Ben Hansen 2 years ago
parent 1220dfa70b
commit 58944cb8ca

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ impl Material {
device: &wgpu::Device,
name: &str,
diffuse_texture: texture::Texture,
normal_texture: texture::Texture,
normal_texture: texture::Texture, // NEW!
layout: &wgpu::BindGroupLayout,
) -> Self {
let bind_group = device.create_bind_group(&wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor {
@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ impl Material {
binding: 1,
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Sampler(&diffuse_texture.sampler),
// NEW!
wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
binding: 2,
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(&normal_texture.view),
@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ impl Material {
Self {
name: String::from(name),
normal_texture, // NEW!

@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ impl Texture {
pub fn from_bytes(
device: &wgpu::Device,
queue: &wgpu::Queue,

@ -49,50 +49,72 @@ let texture_bind_group_layout = device.create_bind_group_layout(&wgpu::BindGroup
We'll need to actually load the normal map. We'll do this in the loop where we create the materials.
We'll need to actually load the normal map. We'll do this in the loop where we create the materials in the `load_model()` function in `resources.rs`.
let diffuse_path = mat.diffuse_texture;
let diffuse_texture = texture::Texture::load(device, queue, containing_folder.join(diffuse_path))?;
let normal_path = mat.normal_texture;
let normal_texture = texture::Texture::load(device, queue, containing_folder.join(normal_path))?;
// resources.rs
let mut materials = Vec::new();
for m in obj_materials? {
let diffuse_texture = load_texture(&m.diffuse_texture, device, queue).await?;
// NEW!
let normal_texture = load_texture(&m.normal_texture, device, queue).await?;
normal_texture, // NEW!
* Note: I duplicated and moved the `command_buffers.push(cmds);` line. This means we can reuse the `cmds` variable for both the normal map and diffuse/color map.
Our `Material`'s `bind_group` will have to change as well.
You'll notice I'm using a `Material::new()` function we didn't have previously. Here's the code for that:
let bind_group = device.create_bind_group(&wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor {
entries: &[
// ...
wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
binding: 2,
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(&normal_texture.view),
wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
binding: 3,
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Sampler(&normal_texture.sampler),
label: None,
Don't forget to pass the `normal_texture` into the `Material` struct!
impl Material {
pub fn new(
device: &wgpu::Device,
name: &str,
diffuse_texture: texture::Texture,
normal_texture: texture::Texture, // NEW!
layout: &wgpu::BindGroupLayout,
) -> Self {
let bind_group = device.create_bind_group(&wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor {
entries: &[
wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
binding: 0,
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(&diffuse_texture.view),
wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
binding: 1,
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Sampler(&diffuse_texture.sampler),
// NEW!
wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
binding: 2,
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(&normal_texture.view),
wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
binding: 3,
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Sampler(&normal_texture.sampler),
label: Some(name),
materials.push(Material {
name: mat.name,
normal_texture, // NEW!
Self {
name: String::from(name),
normal_texture, // NEW!
Now we can use the texture in the fragment shader.
@ -211,112 +233,119 @@ impl Vertex for ModelVertex {
Now we can calculate the new tangent and bitangent vectors.
Now we can calculate the new tangent and bitangent vectors. Update the mesh generation in `load_model()` in `resource.rs` to use the following code:
impl Model {
pub fn load<P: AsRef<Path>>(
device: &wgpu::Device,
queue: &wgpu::Queue,
layout: &wgpu::BindGroupLayout,
path: P,
) -> Result<Self> {
// ...
for m in obj_models {
let mut vertices = Vec::new();
for i in 0..m.mesh.positions.len() / 3 {
vertices.push(ModelVertex {
position: [
// ...
tex_coords: [
// ...
normal: [
// ...
// ...
// We'll calculate these later
tangent: [0.0; 3],
bitangent: [0.0; 3],
let indices = &m.mesh.indices;
let mut triangles_included = (0..vertices.len()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
// Calculate tangents and bitangets. We're going to
// use the triangles, so we need to loop through the
// indices in chunks of 3
for c in indices.chunks(3) {
let v0 = vertices[c[0] as usize];
let v1 = vertices[c[1] as usize];
let v2 = vertices[c[2] as usize];
let pos0: cgmath::Vector3<_> = v0.position.into();
let pos1: cgmath::Vector3<_> = v1.position.into();
let pos2: cgmath::Vector3<_> = v2.position.into();
let uv0: cgmath::Vector2<_> = v0.tex_coords.into();
let uv1: cgmath::Vector2<_> = v1.tex_coords.into();
let uv2: cgmath::Vector2<_> = v2.tex_coords.into();
// Calculate the edges of the triangle
let delta_pos1 = pos1 - pos0;
let delta_pos2 = pos2 - pos0;
// This will give us a direction to calculate the
// tangent and bitangent
let delta_uv1 = uv1 - uv0;
let delta_uv2 = uv2 - uv0;
// Solving the following system of equations will
// give us the tangent and bitangent.
// delta_pos1 = delta_uv1.x * T + delta_u.y * B
// delta_pos2 = delta_uv2.x * T + delta_uv2.y * B
// Luckily, the place I found this equation provided
// the solution!
let r = 1.0 / (delta_uv1.x * delta_uv2.y - delta_uv1.y * delta_uv2.x);
let tangent = (delta_pos1 * delta_uv2.y - delta_pos2 * delta_uv1.y) * r;
// We flip the bitangent to enable right-handed normal
// maps with wgpu texture coordinate system
let bitangent = (delta_pos2 * delta_uv1.x - delta_pos1 * delta_uv2.x) * -r;
// We'll use the same tangent/bitangent for each vertex in the triangle
vertices[c[0] as usize].tangent =
(tangent + cgmath::Vector3::from(vertices[c[0] as usize].tangent)).into();
vertices[c[1] as usize].tangent =
(tangent + cgmath::Vector3::from(vertices[c[1] as usize].tangent)).into();
vertices[c[2] as usize].tangent =
(tangent + cgmath::Vector3::from(vertices[c[2] as usize].tangent)).into();
vertices[c[0] as usize].bitangent =
(bitangent + cgmath::Vector3::from(vertices[c[0] as usize].bitangent)).into();
vertices[c[1] as usize].bitangent =
(bitangent + cgmath::Vector3::from(vertices[c[1] as usize].bitangent)).into();
vertices[c[2] as usize].bitangent =
(bitangent + cgmath::Vector3::from(vertices[c[2] as usize].bitangent)).into();
// Used to average the tangents/bitangents
triangles_included[c[0] as usize] += 1;
triangles_included[c[1] as usize] += 1;
triangles_included[c[2] as usize] += 1;
// Average the tangents/bitangents
for (i, n) in triangles_included.into_iter().enumerate() {
let denom = 1.0 / n as f32;
let mut v = &mut vertices[i];
v.tangent = (cgmath::Vector3::from(v.tangent) * denom)
v.bitangent = (cgmath::Vector3::from(v.bitangent) * denom)
Ok(Self { meshes, materials })
let meshes = models
.map(|m| {
let mut vertices = (0..m.mesh.positions.len() / 3)
.map(|i| model::ModelVertex {
position: [
m.mesh.positions[i * 3],
m.mesh.positions[i * 3 + 1],
m.mesh.positions[i * 3 + 2],
tex_coords: [m.mesh.texcoords[i * 2], m.mesh.texcoords[i * 2 + 1]],
normal: [
m.mesh.normals[i * 3],
m.mesh.normals[i * 3 + 1],
m.mesh.normals[i * 3 + 2],
// We'll calculate these later
tangent: [0.0; 3],
bitangent: [0.0; 3],
let indices = &m.mesh.indices;
let mut triangles_included = vec![0; vertices.len()];
// Calculate tangents and bitangets. We're going to
// use the triangles, so we need to loop through the
// indices in chunks of 3
for c in indices.chunks(3) {
let v0 = vertices[c[0] as usize];
let v1 = vertices[c[1] as usize];
let v2 = vertices[c[2] as usize];
let pos0: cgmath::Vector3<_> = v0.position.into();
let pos1: cgmath::Vector3<_> = v1.position.into();
let pos2: cgmath::Vector3<_> = v2.position.into();
let uv0: cgmath::Vector2<_> = v0.tex_coords.into();
let uv1: cgmath::Vector2<_> = v1.tex_coords.into();
let uv2: cgmath::Vector2<_> = v2.tex_coords.into();
// Calculate the edges of the triangle
let delta_pos1 = pos1 - pos0;
let delta_pos2 = pos2 - pos0;
// This will give us a direction to calculate the
// tangent and bitangent
let delta_uv1 = uv1 - uv0;
let delta_uv2 = uv2 - uv0;
// Solving the following system of equations will
// give us the tangent and bitangent.
// delta_pos1 = delta_uv1.x * T + delta_u.y * B
// delta_pos2 = delta_uv2.x * T + delta_uv2.y * B
// Luckily, the place I found this equation provided
// the solution!
let r = 1.0 / (delta_uv1.x * delta_uv2.y - delta_uv1.y * delta_uv2.x);
let tangent = (delta_pos1 * delta_uv2.y - delta_pos2 * delta_uv1.y) * r;
// We flip the bitangent to enable right-handed normal
// maps with wgpu texture coordinate system
let bitangent = (delta_pos2 * delta_uv1.x - delta_pos1 * delta_uv2.x) * -r;
// We'll use the same tangent/bitangent for each vertex in the triangle
vertices[c[0] as usize].tangent =
(tangent + cgmath::Vector3::from(vertices[c[0] as usize].tangent)).into();
vertices[c[1] as usize].tangent =
(tangent + cgmath::Vector3::from(vertices[c[1] as usize].tangent)).into();
vertices[c[2] as usize].tangent =
(tangent + cgmath::Vector3::from(vertices[c[2] as usize].tangent)).into();
vertices[c[0] as usize].bitangent =
(bitangent + cgmath::Vector3::from(vertices[c[0] as usize].bitangent)).into();
vertices[c[1] as usize].bitangent =
(bitangent + cgmath::Vector3::from(vertices[c[1] as usize].bitangent)).into();
vertices[c[2] as usize].bitangent =
(bitangent + cgmath::Vector3::from(vertices[c[2] as usize].bitangent)).into();
// Used to average the tangents/bitangents
triangles_included[c[0] as usize] += 1;
triangles_included[c[1] as usize] += 1;
triangles_included[c[2] as usize] += 1;
// Average the tangents/bitangents
for (i, n) in triangles_included.into_iter().enumerate() {
let denom = 1.0 / n as f32;
let mut v = &mut vertices[i];
v.tangent = (cgmath::Vector3::from(v.tangent) * denom).into();
v.bitangent = (cgmath::Vector3::from(v.bitangent) * denom).into();
let vertex_buffer = device.create_buffer_init(&wgpu::util::BufferInitDescriptor {
label: Some(&format!("{:?} Vertex Buffer", file_name)),
contents: bytemuck::cast_slice(&vertices),
usage: wgpu::BufferUsages::VERTEX,
let index_buffer = device.create_buffer_init(&wgpu::util::BufferInitDescriptor {
label: Some(&format!("{:?} Index Buffer", file_name)),
contents: bytemuck::cast_slice(&m.mesh.indices),
usage: wgpu::BufferUsages::INDEX,
model::Mesh {
name: file_name.to_string(),
num_elements: m.mesh.indices.len() as u32,
material: m.mesh.material_id.unwrap_or(0),
## World Space to Tangent Space
@ -438,117 +467,63 @@ pub fn from_image(
We'll need to propagate this change to the other methods that use this.
pub fn load<P: AsRef<Path>>(
device: &wgpu::Device,
queue: &wgpu::Queue,
path: P,
is_normal_map: bool, // NEW!
) -> Result<(Self, wgpu::CommandBuffer), failure::Error> {
// ...
let img = image::open(path)?;
Self::from_image(device, queue, &img, label, is_normal_map) // UPDATED!
// ...
pub fn from_bytes(
device: &wgpu::Device,
queue: &wgpu::Queue,
bytes: &[u8],
label: &str,
bytes: &[u8],
label: &str,
is_normal_map: bool, // NEW!
) -> Result<(Self, wgpu::CommandBuffer), failure::Error> {
) -> Result<Self> {
let img = image::load_from_memory(bytes)?;
Self::from_image(device, &img, Some(label), is_normal_map)
Self::from_image(device, queue, &img, Some(label), is_normal_map) // UPDATED!
We need to update `model.rs` as well.
We need to update `resource.rs` as well.
let diffuse_path = mat.diffuse_texture;
let diffuse_texture = texture::Texture::load(device, queue, containing_folder.join(diffuse_path), false)?;
let normal_path = mat.normal_texture;
let normal_texture = texture::Texture::load(device, queue, containing_folder.join(normal_path), true)?;
That gives us the following.
## Unrelated stuff
pub async fn load_texture(
file_name: &str,
is_normal_map: bool,
device: &wgpu::Device,
queue: &wgpu::Queue,
) -> anyhow::Result<texture::Texture> {
let data = load_binary(file_name).await?;
texture::Texture::from_bytes(device, queue, &data, file_name, is_normal_map)
While I was debugging the normal mapping code, I made a few changes to `model.rs` that I haven't mentioned. I wanted to be able to see the model with different textures, so I modified the `Material` struct to have a `new()` method.
pub async fn load_model(
file_name: &str,
device: &wgpu::Device,
queue: &wgpu::Queue,
layout: &wgpu::BindGroupLayout,
) -> anyhow::Result<model::Model> {
// ...
let mut materials = Vec::new();
for m in obj_materials? {
let diffuse_texture = load_texture(&m.diffuse_texture, false, device, queue).await?; // UDPATED!
let normal_texture = load_texture(&m.normal_texture, true, device, queue).await?; // UPDATED!
impl Material {
pub fn new(
device: &wgpu::Device,
name: &str,
diffuse_texture: texture::Texture,
normal_texture: texture::Texture,
layout: &wgpu::BindGroupLayout,
) -> Self {
let bind_group = device.create_bind_group(&wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor {
entries: &[
wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
binding: 0,
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(&diffuse_texture.view),
wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
binding: 1,
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Sampler(&diffuse_texture.sampler),
wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
binding: 2,
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(&normal_texture.view),
wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
binding: 3,
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Sampler(&normal_texture.sampler),
label: Some(name),
Self {
name: String::from(name),
This simplifies the code in `Model::load()`.
That gives us the following.
let mut materials = Vec::new();
for mat in obj_materials {
let diffuse_path = mat.diffuse_texture;
let diffuse_texture = texture::Texture::load(device, queue, containing_folder.join(diffuse_path), false)?;
let normal_path = mat.normal_texture;
let normal_texture = texture::Texture::load(device, queue, containing_folder.join(normal_path), true)?;
## Unrelated stuff
I also added a `draw_model_instanced_with_material()` to the `DrawModel` trait.
I wanted to mess around with other materials so I added a `draw_model_instanced_with_material()` to the `DrawModel` trait.
pub trait DrawModel<'a> {
