You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

279 lines
7.3 KiB

package yaml
import (
// DecodeOption functional option type for Decoder
type DecodeOption func(d *Decoder) error
// ReferenceReaders pass to Decoder that reference to anchor defined by passed readers
func ReferenceReaders(readers DecodeOption {
return func(d *Decoder) error {
d.referenceReaders = append(d.referenceReaders, readers...)
return nil
// ReferenceFiles pass to Decoder that reference to anchor defined by passed files
func ReferenceFiles(files ...string) DecodeOption {
return func(d *Decoder) error {
d.referenceFiles = files
return nil
// ReferenceDirs pass to Decoder that reference to anchor defined by files under the passed dirs
func ReferenceDirs(dirs ...string) DecodeOption {
return func(d *Decoder) error {
d.referenceDirs = dirs
return nil
// RecursiveDir search yaml file recursively from passed dirs by ReferenceDirs option
func RecursiveDir(isRecursive bool) DecodeOption {
return func(d *Decoder) error {
d.isRecursiveDir = isRecursive
return nil
// Validator set StructValidator instance to Decoder
func Validator(v StructValidator) DecodeOption {
return func(d *Decoder) error {
d.validator = v
return nil
// Strict enable DisallowUnknownField and DisallowDuplicateKey
func Strict() DecodeOption {
return func(d *Decoder) error {
d.disallowUnknownField = true
d.disallowDuplicateKey = true
return nil
// DisallowUnknownField causes the Decoder to return an error when the destination
// is a struct and the input contains object keys which do not match any
// non-ignored, exported fields in the destination.
func DisallowUnknownField() DecodeOption {
return func(d *Decoder) error {
d.disallowUnknownField = true
return nil
// DisallowDuplicateKey causes an error when mapping keys that are duplicates
func DisallowDuplicateKey() DecodeOption {
return func(d *Decoder) error {
d.disallowDuplicateKey = true
return nil
// UseOrderedMap can be interpreted as a map,
// and uses MapSlice ( ordered map ) aggressively if there is no type specification
func UseOrderedMap() DecodeOption {
return func(d *Decoder) error {
d.useOrderedMap = true
return nil
// UseJSONUnmarshaler if neither `BytesUnmarshaler` nor `InterfaceUnmarshaler` is implemented
// and `UnmashalJSON([]byte)error` is implemented, convert the argument from `YAML` to `JSON` and then call it.
func UseJSONUnmarshaler() DecodeOption {
return func(d *Decoder) error {
d.useJSONUnmarshaler = true
return nil
// CustomUnmarshaler overrides any decoding process for the type specified in generics.
// NOTE: If RegisterCustomUnmarshaler and CustomUnmarshaler of DecodeOption are specified for the same type,
// the CustomUnmarshaler specified in DecodeOption takes precedence.
func CustomUnmarshaler[T any](unmarshaler func(*T, []byte) error) DecodeOption {
return func(d *Decoder) error {
var typ *T
d.customUnmarshalerMap[reflect.TypeOf(typ)] = func(v interface{}, b []byte) error {
return unmarshaler(v.(*T), b)
return nil
// EncodeOption functional option type for Encoder
type EncodeOption func(e *Encoder) error
// Indent change indent number
func Indent(spaces int) EncodeOption {
return func(e *Encoder) error {
e.indent = spaces
return nil
// IndentSequence causes sequence values to be indented the same value as Indent
func IndentSequence(indent bool) EncodeOption {
return func(e *Encoder) error {
e.indentSequence = indent
return nil
// UseSingleQuote determines if single or double quotes should be preferred for strings.
func UseSingleQuote(sq bool) EncodeOption {
return func(e *Encoder) error {
e.singleQuote = sq
return nil
// Flow encoding by flow style
func Flow(isFlowStyle bool) EncodeOption {
return func(e *Encoder) error {
e.isFlowStyle = isFlowStyle
return nil
// UseLiteralStyleIfMultiline causes encoding multiline strings with a literal syntax,
// no matter what characters they include
func UseLiteralStyleIfMultiline(useLiteralStyleIfMultiline bool) EncodeOption {
return func(e *Encoder) error {
e.useLiteralStyleIfMultiline = useLiteralStyleIfMultiline
return nil
// JSON encode in JSON format
func JSON() EncodeOption {
return func(e *Encoder) error {
e.isJSONStyle = true
e.isFlowStyle = true
return nil
// MarshalAnchor call back if encoder find an anchor during encoding
func MarshalAnchor(callback func(*ast.AnchorNode, interface{}) error) EncodeOption {
return func(e *Encoder) error {
e.anchorCallback = callback
return nil
// UseJSONMarshaler if neither `BytesMarshaler` nor `InterfaceMarshaler`
// nor `encoding.TextMarshaler` is implemented and `MarshalJSON()([]byte, error)` is implemented,
// call `MarshalJSON` to convert the returned `JSON` to `YAML` for processing.
func UseJSONMarshaler() EncodeOption {
return func(e *Encoder) error {
e.useJSONMarshaler = true
return nil
// CustomMarshaler overrides any encoding process for the type specified in generics.
// NOTE: If type T implements MarshalYAML for pointer receiver, the type specified in CustomMarshaler must be *T.
// If RegisterCustomMarshaler and CustomMarshaler of EncodeOption are specified for the same type,
// the CustomMarshaler specified in EncodeOption takes precedence.
func CustomMarshaler[T any](marshaler func(T) ([]byte, error)) EncodeOption {
return func(e *Encoder) error {
var typ T
e.customMarshalerMap[reflect.TypeOf(typ)] = func(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return marshaler(v.(T))
return nil
// CommentPosition type of the position for comment.
type CommentPosition int
const (
CommentHeadPosition CommentPosition = CommentPosition(iota)
func (p CommentPosition) String() string {
switch p {
case CommentHeadPosition:
return "Head"
case CommentLinePosition:
return "Line"
case CommentFootPosition:
return "Foot"
return ""
// LineComment create a one-line comment for CommentMap.
func LineComment(text string) *Comment {
return &Comment{
Texts: []string{text},
Position: CommentLinePosition,
// HeadComment create a multiline comment for CommentMap.
func HeadComment(texts ...string) *Comment {
return &Comment{
Texts: texts,
Position: CommentHeadPosition,
// FootComment create a multiline comment for CommentMap.
func FootComment(texts ...string) *Comment {
return &Comment{
Texts: texts,
Position: CommentFootPosition,
// Comment raw data for comment.
type Comment struct {
Texts []string
Position CommentPosition
// CommentMap map of the position of the comment and the comment information.
type CommentMap map[string][]*Comment
// WithComment add a comment using the location and text information given in the CommentMap.
func WithComment(cm CommentMap) EncodeOption {
return func(e *Encoder) error {
commentMap := map[*Path][]*Comment{}
for k, v := range cm {
path, err := PathString(k)
if err != nil {
return err
commentMap[path] = v
e.commentMap = commentMap
return nil
// CommentToMap apply the position and content of comments in a YAML document to a CommentMap.
func CommentToMap(cm CommentMap) DecodeOption {
return func(d *Decoder) error {
if cm == nil {
return ErrInvalidCommentMapValue
d.toCommentMap = cm
return nil