You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

222 lines
6.1 KiB

package gui
import (
dockerTypes ""
func (gui *Gui) getImagesPanel() *panels.SideListPanel[*commands.Image] {
noneLabel := "<none>"
return &panels.SideListPanel[*commands.Image]{
ContextState: &panels.ContextState[*commands.Image]{
GetMainTabs: func() []panels.MainTab[*commands.Image] {
return []panels.MainTab[*commands.Image]{
Key: "config",
Title: gui.Tr.ConfigTitle,
Render: gui.renderImageConfigTask,
GetItemContextCacheKey: func(image *commands.Image) string {
return "images-" + image.ID
ListPanel: panels.ListPanel[*commands.Image]{
List: panels.NewFilteredList[*commands.Image](),
View: gui.Views.Images,
NoItemsMessage: gui.Tr.NoImages,
Gui: gui.intoInterface(),
Sort: func(a *commands.Image, b *commands.Image) bool {
if a.Name == noneLabel && b.Name != noneLabel {
return false
if a.Name != noneLabel && b.Name == noneLabel {
return true
if a.Name != b.Name {
return a.Name < b.Name
if a.Tag != b.Tag {
return a.Tag < b.Tag
return a.ID < b.ID
GetTableCells: presentation.GetImageDisplayStrings,
func (gui *Gui) renderImageConfigTask(image *commands.Image) tasks.TaskFunc {
return gui.NewRenderStringTask(RenderStringTaskOpts{
GetStrContent: func() string { return gui.imageConfigStr(image) },
Autoscroll: false,
Wrap: false, // don't care what your config is this page is ugly without wrapping
func (gui *Gui) imageConfigStr(image *commands.Image) string {
padding := 10
output := ""
output += utils.WithPadding("Name: ", padding) + image.Name + "\n"
output += utils.WithPadding("ID: ", padding) + image.Image.ID + "\n"
output += utils.WithPadding("Tags: ", padding) + utils.ColoredString(strings.Join(image.Image.RepoTags, ", "), color.FgGreen) + "\n"
output += utils.WithPadding("Size: ", padding) + utils.FormatDecimalBytes(int(image.Image.Size)) + "\n"
output += utils.WithPadding("Created: ", padding) + fmt.Sprintf("%v", time.Unix(image.Image.Created, 0).Format(time.RFC1123)) + "\n"
history, err := image.RenderHistory()
if err != nil {
output += "\n\n" + history
return output
func (gui *Gui) reloadImages() error {
if err := gui.refreshStateImages(); err != nil {
return err
return gui.Panels.Images.RerenderList()
func (gui *Gui) refreshStateImages() error {
images, err := gui.DockerCommand.RefreshImages()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (gui *Gui) FilterString(view *gocui.View) string {
if gui.State.Filter.panel != nil && gui.State.Filter.panel.GetView() != view {
return ""
return gui.State.Filter.needle
func (gui *Gui) handleImagesRemoveMenu(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
type removeImageOption struct {
description string
command string
configOptions dockerTypes.ImageRemoveOptions
image, err := gui.Panels.Images.GetSelectedItem()
if err != nil {
return nil
shortSha := image.ID[7:17]
// TODO: have a way of toggling in a menu instead of showing each permutation as a separate menu item
options := []*removeImageOption{
description: gui.Tr.Remove,
command: "docker image rm " + shortSha,
configOptions: dockerTypes.ImageRemoveOptions{PruneChildren: true, Force: false},
description: gui.Tr.RemoveWithoutPrune,
command: "docker image rm --no-prune " + shortSha,
configOptions: dockerTypes.ImageRemoveOptions{PruneChildren: false, Force: false},
description: gui.Tr.RemoveWithForce,
command: "docker image rm --force " + shortSha,
configOptions: dockerTypes.ImageRemoveOptions{PruneChildren: true, Force: true},
description: gui.Tr.RemoveWithoutPruneWithForce,
command: "docker image rm --no-prune --force " + shortSha,
configOptions: dockerTypes.ImageRemoveOptions{PruneChildren: false, Force: true},
menuItems := lo.Map(options, func(option *removeImageOption, _ int) *types.MenuItem {
return &types.MenuItem{
LabelColumns: []string{
OnPress: func() error {
if err := image.Remove(option.configOptions); err != nil {
return gui.createErrorPanel(err.Error())
return nil
return gui.Menu(CreateMenuOptions{
Title: "",
Items: menuItems,
func (gui *Gui) handlePruneImages() error {
return gui.createConfirmationPanel(gui.Tr.Confirm, gui.Tr.ConfirmPruneImages, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.PruningStatus, func() error {
err := gui.DockerCommand.PruneImages()
if err != nil {
return gui.createErrorPanel(err.Error())
return gui.reloadImages()
}, nil)
func (gui *Gui) handleImagesCustomCommand(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
image, err := gui.Panels.Images.GetSelectedItem()
if err != nil {
return nil
commandObject := gui.DockerCommand.NewCommandObject(commands.CommandObject{
Image: image,
customCommands := gui.Config.UserConfig.CustomCommands.Images
return gui.createCustomCommandMenu(customCommands, commandObject)
func (gui *Gui) handleImagesBulkCommand(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
baseBulkCommands := []config.CustomCommand{
Name: gui.Tr.PruneImages,
InternalFunction: gui.handlePruneImages,
bulkCommands := append(baseBulkCommands, gui.Config.UserConfig.BulkCommands.Images...)
commandObject := gui.DockerCommand.NewCommandObject(commands.CommandObject{})
return gui.createBulkCommandMenu(bulkCommands, commandObject)