; out.tangent_light_position = tangent_matrix * light.position; return out; } // Fragment shader @group(0) @binding(0) var t_diffuse: texture_2d; @group(0)@binding(1) var s_diffuse: sampler; @group(0)@binding(2) var t_normal: texture_2d; @group(0) @binding(3) var s_normal: sampler; @fragment fn fs_main(in: VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4 { let object_color: vec4 = textureSample(t_diffuse, s_diffuse, in.tex_coords); let object_normal: vec4 = textureSample(t_normal, s_normal, in.tex_coords); // We don't need (or want) much ambient light, so 0.1 is fine let ambient_strength = 0.1; let ambient_color = light.color * ambient_strength; // Create the lighting vectors let tangent_normal = object_normal.xyz * 2.0 - 1.0; let light_dir = normalize(in.tangent_light_position - in.tangent_position); let view_dir = normalize(in.tangent_view_position - in.tangent_position); let half_dir = normalize(view_dir + light_dir); let diffuse_strength = max(dot(tangent_normal, light_dir), 0.0); let diffuse_color = light.color * diffuse_strength; let specular_strength = pow(max(dot(tangent_normal, half_dir), 0.0), 32.0); let specular_color = specular_strength * light.color; let result = (ambient_color + diffuse_color + specular_color) * object_color.xyz; return vec4(result, object_color.a); }