fixed missing parts of model tutorial

Ben Hansen 4 years ago
parent 994870fed1
commit 426e78dc9d

@ -168,9 +168,6 @@ struct State {
obj_model: model::Model,
// diffuse_texture: texture::Texture,
// diffuse_bind_group: wgpu::BindGroup,
camera: Camera,
camera_controller: CameraController,
uniforms: Uniforms,
@ -215,10 +212,6 @@ impl State {
let swap_chain = device.create_swap_chain(&surface, &sc_desc);
// let diffuse_bytes = include_bytes!("happy-tree.png");
// let (diffuse_texture, cmd_buffer) = texture::Texture::from_bytes(&device, diffuse_bytes).unwrap();
// queue.submit(&[cmd_buffer]);
let texture_bind_group_layout = device.create_bind_group_layout(&wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
bindings: &[
wgpu::BindGroupLayoutBinding {
@ -237,20 +230,6 @@ impl State {
// let diffuse_bind_group = device.create_bind_group(&wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor {
// layout: &texture_bind_group_layout,
// bindings: &[
// wgpu::Binding {
// binding: 0,
// resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(&diffuse_texture.view),
// },
// wgpu::Binding {
// binding: 1,
// resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Sampler(&diffuse_texture.sampler),
// }
// ],
// });
let camera = Camera {
eye: (0.0, 5.0, -10.0).into(),
target: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).into(),
@ -407,8 +386,6 @@ impl State {
// diffuse_texture,
// diffuse_bind_group,
@ -491,11 +468,7 @@ impl State {
// render_pass.set_bind_group(1, &self.uniform_bind_group, &[]);
let mesh = &self.obj_model.meshes[0];
let material = &self.obj_model.materials[mesh.material];
render_pass.draw_mesh_instanced(mesh, material, 0..self.instances.len() as u32, &self.uniform_bind_group);
render_pass.draw_model_instanced(&self.obj_model, 0..self.instances.len() as u32, &self.uniform_bind_group);

@ -145,6 +145,9 @@ impl Model {
pub trait DrawModel {
fn draw_mesh(&mut self, mesh: &Mesh, material: &Material, uniforms: &wgpu::BindGroup);
fn draw_mesh_instanced(&mut self, mesh: &Mesh, material: &Material, instances: Range<u32>, uniforms: &wgpu::BindGroup);
fn draw_model(&mut self, model: &Model, uniforms: &wgpu::BindGroup);
fn draw_model_instanced(&mut self, model: &Model, instances: Range<u32>, uniforms: &wgpu::BindGroup);
impl<'a> DrawModel for wgpu::RenderPass<'a> {
@ -159,4 +162,15 @@ impl<'a> DrawModel for wgpu::RenderPass<'a> {
self.set_bind_group(1, &uniforms, &[]);
self.draw_indexed(0..mesh.num_elements, 0, instances);
fn draw_model(&mut self, model: &Model, uniforms: &wgpu::BindGroup) {
self.draw_model_instanced(model, 0..1, uniforms);
fn draw_model_instanced(&mut self, model: &Model, instances: Range<u32>, uniforms: &wgpu::BindGroup) {
for mesh in &model.meshes {
let material = &model.materials[mesh.material];
self.draw_mesh_instanced(mesh, material, instances.clone(), uniforms);

@ -251,7 +251,31 @@ queue.submit(&cmds);
The path to the obj will be different for you, so keep that in mind.
Wit all that done, you should get something like this.
Our new model is a bit bigger than our previous one so we're gonna need to adjust the spacing on our instances a bit.
const SPACE_BETWEEN: f32 = 3.0;
let instances = (0..NUM_INSTANCES_PER_ROW).flat_map(|z| {
(0..NUM_INSTANCES_PER_ROW).map(move |x| {
let x = SPACE_BETWEEN * (x as f32 - NUM_INSTANCES_PER_ROW as f32 / 2.0);
let z = SPACE_BETWEEN * (z as f32 - NUM_INSTANCES_PER_ROW as f32 / 2.0);
let position = cgmath::Vector3 { x, y: 0.0, z };
let rotation = if position.is_zero() {
cgmath::Quaternion::from_axis_angle(cgmath::Vector3::unit_z(), cgmath::Deg(0.0))
} else {
cgmath::Quaternion::from_axis_angle(position.clone().normalize(), cgmath::Deg(45.0))
Instance {
position, rotation,
With all that done, you should get something like this.
@ -297,8 +321,53 @@ impl<'a> DrawModel for wgpu::RenderPass<'a> {
We need to change the render code to reflect this.
let mesh = &self.obj_model.meshes[0];
let material = &self.obj_model.materials[mesh.material];
render_pass.draw_mesh_instanced(mesh, material, 0..self.instances.len() as u32, &self.uniform_bind_group);
With all that in place we should get the following.
## Rendering the entire model
Right now we are specifying the mesh and the material directly. This is useful if we want to draw a mesh with a different material. We're also not rendering other parts of the model (if we had some). Let's create a method for `DrawModel` that will draw all the parts of the model with their respective materials.
pub trait DrawModel {
// ...
fn draw_model(&mut self, model: &Model, uniforms: &wgpu::BindGroup);
fn draw_model_instanced(&mut self, model: &Model, instances: Range<u32>, uniforms: &wgpu::BindGroup);
impl<'a> DrawModel for wgpu::RenderPass<'a> {
// ...
fn draw_model(&mut self, model: &Model, uniforms: &wgpu::BindGroup) {
self.draw_model_instanced(model, 0..1, uniforms);
fn draw_model_instanced(&mut self, model: &Model, instances: Range<u32>, uniforms: &wgpu::BindGroup) {
for mesh in &model.meshes {
let material = &model.materials[mesh.material];
self.draw_mesh_instanced(mesh, material, instances.clone(), uniforms);
The code in `` will change accordingly.
render_pass.draw_model_instanced(&self.obj_model, 0..self.instances.len() as u32, &self.uniform_bind_group);