Link to Cargo Book for more info about build scripts

DevJac 4 years ago
parent 733683cf6f
commit 468807e8a3

@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ let fs_module = device.create_shader_module(wgpu::include_spirv!("shader.frag.sp
<div class="note">
I'm glossing over the code in the build script as this guide is focused on wgpu related topics. Designing build scripts is a topic in and of itself, and going into it in detail would be quite a long tangent.
I'm glossing over the code in the build script as this guide is focused on wgpu related topics. Designing build scripts is a topic in and of itself, and going into it in detail would be quite a long tangent. You can learn more about build scripts in [The Cargo Book](
