You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

309 lines
8.4 KiB

package gui
import (
// getFocusLayout returns a manager function for when view gain and lose focus
func (gui *Gui) getFocusLayout() func(g *gocui.Gui) error {
var previousView *gocui.View
return func(g *gocui.Gui) error {
newView := gui.g.CurrentView()
if err := gui.onFocusChange(); err != nil {
return err
// for now we don't consider losing focus to a popup panel as actually losing focus
if newView != previousView && !gui.isPopupPanel(newView.Name()) {
gui.onFocusLost(previousView, newView)
previousView = newView
return nil
func (gui *Gui) onFocusChange() error {
currentView := gui.g.CurrentView()
for _, view := range gui.g.Views() {
view.Highlight = view == currentView && view.Name() != "main"
return nil
func (gui *Gui) onFocusLost(v *gocui.View, newView *gocui.View) {
if v == nil {
if !gui.isPopupPanel(newView.Name()) {
v.ParentView = nil
// refocusing because in responsive mode (when the window is very short) we want to ensure that after the view size changes we can still see the last selected item
gui.Log.Info(v.Name() + " focus lost")
func (gui *Gui) onFocus(v *gocui.View) {
if v == nil {
gui.Log.Info(v.Name() + " focus gained")
// layout is called for every screen re-render e.g. when the screen is resized
func (gui *Gui) layout(g *gocui.Gui) error {
g.Highlight = true
width, height := g.Size()
information := "lazydocker " + gui.Config.Version
if gui.g.Mouse {
donate := color.New(color.FgMagenta, color.Underline).Sprint(gui.Tr.Donate)
information = donate + " " + information
minimumHeight := 9
minimumWidth := 10
if height < minimumHeight || width < minimumWidth {
v, err := g.SetView("limit", 0, 0, width-1, height-1, 0)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
v.Title = gui.Tr.NotEnoughSpace
v.Wrap = true
_, _ = g.SetViewOnTop("limit")
return nil
currView := gui.g.CurrentView()
currentCyclebleView := gui.peekPreviousView()
if currView != nil {
viewName := currView.Name()
usePreviouseView := true
for _, view := range gui.CyclableViews {
if view == viewName {
currentCyclebleView = viewName
usePreviouseView = false
if usePreviouseView {
currentCyclebleView = gui.peekPreviousView()
usableSpace := height - 4
tallPanels := 3
var vHeights map[string]int
if gui.DockerCommand.InDockerComposeProject {
vHeights = map[string]int{
"project": 3,
"services": usableSpace/tallPanels + usableSpace%tallPanels,
"containers": usableSpace / tallPanels,
"images": usableSpace / tallPanels,
"volumes": usableSpace / tallPanels,
"options": 1,
} else {
vHeights = map[string]int{
"project": 3,
"containers": usableSpace/tallPanels + usableSpace%tallPanels,
"images": usableSpace / tallPanels,
"volumes": usableSpace / tallPanels,
"options": 1,
if height < 28 {
defaultHeight := 3
if height < 21 {
defaultHeight = 1
vHeights = map[string]int{
"project": defaultHeight,
"containers": defaultHeight,
"images": defaultHeight,
"volumes": defaultHeight,
"options": defaultHeight,
if gui.DockerCommand.InDockerComposeProject {
vHeights["services"] = defaultHeight
vHeights[currentCyclebleView] = height - defaultHeight*tallPanels - 1
optionsVersionBoundary := width - max(len(utils.Decolorise(information)), 1)
leftSideWidth := width / 3
appStatus := gui.statusManager.getStatusString()
appStatusOptionsBoundary := 0
if appStatus != "" {
appStatusOptionsBoundary = len(appStatus) + 2
_, _ = g.SetViewOnBottom("limit")
v, err := g.SetView("main", leftSideWidth+1, 0, width-1, height-2, gocui.LEFT)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
v.Wrap = gui.Config.UserConfig.Gui.WrapMainPanel
v.FgColor = gocui.ColorDefault
// when you run a docker container with the -it flags (interactive mode) it adds carriage returns for some reason. This is not docker's fault, it's an os-level default.
v.IgnoreCarriageReturns = true
if v, err := g.SetView("project", 0, 0, leftSideWidth, vHeights["project"]-1, gocui.BOTTOM|gocui.RIGHT); err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
v.Title = gui.Tr.ProjectTitle
v.FgColor = gocui.ColorDefault
var servicesView *gocui.View
aboveContainersView := "project"
if gui.DockerCommand.InDockerComposeProject {
aboveContainersView = "services"
servicesView, err = g.SetViewBeneath("services", "project", vHeights["services"])
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
servicesView.Highlight = true
servicesView.Title = gui.Tr.ServicesTitle
servicesView.FgColor = gocui.ColorDefault
containersView, err := g.SetViewBeneath("containers", aboveContainersView, vHeights["containers"])
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
containersView.Highlight = true
if gui.Config.UserConfig.Gui.ShowAllContainers || !gui.DockerCommand.InDockerComposeProject {
containersView.Title = gui.Tr.ContainersTitle
} else {
containersView.Title = gui.Tr.StandaloneContainersTitle
containersView.FgColor = gocui.ColorDefault
imagesView, err := g.SetViewBeneath("images", "containers", vHeights["images"])
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
imagesView.Highlight = true
imagesView.Title = gui.Tr.ImagesTitle
imagesView.FgColor = gocui.ColorDefault
volumesView, err := g.SetViewBeneath("volumes", "images", vHeights["volumes"])
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
volumesView.Highlight = true
volumesView.Title = gui.Tr.VolumesTitle
volumesView.FgColor = gocui.ColorDefault
if v, err := g.SetView("options", appStatusOptionsBoundary-1, height-2, optionsVersionBoundary-1, height, 0); err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
v.Frame = false
if v.FgColor, err = gui.GetOptionsPanelTextColor(); err != nil {
return err
if appStatusView, err := g.SetView("appStatus", -1, height-2, width, height, 0); err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
appStatusView.BgColor = gocui.ColorDefault
appStatusView.FgColor = gocui.ColorCyan
appStatusView.Frame = false
if _, err := g.SetViewOnBottom("appStatus"); err != nil {
return err
if v, err := g.SetView("information", optionsVersionBoundary-1, height-2, width, height, 0); err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
v.BgColor = gocui.ColorDefault
v.FgColor = gocui.ColorGreen
v.Frame = false
if err := gui.renderString(g, "information", information); err != nil {
return err
// doing this here because it'll only happen once
if err := gui.loadNewDirectory(); err != nil {
return err
if gui.g.CurrentView() == nil {
v, err := gui.g.View(gui.peekPreviousView())
if err != nil {
viewName := gui.initiallyFocusedViewName()
v, err = gui.g.View(viewName)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.switchFocus(gui.g, nil, v, false); err != nil {
return err
// here is a good place log some stuff
// if you download humanlog and do tail -f development.log | humanlog
// this will let you see these branches as prettified json
// gui.Log.Info(utils.AsJson(gui.State.Branches[0:4]))
return gui.resizeCurrentPopupPanel(g)
type listViewState struct {
selectedLine int
lineCount int
func (gui *Gui) focusPointInView(view *gocui.View) {
if view == nil {
listViews := map[string]listViewState{
"containers": {selectedLine: gui.State.Panels.Containers.SelectedLine, lineCount: len(gui.DockerCommand.DisplayContainers)},
"images": {selectedLine: gui.State.Panels.Images.SelectedLine, lineCount: len(gui.DockerCommand.Images)},
"volumes": {selectedLine: gui.State.Panels.Volumes.SelectedLine, lineCount: len(gui.DockerCommand.Volumes)},
"services": {selectedLine: gui.State.Panels.Services.SelectedLine, lineCount: len(gui.DockerCommand.Services)},
"menu": {selectedLine: gui.State.Panels.Menu.SelectedLine, lineCount: gui.State.MenuItemCount},
if state, ok := listViews[view.Name()]; ok {
gui.focusPoint(0, state.selectedLine, state.lineCount, view)