package gui import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // list panel functions func (gui *Gui) getContainerContexts() []string { return []string{"logs", "stats", "env", "config", "top"} } func (gui *Gui) getContainerContextTitles() []string { return []string{gui.Tr.LogsTitle, gui.Tr.StatsTitle, gui.Tr.EnvTitle, gui.Tr.ConfigTitle, gui.Tr.TopTitle} } func (gui *Gui) getSelectedContainer() (*commands.Container, error) { selectedLine := gui.State.Panels.Containers.SelectedLine if selectedLine == -1 { return &commands.Container{}, gui.Errors.ErrNoContainers } return gui.DockerCommand.DisplayContainers[selectedLine], nil } func (gui *Gui) handleContainersClick(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { itemCount := len(gui.DockerCommand.DisplayContainers) handleSelect := gui.handleContainerSelect selectedLine := &gui.State.Panels.Containers.SelectedLine return gui.handleClick(v, itemCount, selectedLine, handleSelect) } func (gui *Gui) handleContainerSelect(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { container, err := gui.getSelectedContainer() if err != nil { if err != gui.Errors.ErrNoContainers { return err } return nil } gui.focusPoint(0, gui.State.Panels.Containers.SelectedLine, len(gui.DockerCommand.DisplayContainers), v) key := "containers-" + container.ID + "-" + gui.getContainerContexts()[gui.State.Panels.Containers.ContextIndex] if !gui.shouldRefresh(key) { return nil } mainView := gui.getMainView() mainView.Tabs = gui.getContainerContextTitles() mainView.TabIndex = gui.State.Panels.Containers.ContextIndex gui.clearMainView() switch gui.getContainerContexts()[gui.State.Panels.Containers.ContextIndex] { case "logs": if err := gui.renderContainerLogs(container); err != nil { return err } case "config": if err := gui.renderContainerConfig(container); err != nil { return err } case "env": if err := gui.renderContainerEnv(container); err != nil { return err } case "stats": if err := gui.renderContainerStats(container); err != nil { return err } case "top": if err := gui.renderContainerTop(container); err != nil { return err } default: return errors.New("Unknown context for containers panel") } return nil } func (gui *Gui) renderContainerEnv(container *commands.Container) error { mainView := gui.getMainView() mainView.Autoscroll = false mainView.Wrap = gui.Config.UserConfig.Gui.WrapMainPanel envVariablesList := [][]string{} renderedTable := gui.Tr.NothingToDisplay if len(container.Details.Config.Env) > 0 { var err error for _, env := range container.Details.Config.Env { splitEnv := strings.SplitN(env, "=", 2) key := splitEnv[0] value := "" if len(splitEnv) > 1 { value = splitEnv[1] } envVariablesList = append(envVariablesList, []string{ utils.ColoredString(key+":", color.FgGreen), utils.ColoredString(value, color.FgYellow), }) } renderedTable, err = utils.RenderTable(envVariablesList) if err != nil { gui.Log.Error(err) renderedTable = gui.Tr.CannotDisplayEnvVariables } } return gui.T.NewTask(func(stop chan struct{}) { _ = gui.renderString(gui.g, "main", renderedTable) }) } func (gui *Gui) renderContainerConfig(container *commands.Container) error { mainView := gui.getMainView() mainView.Autoscroll = false mainView.Wrap = gui.Config.UserConfig.Gui.WrapMainPanel padding := 10 output := "" output += utils.WithPadding("ID: ", padding) + container.ID + "\n" output += utils.WithPadding("Name: ", padding) + container.Name + "\n" output += utils.WithPadding("Command: ", padding) + strings.Join(append([]string{container.Details.Path}, container.Details.Args...), " ") + "\n" output += utils.WithPadding("Labels: ", padding) + utils.FormatMap(padding, container.Details.Config.Labels) output += "\n" output += utils.WithPadding("Mounts: ", padding) if len(container.Details.Mounts) > 0 { output += "\n" for _, mount := range container.Details.Mounts { if mount.Type == "volume" { output += fmt.Sprintf("%s%s %s\n", strings.Repeat(" ", padding), utils.ColoredString(mount.Type+":", color.FgYellow), mount.Name) } else { output += fmt.Sprintf("%s%s %s:%s\n", strings.Repeat(" ", padding), utils.ColoredString(mount.Type+":", color.FgYellow), mount.Source, mount.Destination) } } } else { output += "none\n" } output += utils.WithPadding("Ports: ", padding) if len(container.Details.NetworkSettings.Ports) > 0 { output += "\n" for k, v := range container.Details.NetworkSettings.Ports { for _, host := range v { output += fmt.Sprintf("%s%s %s\n", strings.Repeat(" ", padding), utils.ColoredString(host.HostPort+":", color.FgYellow), k) } } } else { output += "none\n" } data, err := json.MarshalIndent(&container.Details, "", " ") if err != nil { return err } output += fmt.Sprintf("\nFull details:\n\n%s", string(data)) return gui.T.NewTask(func(stop chan struct{}) { _ = gui.renderString(gui.g, "main", output) }) } func (gui *Gui) renderContainerStats(container *commands.Container) error { mainView := gui.getMainView() mainView.Autoscroll = false mainView.Wrap = gui.Config.UserConfig.Gui.WrapMainPanel return gui.T.NewTickerTask(time.Second, func(stop chan struct{}) { gui.clearMainView() }, func(stop, notifyStopped chan struct{}) { width, _ := mainView.Size() contents, err := container.RenderStats(width) if err != nil { _ = gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, err.Error()) } _ = gui.reRenderString(gui.g, "main", contents) }) } func (gui *Gui) renderContainerTop(container *commands.Container) error { mainView := gui.getMainView() mainView.Autoscroll = false mainView.Wrap = gui.Config.UserConfig.Gui.WrapMainPanel return gui.T.NewTickerTask(time.Second, func(stop chan struct{}) { gui.clearMainView() }, func(stop, notifyStopped chan struct{}) { contents, err := container.RenderTop() if err != nil { _ = gui.reRenderString(gui.g, "main", err.Error()) } _ = gui.reRenderString(gui.g, "main", contents) }) } func (gui *Gui) renderContainerLogs(container *commands.Container) error { mainView := gui.getMainView() mainView.Autoscroll = true mainView.Wrap = gui.Config.UserConfig.Gui.WrapMainPanel return gui.T.NewTickerTask(time.Millisecond*200, nil, func(stop, notifyStopped chan struct{}) { gui.renderContainerLogsAux(container, stop, notifyStopped) }) } func (gui *Gui) renderContainerLogsAux(container *commands.Container, stop, notifyStopped chan struct{}) { gui.clearMainView() command := utils.ApplyTemplate( gui.Config.UserConfig.CommandTemplates.ContainerLogs, gui.DockerCommand.NewCommandObject(commands.CommandObject{Container: container}), ) cmd := gui.OSCommand.RunCustomCommand(command) // Ensure the child process is treated as a group, as the child process spawns // its own children. Termination requires sending the signal to the group // process ID. gui.OSCommand.PrepareForChildren(cmd) mainView := gui.getMainView() cmd.Stdout = mainView cmd.Stderr = mainView _ = cmd.Start() go func() { <-stop if err := gui.OSCommand.Kill(cmd); err != nil { gui.Log.Warn(err) } gui.Log.Info("killed container logs process") }() _ = cmd.Wait() // if we are here because the task has been stopped, we should return // if we are here then the container must have exited, meaning we should wait until it's back again before ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 100) defer ticker.Stop() for { select { case <-stop: return case <-ticker.C: result, err := container.Inspect() if err != nil { // if we get an error, then the container has probably been removed so we'll get out of here gui.Log.Error(err) notifyStopped <- struct{}{} return } if result.State.Running { return } } } } func (gui *Gui) refreshContainersAndServices() error { containersView := gui.getContainersView() if containersView == nil { // if the containersView hasn't been instantiated yet we just return return nil } // keep track of current service selected so that we can reposition our cursor if it moves position in the list sl := gui.State.Panels.Services.SelectedLine var selectedService *commands.Service if len(gui.DockerCommand.Services) > 0 { selectedService = gui.DockerCommand.Services[sl] } if err := gui.DockerCommand.RefreshContainersAndServices(); err != nil { return err } // see if our selected service has moved if selectedService != nil { for i, service := range gui.DockerCommand.Services { if service.ID == selectedService.ID { if i == sl { break } gui.State.Panels.Services.SelectedLine = i gui.focusPoint(0, i, len(gui.DockerCommand.Services), gui.getServicesView()) } } } if len(gui.DockerCommand.DisplayContainers) > 0 && gui.State.Panels.Containers.SelectedLine == -1 { gui.State.Panels.Containers.SelectedLine = 0 } if len(gui.DockerCommand.DisplayContainers)-1 < gui.State.Panels.Containers.SelectedLine { gui.State.Panels.Containers.SelectedLine = len(gui.DockerCommand.DisplayContainers) - 1 } // doing the exact same thing for services if len(gui.DockerCommand.Services) > 0 && gui.State.Panels.Services.SelectedLine == -1 { gui.State.Panels.Services.SelectedLine = 0 } if len(gui.DockerCommand.Services)-1 < gui.State.Panels.Services.SelectedLine { gui.State.Panels.Services.SelectedLine = len(gui.DockerCommand.Services) - 1 } gui.renderContainersAndServices() return nil } func (gui *Gui) renderContainersAndServices() { gui.g.Update(func(g *gocui.Gui) error { containersView := gui.getContainersView() containersView.Clear() isFocused := gui.g.CurrentView().Name() == "containers" list, err := utils.RenderList(gui.DockerCommand.DisplayContainers, utils.IsFocused(isFocused)) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprint(containersView, list) if containersView == g.CurrentView() { if err := gui.handleContainerSelect(g, containersView); err != nil { return err } } // doing the exact same thing for services if !gui.DockerCommand.InDockerComposeProject { return nil } servicesView := gui.getServicesView() servicesView.Clear() isFocused = gui.g.CurrentView().Name() == "services" list, err = utils.RenderList(gui.DockerCommand.Services, utils.IsFocused(isFocused)) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprint(servicesView, list) if servicesView == g.CurrentView() { return gui.handleServiceSelect(g, servicesView) } return nil }) } func (gui *Gui) handleContainersNextLine(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { if gui.popupPanelFocused() || gui.g.CurrentView() != v { return nil } panelState := gui.State.Panels.Containers gui.changeSelectedLine(&panelState.SelectedLine, len(gui.DockerCommand.DisplayContainers), false) return gui.handleContainerSelect(gui.g, v) } func (gui *Gui) handleContainersPrevLine(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { if gui.popupPanelFocused() || gui.g.CurrentView() != v { return nil } panelState := gui.State.Panels.Containers gui.changeSelectedLine(&panelState.SelectedLine, len(gui.DockerCommand.DisplayContainers), true) return gui.handleContainerSelect(gui.g, v) } func (gui *Gui) handleContainersNextContext(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { contexts := gui.getContainerContexts() if gui.State.Panels.Containers.ContextIndex >= len(contexts)-1 { gui.State.Panels.Containers.ContextIndex = 0 } else { gui.State.Panels.Containers.ContextIndex++ } _ = gui.handleContainerSelect(gui.g, v) return nil } func (gui *Gui) handleContainersPrevContext(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { contexts := gui.getContainerContexts() if gui.State.Panels.Containers.ContextIndex <= 0 { gui.State.Panels.Containers.ContextIndex = len(contexts) - 1 } else { gui.State.Panels.Containers.ContextIndex-- } _ = gui.handleContainerSelect(gui.g, v) return nil } type removeContainerOption struct { description string command string configOptions types.ContainerRemoveOptions } // GetDisplayStrings is a function. func (r *removeContainerOption) GetDisplayStrings(isFocused bool) []string { return []string{r.description, color.New(color.FgRed).Sprint(r.command)} } func (gui *Gui) handleHideStoppedContainers(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { gui.DockerCommand.ShowExited = !gui.DockerCommand.ShowExited return nil } func (gui *Gui) handleContainersRemoveMenu(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { container, err := gui.getSelectedContainer() if err != nil { return nil } options := []*removeContainerOption{ { description: gui.Tr.Remove, command: "docker rm " + container.ID[1:10], configOptions: types.ContainerRemoveOptions{}, }, { description: gui.Tr.RemoveWithVolumes, command: "docker rm --volumes " + container.ID[1:10], configOptions: types.ContainerRemoveOptions{RemoveVolumes: true}, }, { description: gui.Tr.Cancel, }, } handleMenuPress := func(index int) error { if options[index].command == "" { return nil } configOptions := options[index].configOptions return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.RemovingStatus, func() error { if err := container.Remove(configOptions); err != nil { if commands.HasErrorCode(err, commands.MustStopContainer) { return gui.createConfirmationPanel(gui.g, v, gui.Tr.Confirm, gui.Tr.MustForceToRemoveContainer, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.RemovingStatus, func() error { configOptions.Force = true if err := container.Remove(configOptions); err != nil { return err } return gui.refreshContainersAndServices() }) }, nil) } return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, err.Error()) } return gui.refreshContainersAndServices() }) } return gui.createMenu("", options, len(options), handleMenuPress) } func (gui *Gui) handleContainerStop(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { container, err := gui.getSelectedContainer() if err != nil { return nil } return gui.createConfirmationPanel(gui.g, v, gui.Tr.Confirm, gui.Tr.StopContainer, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.StoppingStatus, func() error { if err := container.Stop(); err != nil { return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, err.Error()) } return gui.refreshContainersAndServices() }) }, nil) } func (gui *Gui) handleContainerRestart(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { container, err := gui.getSelectedContainer() if err != nil { return nil } return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.RestartingStatus, func() error { if err := container.Restart(); err != nil { return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, err.Error()) } return gui.refreshContainersAndServices() }) } func (gui *Gui) handleContainerAttach(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { container, err := gui.getSelectedContainer() if err != nil { return nil } c, err := container.Attach() if err != nil { return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, err.Error()) } gui.SubProcess = c return gui.Errors.ErrSubProcess } func (gui *Gui) handlePruneContainers() error { return gui.createConfirmationPanel(gui.g, gui.getContainersView(), gui.Tr.Confirm, gui.Tr.ConfirmPruneContainers, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.PruningStatus, func() error { err := gui.DockerCommand.PruneContainers() if err != nil { return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, err.Error()) } return nil }) }, nil) } func (gui *Gui) handleContainerViewLogs(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { container, err := gui.getSelectedContainer() if err != nil { return nil } c, err := container.ViewLogs() if err != nil { return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, err.Error()) } gui.SubProcess = c return gui.Errors.ErrSubProcess } func (gui *Gui) handleContainersExecShell(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { container, err := gui.getSelectedContainer() if err != nil { return nil } commandObject := gui.DockerCommand.NewCommandObject(commands.CommandObject{ Container: container, }) resolvedCommand := utils.ApplyTemplate("docker exec -it {{ .Container.ID }} /bin/sh -c 'eval $(grep ^$(id -un): /etc/passwd | cut -d : -f 7-)'", commandObject) // attach and return the subprocess error cmd := gui.OSCommand.ExecutableFromString(resolvedCommand) gui.SubProcess = cmd return gui.Errors.ErrSubProcess } func (gui *Gui) handleContainersCustomCommand(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { container, err := gui.getSelectedContainer() if err != nil { return nil } commandObject := gui.DockerCommand.NewCommandObject(commands.CommandObject{ Container: container, }) customCommands := gui.Config.UserConfig.CustomCommands.Containers return gui.createCustomCommandMenu(customCommands, commandObject) } func (gui *Gui) handleStopContainers() error { return gui.createConfirmationPanel(gui.g, gui.getContainersView(), gui.Tr.Confirm, gui.Tr.ConfirmStopContainers, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.StoppingStatus, func() error { for _, container := range gui.DockerCommand.Containers { _ = container.Stop() } return nil }) }, nil) } func (gui *Gui) handleRemoveContainers() error { return gui.createConfirmationPanel(gui.g, gui.getContainersView(), gui.Tr.Confirm, gui.Tr.ConfirmRemoveContainers, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.RemovingStatus, func() error { for _, container := range gui.DockerCommand.Containers { _ = container.Remove(types.ContainerRemoveOptions{Force: true}) } return nil }) }, nil) } func (gui *Gui) handleContainersBulkCommand(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { baseBulkCommands := []config.CustomCommand{ { Name: gui.Tr.StopAllContainers, InternalFunction: gui.handleStopContainers, }, { Name: gui.Tr.RemoveAllContainers, InternalFunction: gui.handleRemoveContainers, }, { Name: gui.Tr.PruneContainers, InternalFunction: gui.handlePruneContainers, }, } bulkCommands := append(baseBulkCommands, gui.Config.UserConfig.BulkCommands.Containers...) commandObject := gui.DockerCommand.NewCommandObject(commands.CommandObject{}) return gui.createBulkCommandMenu(bulkCommands, commandObject) } // Open first port in browser func (gui *Gui) handleContainersOpenInBrowserCommand(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { container, err := gui.getSelectedContainer() if err != nil { return nil } return gui.openContainerInBrowser(container) } func (gui *Gui) openContainerInBrowser(container *commands.Container) error { // skip if no any ports if len(container.Container.Ports) == 0 { return nil } // skip if the first port is not published port := container.Container.Ports[0] if port.IP == "" { return nil } ip := port.IP if ip == "" { ip = "localhost" } link := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/", ip, port.PublicPort) return gui.OSCommand.OpenLink(link) }