You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

465 lines
14 KiB

package gui
import (
// "io"
// "io/ioutil"
// "strings"
throttle ""
// OverlappingEdges determines if panel edges overlap
var OverlappingEdges = false
// SentinelErrors are the errors that have special meaning and need to be checked
// by calling functions. The less of these, the better
type SentinelErrors struct {
ErrSubProcess error
ErrNoContainers error
ErrNoImages error
ErrNoVolumes error
// GenerateSentinelErrors makes the sentinel errors for the gui. We're defining it here
// because we can't do package-scoped errors with localization, and also because
// it seems like package-scoped variables are bad in general
// In the future it would be good to implement some of the recommendations of
// that article. For now, if we don't need an error to be a sentinel, we will just
// define it inline. This has implications for error messages that pop up everywhere
// in that we'll be duplicating the default values. We may need to look at
// having a default localisation bundle defined, and just using keys-only when
// localising things in the code.
func (gui *Gui) GenerateSentinelErrors() {
gui.Errors = SentinelErrors{
ErrSubProcess: errors.New(gui.Tr.RunningSubprocess),
ErrNoContainers: errors.New(gui.Tr.NoContainers),
ErrNoImages: errors.New(gui.Tr.NoImages),
ErrNoVolumes: errors.New(gui.Tr.NoVolumes),
// Gui wraps the gocui Gui object which handles rendering and events
type Gui struct {
g *gocui.Gui
Log *logrus.Entry
DockerCommand *commands.DockerCommand
OSCommand *commands.OSCommand
SubProcess *exec.Cmd
State guiState
Config *config.AppConfig
Tr *i18n.TranslationSet
Errors SentinelErrors
statusManager *statusManager
waitForIntro sync.WaitGroup
T *tasks.TaskManager
ErrorChan chan error
CyclableViews []string
Views Views
ViewsSetup bool
type servicePanelState struct {
SelectedLine int
ContextIndex int // for specifying if you are looking at logs/stats/config/etc
type containerPanelState struct {
SelectedLine int
ContextIndex int // for specifying if you are looking at logs/stats/config/etc
type projectState struct {
ContextIndex int // for specifying if you are looking at credits/logs
type menuPanelState struct {
SelectedLine int
OnPress func(*gocui.Gui, *gocui.View) error
type mainPanelState struct {
// ObjectKey tells us what context we are in. For example, if we are looking at the logs of a particular service in the services panel this key might be 'services-<service id>-logs'. The key is made so that if something changes which might require us to re-run the logs command or run a different command, the key will be different, and we'll then know to do whatever is required. Object key probably isn't the best name for this but Context is already used to refer to tabs. Maybe I should just call them tabs.
ObjectKey string
type imagePanelState struct {
SelectedLine int
ContextIndex int // for specifying if you are looking at logs/stats/config/etc
type volumePanelState struct {
SelectedLine int
ContextIndex int
type panelStates struct {
Services *servicePanelState
Containers *containerPanelState
Menu *menuPanelState
Main *mainPanelState
Images *imagePanelState
Volumes *volumePanelState
Project *projectState
type guiState struct {
MenuItemCount int // can't store the actual list because it's of interface{} type
PreviousViews *stack.Stack
Platform commands.Platform
Panels *panelStates
SubProcessOutput string
Stats map[string]commands.ContainerStats
// SessionIndex tells us how many times we've come back from a subprocess.
// We increment it each time we switch to a new subprocess
// Every time we go to a subprocess we need to close a few goroutines so this index is used for that purpose
SessionIndex int
ScreenMode WindowMaximisation
// screen sizing determines how much space your selected window takes up (window
// as in panel, not your terminal's window). Sometimes you want a bit more space
// to see the contents of a panel, and this keeps track of how much maximisation
// you've set
type WindowMaximisation int
const (
SCREEN_NORMAL WindowMaximisation = iota
// NewGui builds a new gui handler
func NewGui(log *logrus.Entry, dockerCommand *commands.DockerCommand, oSCommand *commands.OSCommand, tr *i18n.TranslationSet, config *config.AppConfig, errorChan chan error) (*Gui, error) {
initialState := guiState{
Platform: *oSCommand.Platform,
Panels: &panelStates{
Services: &servicePanelState{SelectedLine: -1, ContextIndex: 0},
Containers: &containerPanelState{SelectedLine: -1, ContextIndex: 0},
Images: &imagePanelState{SelectedLine: -1, ContextIndex: 0},
Volumes: &volumePanelState{SelectedLine: -1, ContextIndex: 0},
Menu: &menuPanelState{SelectedLine: 0},
Main: &mainPanelState{
ObjectKey: "",
Project: &projectState{ContextIndex: 0},
SessionIndex: 0,
PreviousViews: stack.New(),
cyclableViews := []string{"project", "containers", "images", "volumes"}
if dockerCommand.InDockerComposeProject {
cyclableViews = []string{"project", "services", "containers", "images", "volumes"}
gui := &Gui{
Log: log,
DockerCommand: dockerCommand,
OSCommand: oSCommand,
// TODO: look into this warning
State: initialState,
Config: config,
Tr: tr,
statusManager: &statusManager{},
T: tasks.NewTaskManager(log, tr),
ErrorChan: errorChan,
CyclableViews: cyclableViews,
return gui, nil
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
func (gui *Gui) renderGlobalOptions() error {
return gui.renderOptionsMap(map[string]string{
"PgUp/PgDn": gui.Tr.Scroll,
"← → ↑ ↓": gui.Tr.Navigate,
"esc/q": gui.Tr.Close,
"b": gui.Tr.ViewBulkCommands,
"x": gui.Tr.Menu,
func (gui *Gui) goEvery(interval time.Duration, function func() error) {
currentSessionIndex := gui.State.SessionIndex
_ = function() // time.Tick doesn't run immediately so we'll do that here // TODO: maybe change
go func() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for range ticker.C {
if gui.State.SessionIndex > currentSessionIndex {
_ = function()
// Run setup the gui with keybindings and start the mainloop
func (gui *Gui) Run() error {
// closing our task manager which in turn closes the current task if there is any, so we aren't leaving processes lying around after closing lazydocker
defer gui.T.Close()
g, err := gocui.NewGui(gocui.OutputTrue, OverlappingEdges, gocui.NORMAL, false, map[rune]string{})
if err != nil {
return err
defer g.Close()
// forgive the double-negative, this is because of my yaml `omitempty` woes
if !gui.Config.UserConfig.Gui.IgnoreMouseEvents {
g.Mouse = true
gui.g = g // TODO: always use gui.g rather than passing g around everywhere
if err := gui.SetColorScheme(); err != nil {
return err
throttledRefresh := throttle.ThrottleFunc(time.Millisecond*50, true, gui.refresh)
defer throttledRefresh.Stop()
ctx, finish := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer finish()
go gui.listenForEvents(ctx, throttledRefresh.Trigger)
go gui.DockerCommand.MonitorContainerStats(ctx)
go func() {
gui.goEvery(time.Millisecond*30, gui.reRenderMain)
gui.goEvery(time.Millisecond*1000, gui.DockerCommand.UpdateContainerDetails)
gui.goEvery(time.Millisecond*1000, gui.checkForContextChange)
gui.goEvery(time.Millisecond*1000, gui.rerenderContainersAndServices)
go func() {
for err := range gui.ErrorChan {
if err == nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "No such container") {
// this happens all the time when e.g. restarting containers so we won't worry about it
_ = gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, err.Error())
g.SetManager(gocui.ManagerFunc(gui.layout), gocui.ManagerFunc(gui.getFocusLayout()))
if err = gui.keybindings(g); err != nil {
return err
err = g.MainLoop()
return err
func (gui *Gui) rerenderContainersAndServices() error {
// we need to regularly re-render these because their stats will be changed in the background
return nil
func (gui *Gui) refresh() {
go gui.refreshProject()
go func() {
if err := gui.refreshContainersAndServices(); err != nil {
go func() {
if err := gui.refreshVolumes(); err != nil {
go func() {
if err := gui.refreshImages(); err != nil {
func (gui *Gui) listenForEvents(ctx context.Context, refresh func()) {
errorCount := 0
onError := func(err error) {
if err != nil {
gui.ErrorChan <- errors.Errorf("Docker event stream returned error: %s\nRetry count: %d", err.Error(), errorCount)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
for {
messageChan, errChan := gui.DockerCommand.Client.Events(context.Background(), types.EventsOptions{})
if errorCount > 0 {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case err := <-errChan:
continue outer
// If we're here then we lost connection to docker and we just got it back.
// The reason we do this refresh explicitly is because successfully
// reconnecting with docker does not mean it's going to send us a new
// event any time soon.
// Assuming the confirmation prompt currently holds the given error
_ = gui.closeConfirmationPrompt()
errorCount = 0
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case message := <-messageChan:
// We could be more granular about what events should trigger which refreshes.
// At the moment it's pretty efficient though, and it might not be worth
// the maintenance burden of mapping specific events to specific refreshes
gui.Log.Infof("received event of type: %s", message.Type)
case err := <-errChan:
continue outer
// checkForContextChange runs the currently focused panel's 'select' function, simulating the current item having just been selected. This will then trigger a check to see if anything's changed (e.g. a service has a new container) and if so, the appropriate code will run. For example, if you're reading logs from a service and all of a sudden its container changes, this will trigger the 'select' function, which will work out that the context is not different because of the new container, and then it will re-attempt to get the logs, this time for the correct container. This 'context' is stored in the main panel's ObjectKey. I'm using the term 'context' here more broadly than just the different tabs you can view in a panel.
func (gui *Gui) checkForContextChange() error {
return gui.newLineFocused(gui.g.CurrentView())
func (gui *Gui) reRenderMain() error {
mainView := gui.getMainView()
if mainView == nil {
return nil
if mainView.IsTainted() {
gui.g.Update(func(g *gocui.Gui) error {
return nil
return nil
func (gui *Gui) quit(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
if gui.Config.UserConfig.ConfirmOnQuit {
return gui.createConfirmationPanel(g, v, "", gui.Tr.ConfirmQuit, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gocui.ErrQuit
}, nil)
return gocui.ErrQuit
func (gui *Gui) handleDonate(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
if !gui.g.Mouse {
return nil
cx, _ := v.Cursor()
if cx > len(gui.Tr.Donate) {
return nil
return gui.OSCommand.OpenLink("")
func (gui *Gui) editFile(filename string) error {
_, err := gui.runSyncOrAsyncCommand(gui.OSCommand.EditFile(filename))
return err
func (gui *Gui) openFile(filename string) error {
if err := gui.OSCommand.OpenFile(filename); err != nil {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, err.Error())
return nil
// runSyncOrAsyncCommand takes the output of a command that may have returned
// either no error, an error, or a subprocess to execute, and if a subprocess
// needs to be set on the gui object, it does so, and then returns the error
// the bool returned tells us whether the calling code should continue
func (gui *Gui) runSyncOrAsyncCommand(sub *exec.Cmd, err error) (bool, error) {
if err != nil {
if err != gui.Errors.ErrSubProcess {
return false, gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, err.Error())
if sub != nil {
gui.SubProcess = sub
return false, gui.Errors.ErrSubProcess
return true, nil
func (gui *Gui) handleCustomCommand(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.createPromptPanel(g, v, gui.Tr.CustomCommandTitle, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
command := gui.trimmedContent(v)
gui.SubProcess = gui.OSCommand.RunCustomCommand(command)
return gui.Errors.ErrSubProcess
func (gui *Gui) shouldRefresh(key string) bool {
if gui.State.Panels.Main.ObjectKey == key {
return false
gui.State.Panels.Main.ObjectKey = key
return true
func (gui *Gui) initiallyFocusedViewName() string {
if gui.DockerCommand.InDockerComposeProject {
return "services"
return "containers"