You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

181 lines
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package gui
import (
// Although at the moment we'll only have one project, in future we could have
// a list of projects in the project panel.
func (gui *Gui) getProjectPanel() *panels.SideListPanel[*commands.Project] {
return &panels.SideListPanel[*commands.Project]{
ContextState: &panels.ContextState[*commands.Project]{
GetMainTabs: func() []panels.MainTab[*commands.Project] {
if gui.DockerCommand.InDockerComposeProject {
return []panels.MainTab[*commands.Project]{
Key: "logs",
Title: gui.Tr.LogsTitle,
Render: gui.renderAllLogs,
Key: "config",
Title: gui.Tr.DockerComposeConfigTitle,
Render: gui.renderDockerComposeConfig,
Key: "credits",
Title: gui.Tr.CreditsTitle,
Render: gui.renderCredits,
return []panels.MainTab[*commands.Project]{
Key: "credits",
Title: gui.Tr.CreditsTitle,
Render: gui.renderCredits,
GetItemContextCacheKey: func(project *commands.Project) string {
return "projects-" + project.Name
ListPanel: panels.ListPanel[*commands.Project]{
List: panels.NewFilteredList[*commands.Project](),
View: gui.Views.Project,
NoItemsMessage: "",
Gui: gui.intoInterface(),
Sort: func(a *commands.Project, b *commands.Project) bool {
return false
GetTableCells: presentation.GetProjectDisplayStrings,
// It doesn't make sense to filter a list of only one item.
DisableFilter: true,
func (gui *Gui) refreshProject() error {
gui.Panels.Projects.SetItems([]*commands.Project{{Name: gui.getProjectName()}})
return gui.Panels.Projects.RerenderList()
func (gui *Gui) getProjectName() string {
projectName := path.Base(gui.Config.ProjectDir)
if gui.DockerCommand.InDockerComposeProject {
for _, service := range gui.Panels.Services.List.GetAllItems() {
container := service.Container
if container != nil && container.DetailsLoaded() {
return container.Details.Config.Labels["com.docker.compose.project"]
return projectName
func (gui *Gui) renderCredits(_project *commands.Project) tasks.TaskFunc {
return gui.NewSimpleRenderStringTask(func() string { return gui.creditsStr() })
func (gui *Gui) creditsStr() string {
var configBuf bytes.Buffer
_ = yaml.NewEncoder(&configBuf, yaml.IncludeOmitted).Encode(gui.Config.UserConfig)
return strings.Join(
"Copyright (c) 2019 Jesse Duffield",
"Config Options:",
"Raise an Issue:",
utils.ColoredString("Buy Jesse a coffee:", color.FgMagenta), // caffeine ain't free
"Here's your lazydocker config when merged in with the defaults (you can open your config by pressing 'o'):",
}, "\n\n")
func (gui *Gui) renderAllLogs(_project *commands.Project) tasks.TaskFunc {
return gui.NewTask(TaskOpts{
Autoscroll: true,
Wrap: gui.Config.UserConfig.Gui.WrapMainPanel,
Func: func(ctx context.Context) {
cmd := gui.OSCommand.RunCustomCommand(
cmd.Stdout = gui.Views.Main
cmd.Stderr = gui.Views.Main
_ = cmd.Start()
go func() {
if err := gui.OSCommand.Kill(cmd); err != nil {
_ = cmd.Wait()
func (gui *Gui) renderDockerComposeConfig(_project *commands.Project) tasks.TaskFunc {
return gui.NewSimpleRenderStringTask(func() string { return gui.DockerCommand.DockerComposeConfig() })
func (gui *Gui) handleOpenConfig(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.openFile(gui.Config.ConfigFilename())
func (gui *Gui) handleEditConfig(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.editFile(gui.Config.ConfigFilename())
func lazydockerTitle() string {
return `
_ _ _
| | | | | |
| | __ _ _____ _ __| | ___ ___| | _____ _ __
| |/ _` + "`" + ` |_ / | | |/ _` + "`" + ` |/ _ \ / __| |/ / _ \ '__|
| | (_| |/ /| |_| | (_| | (_) | (__| < __/ |
|_|\__,_/___|\__, |\__,_|\___/ \___|_|\_\___|_|
__/ |
// handleViewAllLogs switches to a subprocess viewing all the logs from docker-compose
func (gui *Gui) handleViewAllLogs(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
c, err := gui.DockerCommand.ViewAllLogs()
if err != nil {
return gui.createErrorPanel(err.Error())
return gui.runSubprocess(c)