You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

550 lines
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package gui
import (
dockerTypes ""
func (gui *Gui) getContainersPanel() *panels.SideListPanel[*commands.Container] {
// Standalone containers are containers which are either one-off containers, or whose service is not part of this docker-compose context.
isStandaloneContainer := func(container *commands.Container) bool {
if container.OneOff || container.ServiceName == "" {
return true
return !lo.SomeBy(gui.Panels.Services.List.GetAllItems(), func(service *commands.Service) bool {
return service.Name == container.ServiceName
return &panels.SideListPanel[*commands.Container]{
ContextState: &panels.ContextState[*commands.Container]{
GetMainTabs: func() []panels.MainTab[*commands.Container] {
return []panels.MainTab[*commands.Container]{
Key: "logs",
Title: gui.Tr.LogsTitle,
Render: gui.renderContainerLogsToMain,
Key: "stats",
Title: gui.Tr.StatsTitle,
Render: gui.renderContainerStats,
Key: "env",
Title: gui.Tr.EnvTitle,
Render: gui.renderContainerEnv,
Key: "config",
Title: gui.Tr.ConfigTitle,
Render: gui.renderContainerConfig,
Key: "top",
Title: gui.Tr.TopTitle,
Render: gui.renderContainerTop,
GetItemContextCacheKey: func(container *commands.Container) string {
// Including the container state in the cache key so that if the container
// restarts we re-read the logs. In the past we've had some glitchiness
// where a container restarts but the new logs don't get read.
// Note that this might be jarring if we have a lot of logs and the container
// restarts a lot, so let's keep an eye on it.
return "containers-" + container.ID + "-" + container.Container.State
ListPanel: panels.ListPanel[*commands.Container]{
List: panels.NewFilteredList[*commands.Container](),
View: gui.Views.Containers,
NoItemsMessage: gui.Tr.NoContainers,
Gui: gui.intoInterface(),
// sortedContainers returns containers sorted by state if c.SortContainersByState is true (follows 1- running, 2- exited, 3- created)
// and sorted by name if c.SortContainersByState is false
Sort: func(a *commands.Container, b *commands.Container) bool {
return sortContainers(a, b, gui.Config.UserConfig.Gui.LegacySortContainers)
Filter: func(container *commands.Container) bool {
// Note that this is O(N*M) time complexity where N is the number of services
// and M is the number of containers. We expect N to be small but M may be large,
// so we will need to keep an eye on this.
if !gui.Config.UserConfig.Gui.ShowAllContainers && !isStandaloneContainer(container) {
return false
if !gui.State.ShowExitedContainers && container.Container.State == "exited" {
return false
return true
GetTableCells: presentation.GetContainerDisplayStrings,
var containerStates = map[string]int{
"running": 1,
"exited": 2,
"created": 3,
func sortContainers(a *commands.Container, b *commands.Container, legacySort bool) bool {
if legacySort {
return a.Name < b.Name
stateLeft := containerStates[a.Container.State]
stateRight := containerStates[b.Container.State]
if stateLeft == stateRight {
return a.Name < b.Name
return containerStates[a.Container.State] < containerStates[b.Container.State]
func (gui *Gui) renderContainerEnv(container *commands.Container) tasks.TaskFunc {
return gui.NewSimpleRenderStringTask(func() string { return gui.containerEnv(container) })
func (gui *Gui) containerEnv(container *commands.Container) string {
if !container.DetailsLoaded() {
return gui.Tr.WaitingForContainerInfo
if len(container.Details.Config.Env) == 0 {
return gui.Tr.NothingToDisplay
envVarsList := lo.Map(container.Details.Config.Env, func(envVar string, _ int) []string {
splitEnv := strings.SplitN(envVar, "=", 2)
key := splitEnv[0]
value := ""
if len(splitEnv) > 1 {
value = splitEnv[1]
return []string{
utils.ColoredString(key+":", color.FgGreen),
utils.ColoredString(value, color.FgYellow),
output, err := utils.RenderTable(envVarsList)
if err != nil {
return gui.Tr.CannotDisplayEnvVariables
return output
func (gui *Gui) renderContainerConfig(container *commands.Container) tasks.TaskFunc {
return gui.NewSimpleRenderStringTask(func() string { return gui.containerConfigStr(container) })
func (gui *Gui) containerConfigStr(container *commands.Container) string {
if !container.DetailsLoaded() {
return gui.Tr.WaitingForContainerInfo
padding := 10
output := ""
output += utils.WithPadding("ID: ", padding) + container.ID + "\n"
output += utils.WithPadding("Name: ", padding) + container.Name + "\n"
output += utils.WithPadding("Image: ", padding) + container.Details.Config.Image + "\n"
output += utils.WithPadding("Command: ", padding) + strings.Join(append([]string{container.Details.Path}, container.Details.Args...), " ") + "\n"
output += utils.WithPadding("Labels: ", padding) + utils.FormatMap(padding, container.Details.Config.Labels)
output += "\n"
output += utils.WithPadding("Mounts: ", padding)
if len(container.Details.Mounts) > 0 {
output += "\n"
for _, mount := range container.Details.Mounts {
if mount.Type == "volume" {
output += fmt.Sprintf("%s%s %s\n", strings.Repeat(" ", padding), utils.ColoredString(string(mount.Type)+":", color.FgYellow), mount.Name)
} else {
output += fmt.Sprintf("%s%s %s:%s\n", strings.Repeat(" ", padding), utils.ColoredString(string(mount.Type)+":", color.FgYellow), mount.Source, mount.Destination)
} else {
output += "none\n"
output += utils.WithPadding("Ports: ", padding)
if len(container.Details.NetworkSettings.Ports) > 0 {
output += "\n"
for k, v := range container.Details.NetworkSettings.Ports {
for _, host := range v {
output += fmt.Sprintf("%s%s %s\n", strings.Repeat(" ", padding), utils.ColoredString(host.HostPort+":", color.FgYellow), k)
} else {
output += "none\n"
data, err := utils.MarshalIntoYaml(&container.Details)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("Error marshalling container details: %v", err)
output += fmt.Sprintf("\nFull details:\n\n%s", utils.ColoredYamlString(string(data)))
return output
func (gui *Gui) renderContainerStats(container *commands.Container) tasks.TaskFunc {
return gui.NewTickerTask(TickerTaskOpts{
Func: func(ctx context.Context, notifyStopped chan struct{}) {
contents, err := presentation.RenderStats(gui.Config.UserConfig, container, gui.Views.Main.Width())
if err != nil {
_ = gui.createErrorPanel(err.Error())
Duration: time.Second,
Before: func(ctx context.Context) { gui.clearMainView() },
Wrap: false, // wrapping looks bad here so we're overriding the config value
Autoscroll: false,
func (gui *Gui) renderContainerTop(container *commands.Container) tasks.TaskFunc {
return gui.NewTickerTask(TickerTaskOpts{
Func: func(ctx context.Context, notifyStopped chan struct{}) {
contents, err := container.RenderTop(ctx)
if err != nil {
Duration: time.Second,
Before: func(ctx context.Context) { gui.clearMainView() },
Wrap: gui.Config.UserConfig.Gui.WrapMainPanel,
Autoscroll: false,
func (gui *Gui) refreshContainersAndServices() error {
if gui.Views.Containers == nil {
// if the containersView hasn't been instantiated yet we just return
return nil
// keep track of current service selected so that we can reposition our cursor if it moves position in the list
originalSelectedLineIdx := gui.Panels.Services.SelectedIdx
selectedService, isServiceSelected := gui.Panels.Services.List.TryGet(originalSelectedLineIdx)
containers, services, err := gui.DockerCommand.RefreshContainersAndServices(
if err != nil {
return err
// see if our selected service has moved
if isServiceSelected {
for i, service := range gui.Panels.Services.List.GetItems() {
if service.ID == selectedService.ID {
if i == originalSelectedLineIdx {
return gui.renderContainersAndServices()
func (gui *Gui) renderContainersAndServices() error {
if gui.DockerCommand.InDockerComposeProject {
if err := gui.Panels.Services.RerenderList(); err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.Panels.Containers.RerenderList(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleHideStoppedContainers(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
gui.State.ShowExitedContainers = !gui.State.ShowExitedContainers
return gui.Panels.Containers.RerenderList()
func (gui *Gui) handleContainersRemoveMenu(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
container, err := gui.Panels.Containers.GetSelectedItem()
if err != nil {
return nil
handleMenuPress := func(configOptions dockerTypes.ContainerRemoveOptions) error {
return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.RemovingStatus, func() error {
if err := container.Remove(configOptions); err != nil {
if commands.HasErrorCode(err, commands.MustStopContainer) {
return gui.createConfirmationPanel(gui.Tr.Confirm, gui.Tr.MustForceToRemoveContainer, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.RemovingStatus, func() error {
configOptions.Force = true
return container.Remove(configOptions)
}, nil)
return gui.createErrorPanel(err.Error())
return nil
menuItems := []*types.MenuItem{
LabelColumns: []string{gui.Tr.Remove, "docker rm " + container.ID[1:10]},
OnPress: func() error { return handleMenuPress(dockerTypes.ContainerRemoveOptions{}) },
LabelColumns: []string{gui.Tr.RemoveWithVolumes, "docker rm --volumes " + container.ID[1:10]},
OnPress: func() error { return handleMenuPress(dockerTypes.ContainerRemoveOptions{RemoveVolumes: true}) },
return gui.Menu(CreateMenuOptions{
Title: "",
Items: menuItems,
func (gui *Gui) PauseContainer(container *commands.Container) error {
return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.PausingStatus, func() (err error) {
if container.Details.State.Paused {
err = container.Unpause()
} else {
err = container.Pause()
if err != nil {
return gui.createErrorPanel(err.Error())
return gui.refreshContainersAndServices()
func (gui *Gui) handleContainerPause(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
container, err := gui.Panels.Containers.GetSelectedItem()
if err != nil {
return nil
return gui.PauseContainer(container)
func (gui *Gui) handleContainerStop(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
container, err := gui.Panels.Containers.GetSelectedItem()
if err != nil {
return nil
return gui.createConfirmationPanel(gui.Tr.Confirm, gui.Tr.StopContainer, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.StoppingStatus, func() error {
if err := container.Stop(); err != nil {
return gui.createErrorPanel(err.Error())
return nil
}, nil)
func (gui *Gui) handleContainerRestart(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
container, err := gui.Panels.Containers.GetSelectedItem()
if err != nil {
return nil
return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.RestartingStatus, func() error {
if err := container.Restart(); err != nil {
return gui.createErrorPanel(err.Error())
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleContainerAttach(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
container, err := gui.Panels.Containers.GetSelectedItem()
if err != nil {
return nil
c, err := container.Attach()
if err != nil {
return gui.createErrorPanel(err.Error())
return gui.runSubprocessWithMessage(c, gui.Tr.DetachFromContainerShortCut)
func (gui *Gui) handlePruneContainers() error {
return gui.createConfirmationPanel(gui.Tr.Confirm, gui.Tr.ConfirmPruneContainers, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.PruningStatus, func() error {
err := gui.DockerCommand.PruneContainers()
if err != nil {
return gui.createErrorPanel(err.Error())
return nil
}, nil)
func (gui *Gui) handleContainerViewLogs(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
container, err := gui.Panels.Containers.GetSelectedItem()
if err != nil {
return nil
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleContainersExecShell(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
container, err := gui.Panels.Containers.GetSelectedItem()
if err != nil {
return nil
return gui.containerExecShell(container)
func (gui *Gui) containerExecShell(container *commands.Container) error {
commandObject := gui.DockerCommand.NewCommandObject(commands.CommandObject{
Container: container,
// TODO: use SDK
resolvedCommand := utils.ApplyTemplate("docker exec -it {{ .Container.ID }} /bin/sh -c 'eval $(grep ^$(id -un): /etc/passwd | cut -d : -f 7-)'", commandObject)
// attach and return the subprocess error
cmd := gui.OSCommand.ExecutableFromString(resolvedCommand)
return gui.runSubprocess(cmd)
func (gui *Gui) handleContainersCustomCommand(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
container, err := gui.Panels.Containers.GetSelectedItem()
if err != nil {
return nil
commandObject := gui.DockerCommand.NewCommandObject(commands.CommandObject{
Container: container,
customCommands := gui.Config.UserConfig.CustomCommands.Containers
return gui.createCustomCommandMenu(customCommands, commandObject)
func (gui *Gui) handleStopContainers() error {
return gui.createConfirmationPanel(gui.Tr.Confirm, gui.Tr.ConfirmStopContainers, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.StoppingStatus, func() error {
for _, container := range gui.Panels.Containers.List.GetAllItems() {
if err := container.Stop(); err != nil {
return nil
}, nil)
func (gui *Gui) handleRemoveContainers() error {
return gui.createConfirmationPanel(gui.Tr.Confirm, gui.Tr.ConfirmRemoveContainers, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.RemovingStatus, func() error {
for _, container := range gui.Panels.Containers.List.GetAllItems() {
if err := container.Remove(dockerTypes.ContainerRemoveOptions{Force: true}); err != nil {
return nil
}, nil)
func (gui *Gui) handleContainersBulkCommand(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
baseBulkCommands := []config.CustomCommand{
Name: gui.Tr.StopAllContainers,
InternalFunction: gui.handleStopContainers,
Name: gui.Tr.RemoveAllContainers,
InternalFunction: gui.handleRemoveContainers,
Name: gui.Tr.PruneContainers,
InternalFunction: gui.handlePruneContainers,
bulkCommands := append(baseBulkCommands, gui.Config.UserConfig.BulkCommands.Containers...)
commandObject := gui.DockerCommand.NewCommandObject(commands.CommandObject{})
return gui.createBulkCommandMenu(bulkCommands, commandObject)
// Open first port in browser
func (gui *Gui) handleContainersOpenInBrowserCommand(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
container, err := gui.Panels.Containers.GetSelectedItem()
if err != nil {
return nil
return gui.openContainerInBrowser(container)
func (gui *Gui) openContainerInBrowser(container *commands.Container) error {
// skip if no any ports
if len(container.Container.Ports) == 0 {
return nil
// skip if the first port is not published
port := container.Container.Ports[0]
if port.IP == "" {
return nil
ip := port.IP
if ip == "" {
ip = "localhost"
link := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/", ip, port.PublicPort)
return gui.OSCommand.OpenLink(link)