package gui import ( "strconv" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func (gui *Gui) getNetworksPanel() *panels.SideListPanel[*commands.Network] { return &panels.SideListPanel[*commands.Network]{ ContextState: &panels.ContextState[*commands.Network]{ GetMainTabs: func() []panels.MainTab[*commands.Network] { return []panels.MainTab[*commands.Network]{ { Key: "config", Title: gui.Tr.ConfigTitle, Render: gui.renderNetworkConfig, }, } }, GetItemContextCacheKey: func(network *commands.Network) string { return "networks-" + network.Name }, }, ListPanel: panels.ListPanel[*commands.Network]{ List: panels.NewFilteredList[*commands.Network](), View: gui.Views.Networks, }, NoItemsMessage: gui.Tr.NoNetworks, Gui: gui.intoInterface(), // we're sorting these networks based on whether they have labels defined, // because those are the ones you typically care about. // Within that, we also sort them alphabetically Sort: func(a *commands.Network, b *commands.Network) bool { return a.Name < b.Name }, GetTableCells: presentation.GetNetworkDisplayStrings, } } func (gui *Gui) renderNetworkConfig(network *commands.Network) tasks.TaskFunc { return gui.NewSimpleRenderStringTask(func() string { return gui.networkConfigStr(network) }) } func (gui *Gui) networkConfigStr(network *commands.Network) string { padding := 15 output := "" output += utils.WithPadding("ID: ", padding) + network.Network.ID + "\n" output += utils.WithPadding("Name: ", padding) + network.Name + "\n" output += utils.WithPadding("Driver: ", padding) + network.Network.Driver + "\n" output += utils.WithPadding("Scope: ", padding) + network.Network.Scope + "\n" output += utils.WithPadding("EnabledIPV6: ", padding) + strconv.FormatBool(network.Network.EnableIPv6) + "\n" output += utils.WithPadding("Internal: ", padding) + strconv.FormatBool(network.Network.Internal) + "\n" output += utils.WithPadding("Attachable: ", padding) + strconv.FormatBool(network.Network.Attachable) + "\n" output += utils.WithPadding("Ingress: ", padding) + strconv.FormatBool(network.Network.Ingress) + "\n" output += utils.WithPadding("Containers: ", padding) if len(network.Network.Containers) > 0 { output += "\n" for _, v := range network.Network.Containers { output += utils.FormatMapItem(padding, v.Name, v.EndpointID) } } else { output += "none\n" } output += "\n" output += utils.WithPadding("Labels: ", padding) + utils.FormatMap(padding, network.Network.Labels) + "\n" output += utils.WithPadding("Options: ", padding) + utils.FormatMap(padding, network.Network.Options) return output } func (gui *Gui) reloadNetworks() error { if err := gui.refreshStateNetworks(); err != nil { return err } return gui.Panels.Networks.RerenderList() } func (gui *Gui) refreshStateNetworks() error { networks, err := gui.DockerCommand.RefreshNetworks() if err != nil { return err } gui.Panels.Networks.SetItems(networks) return nil } func (gui *Gui) handleNetworksRemoveMenu(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { network, err := gui.Panels.Networks.GetSelectedItem() if err != nil { return nil } type removeNetworkOption struct { description string command string } options := []*removeNetworkOption{ { description: gui.Tr.Remove, command: utils.WithShortSha("docker network rm " + network.Name), }, } menuItems := lo.Map(options, func(option *removeNetworkOption, _ int) *types.MenuItem { return &types.MenuItem{ LabelColumns: []string{option.description, color.New(color.FgRed).Sprint(option.command)}, OnPress: func() error { return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.RemovingStatus, func() error { if err := network.Remove(); err != nil { return gui.createErrorPanel(err.Error()) } return nil }) }, } }) return gui.Menu(CreateMenuOptions{ Title: "", Items: menuItems, }) } func (gui *Gui) handlePruneNetworks() error { return gui.createConfirmationPanel(gui.Tr.Confirm, gui.Tr.ConfirmPruneNetworks, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.PruningStatus, func() error { err := gui.DockerCommand.PruneNetworks() if err != nil { return gui.createErrorPanel(err.Error()) } return nil }) }, nil) } func (gui *Gui) handleNetworksCustomCommand(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { network, err := gui.Panels.Networks.GetSelectedItem() if err != nil { return nil } commandObject := gui.DockerCommand.NewCommandObject(commands.CommandObject{ Network: network, }) customCommands := gui.Config.UserConfig.CustomCommands.Networks return gui.createCustomCommandMenu(customCommands, commandObject) } func (gui *Gui) handleNetworksBulkCommand(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { baseBulkCommands := []config.CustomCommand{ { Name: gui.Tr.PruneNetworks, InternalFunction: gui.handlePruneNetworks, }, } bulkCommands := append(baseBulkCommands, gui.Config.UserConfig.BulkCommands.Networks...) commandObject := gui.DockerCommand.NewCommandObject(commands.CommandObject{}) return gui.createBulkCommandMenu(bulkCommands, commandObject) }