# Basic Imgui Demo

This is not an in depth guid on how to use Imgui. But here are some of the basics you'll need to get started. We'll need to import imgui-rs, imgui-wgpu, and imgui-winit-support.

imgui = "0.7"
imgui-wgpu = "0.14"
imgui-winit-support = "0.7"

I've excluded some dependencies for brevity. I'm also using the framework crate I've created for showcases to simplify setup. If you see a display variable in code, it's from the framework. Display is where the the device, queue, swap_chain, and other basic wgpu objects are stored.

We need to setup imgui and a WinitPlatform to get started. Do this after creating you're winit::Window.

let mut imgui = imgui::Context::create();
let mut platform = imgui_winit_support::WinitPlatform::init(&mut imgui);

Now we need to configure the default font. We'll using the window's scale factor to keep things from being too big or small.

let hidpi_factor = display.window.scale_factor();
let font_size = (13.0 * hidpi_factor) as f32;
imgui.io_mut().font_global_scale = (1.0 / hidpi_factor) as f32;
imgui.fonts().add_font(&[FontSource::DefaultFontData {
    config: Some(imgui::FontConfig {
        oversample_h: 1,
        pixel_snap_h: true,
        size_pixels: font_size,

Then you need to create the renderer. We need to use the swap chains TextureFormat in order for things to work properly.

let renderer_config = RendererConfig {
    texture_format: display.sc_desc.format,
let renderer = Renderer::new(&mut imgui, &display.device, &display.queue, renderer_config);

When we update the scene, we'll need to update imgui.

self.imgui.io_mut().update_delta_time(dt); // dt: std::time::Duration

I'm not an expert with imgui, so I'll let the code speak for itself.

// Build the UI
    .prepare_frame(self.imgui.io_mut(), &display.window)
    .expect("Failed to prepare frame!");
let ui = self.imgui.frame();
    let window = imgui::Window::new(im_str!("Hello Imgui from WGPU!"));
        .size([300.0, 100.0], Condition::FirstUseEver)
        .build(&ui, || {
            ui.text(im_str!("Hello world!"));
            ui.text(im_str!("This is a demo of imgui-rs using imgui-wgpu!"));
            let mouse_pos = ui.io().mouse_pos;
                "Mouse Position: ({:.1}, {:.1})",

// Prepare to render
let mut encoder = display.device.create_command_encoder(&Default::default());
let output = match display.swap_chain.get_current_frame() {
    Ok(frame) => frame,
    Err(e) => {
        eprintln!("Error getting frame: {:?}", e);

// Render the scene
    &mut encoder, 
    display.sc_desc.width as f32, 
    display.sc_desc.height as f32

// Render the UI
if self.last_cursor != ui.mouse_cursor() {
    self.last_cursor = ui.mouse_cursor();
    self.platform.prepare_render(&ui, &display.window);

let mut pass = encoder.begin_render_pass(&wgpu::RenderPassDescriptor {
    label: Some("UI RenderPass"),
    color_attachments: &[wgpu::RenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor {
        attachment: &output.view,
        resolve_target: None,
        ops: wgpu::Operations {
            load: wgpu::LoadOp::Load,
            store: true,
    depth_stencil_attachment: None,
    .render(ui.render(), &display.queue, &display.device, &mut pass)
    .expect("Failed to render UI!");


That's all there is to it. Here's a picture of the results!


Last Updated: 2/22/2021, 5:20:00 PM