You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

268 lines
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package i18n
// TranslationSet is a set of localised strings for a given language
type TranslationSet struct {
NotEnoughSpace string
ProjectTitle string
MainTitle string
GlobalTitle string
Navigate string
Menu string
MenuTitle string
Execute string
Scroll string
Close string
Quit string
ErrorTitle string
NoViewMachingNewLineFocusedSwitchStatement string
OpenConfig string
EditConfig string
ConfirmQuit string
ConfirmUpProject string
ErrorOccurred string
ConnectionFailed string
UnattachableContainerError string
WaitingForContainerInfo string
CannotAttachStoppedContainerError string
CannotAccessDockerSocketError string
CannotKillChildError string
Donate string
Cancel string
CustomCommandTitle string
BulkCommandTitle string
Remove string
HideStopped string
ForceRemove string
RemoveWithVolumes string
MustForceToRemoveContainer string
Confirm string
Return string
FocusMain string
LcFilter string
StopContainer string
RestartingStatus string
StartingStatus string
StoppingStatus string
UppingProjectStatus string
UppingServiceStatus string
PausingStatus string
RemovingStatus string
DowningStatus string
RunningCustomCommandStatus string
RunningBulkCommandStatus string
RemoveService string
UpService string
Stop string
Pause string
Restart string
Down string
DownWithVolumes string
Start string
Rebuild string
Recreate string
PreviousContext string
NextContext string
Attach string
ViewLogs string
UpProject string
DownProject string
ServicesTitle string
ContainersTitle string
StandaloneContainersTitle string
TopTitle string
ImagesTitle string
VolumesTitle string
NetworksTitle string
NoContainers string
NoContainer string
NoImages string
NoVolumes string
NoNetworks string
NoServices string
RemoveImage string
RemoveVolume string
RemoveNetwork string
RemoveWithoutPrune string
RemoveWithoutPruneWithForce string
RemoveWithForce string
PruneImages string
PruneContainers string
PruneVolumes string
PruneNetworks string
ConfirmPruneContainers string
ConfirmStopContainers string
ConfirmRemoveContainers string
ConfirmPruneImages string
ConfirmPruneVolumes string
ConfirmPruneNetworks string
PruningStatus string
StopService string
PressEnterToReturn string
DetachFromContainerShortCut string
StopAllContainers string
RemoveAllContainers string
ViewRestartOptions string
ExecShell string
RunCustomCommand string
ViewBulkCommands string
FilterList string
OpenInBrowser string
SortContainersByState string
LogsTitle string
ConfigTitle string
EnvTitle string
DockerComposeConfigTitle string
StatsTitle string
CreditsTitle string
ContainerConfigTitle string
ContainerEnvTitle string
NothingToDisplay string
NoContainerForService string
CannotDisplayEnvVariables string
No string
Yes string
LcNextScreenMode string
LcPrevScreenMode string
FilterPrompt string
func englishSet() TranslationSet {
return TranslationSet{
PruningStatus: "pruning",
RemovingStatus: "removing",
RestartingStatus: "restarting",
StartingStatus: "starting",
StoppingStatus: "stopping",
UppingServiceStatus: "upping service",
UppingProjectStatus: "upping project",
DowningStatus: "downing",
PausingStatus: "pausing",
RunningCustomCommandStatus: "running custom command",
RunningBulkCommandStatus: "running bulk command",
NoViewMachingNewLineFocusedSwitchStatement: "No view matching newLineFocused switch statement",
ErrorOccurred: "An error occurred! Please create an issue at",
ConnectionFailed: "connection to docker client failed. You may need to restart the docker client",
UnattachableContainerError: "Container does not support attaching. You must either run the service with the '-it' flag or use `stdin_open: true, tty: true` in the docker-compose.yml file",
WaitingForContainerInfo: "Cannot proceed until docker gives us more information about the container. Please retry in a few moments.",
CannotAttachStoppedContainerError: "You cannot attach to a stopped container, you need to start it first (which you can actually do with the 'r' key) (yes I'm too lazy to do this automatically for you) (pretty cool that I get to communicate one-on-one with you in the form of an error message though)",
CannotAccessDockerSocketError: "Can't access docker socket at: unix:///var/run/docker.sock\nRun lazydocker as root or read",
CannotKillChildError: "Waited three seconds for child process to stop. There may be an orphan process that continues to run on your system.",
Donate: "Donate",
Confirm: "Confirm",
Return: "return",
FocusMain: "focus main panel",
LcFilter: "filter list",
Navigate: "navigate",
Execute: "execute",
Close: "close",
Quit: "quit",
Menu: "menu",
MenuTitle: "Menu",
Scroll: "scroll",
OpenConfig: "open lazydocker config",
EditConfig: "edit lazydocker config",
Cancel: "cancel",
Remove: "remove",
HideStopped: "hide/show stopped containers",
ForceRemove: "force remove",
RemoveWithVolumes: "remove with volumes",
RemoveService: "remove containers",
UpService: "up service",
Stop: "stop",
Pause: "pause",
Restart: "restart",
Down: "down project",
DownWithVolumes: "down project with volumes",
Start: "start",
Rebuild: "rebuild",
Recreate: "recreate",
PreviousContext: "previous tab",
NextContext: "next tab",
Attach: "attach",
ViewLogs: "view logs",
UpProject: "up project",
DownProject: "down project",
RemoveImage: "remove image",
RemoveVolume: "remove volume",
RemoveNetwork: "remove network",
RemoveWithoutPrune: "remove without deleting untagged parents",
RemoveWithoutPruneWithForce: "remove (forced) without deleting untagged parents",
RemoveWithForce: "remove (forced)",
PruneContainers: "prune exited containers",
PruneVolumes: "prune unused volumes",
PruneNetworks: "prune unused networks",
PruneImages: "prune unused images",
StopAllContainers: "stop all containers",
RemoveAllContainers: "remove all containers (forced)",
ViewRestartOptions: "view restart options",
ExecShell: "exec shell",
RunCustomCommand: "run predefined custom command",
ViewBulkCommands: "view bulk commands",
FilterList: "filter list",
OpenInBrowser: "open in browser (first port is http)",
SortContainersByState: "sort containers by state",
GlobalTitle: "Global",
MainTitle: "Main",
ProjectTitle: "Project",
ServicesTitle: "Services",
ContainersTitle: "Containers",
StandaloneContainersTitle: "Standalone Containers",
ImagesTitle: "Images",
VolumesTitle: "Volumes",
NetworksTitle: "Networks",
CustomCommandTitle: "Custom Command:",
BulkCommandTitle: "Bulk Command:",
ErrorTitle: "Error",
LogsTitle: "Logs",
ConfigTitle: "Config",
EnvTitle: "Env",
DockerComposeConfigTitle: "Docker-Compose Config",
TopTitle: "Top",
StatsTitle: "Stats",
CreditsTitle: "About",
ContainerConfigTitle: "Container Config",
ContainerEnvTitle: "Container Env",
NothingToDisplay: "Nothing to display",
NoContainerForService: "No logs to show; service is not associated with a container",
CannotDisplayEnvVariables: "Something went wrong while displaying environment variables",
NoContainers: "No containers",
NoContainer: "No container",
NoImages: "No images",
NoVolumes: "No volumes",
NoNetworks: "No networks",
NoServices: "No services",
ConfirmQuit: "Are you sure you want to quit?",
ConfirmUpProject: "Are you sure you want to 'up' your docker compose project?",
MustForceToRemoveContainer: "You cannot remove a running container unless you force it. Do you want to force it?",
NotEnoughSpace: "Not enough space to render panels",
ConfirmPruneImages: "Are you sure you want to prune all unused images?",
ConfirmPruneContainers: "Are you sure you want to prune all stopped containers?",
ConfirmStopContainers: "Are you sure you want to stop all containers?",
ConfirmRemoveContainers: "Are you sure you want to remove all containers?",
ConfirmPruneVolumes: "Are you sure you want to prune all unused volumes?",
ConfirmPruneNetworks: "Are you sure you want to prune all unused networks?",
StopService: "Are you sure you want to stop this service's containers?",
StopContainer: "Are you sure you want to stop this container?",
PressEnterToReturn: "Press enter to return to lazydocker (this prompt can be disabled in your config by setting `gui.returnImmediately: true`)",
DetachFromContainerShortCut: "By default, to detach from the container press ctrl-p then ctrl-q",
No: "no",
Yes: "yes",
LcNextScreenMode: "next screen mode (normal/half/fullscreen)",
LcPrevScreenMode: "prev screen mode",
FilterPrompt: "filter",