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package lo
// ToPtr returns a pointer copy of value.
func ToPtr[T any](x T) *T {
return &x
// FromPtr returns the pointer value or empty.
func FromPtr[T any](x *T) T {
if x == nil {
return Empty[T]()
return *x
// FromPtrOr returns the pointer value or the fallback value.
func FromPtrOr[T any](x *T, fallback T) T {
if x == nil {
return fallback
return *x
// ToSlicePtr returns a slice of pointer copy of value.
func ToSlicePtr[T any](collection []T) []*T {
return Map(collection, func(x T, _ int) *T {
return &x
// ToAnySlice returns a slice with all elements mapped to `any` type
func ToAnySlice[T any](collection []T) []any {
result := make([]any, len(collection))
for i, item := range collection {
result[i] = item
return result
// FromAnySlice returns an `any` slice with all elements mapped to a type.
// Returns false in case of type conversion failure.
func FromAnySlice[T any](in []any) (out []T, ok bool) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
out = []T{}
ok = false
result := make([]T, len(in))
for i, item := range in {
result[i] = item.(T)
return result, true
// Empty returns an empty value.
func Empty[T any]() T {
var zero T
return zero
// IsEmpty returns true if argument is a zero value.
func IsEmpty[T comparable](v T) bool {
var zero T
return zero == v
// IsNotEmpty returns true if argument is not a zero value.
func IsNotEmpty[T comparable](v T) bool {
var zero T
return zero != v
// Coalesce returns the first non-empty arguments. Arguments must be comparable.
func Coalesce[T comparable](v ...T) (result T, ok bool) {
for _, e := range v {
if e != result {
result = e
ok = true