You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

142 lines
3.3 KiB

// This "script" generates a file called Keybindings_{{.LANG}}.md
// in current working directory.
// The content of this generated file is a keybindings cheatsheet.
// To generate cheatsheet in english run:
2 years ago
// LANG=en go run scripts/cheatsheet/main.go generate
package cheatsheet
import (
const (
generateCheatsheetCmd = "go run scripts/cheatsheet/main.go generate"
type bindingSection struct {
title string
bindings []*gui.Binding
func Generate() {
func generateAtDir(dir string) {
mConfig, err := config.NewAppConfig("lazydocker", "", "", "", "", true, nil, "")
if err != nil {
for lang := range i18n.GetTranslationSets() {
os.Setenv("LC_ALL", lang)
mApp, _ := app.NewApp(mConfig)
file, err := os.Create(dir + "/Keybindings_" + lang + ".md")
if err != nil {
bindingSections := getBindingSections(mApp)
content := formatSections(mApp, bindingSections)
content = fmt.Sprintf(
"_This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the "+
"pkg/i18n directory and then run `%s` from the project root._\n\n%s",
writeString(file, content)
func writeString(file *os.File, str string) {
_, err := file.WriteString(str)
if err != nil {
func formatTitle(title string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("\n## %s\n\n", title)
func formatBinding(binding *gui.Binding) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(" <kbd>%s</kbd>: %s\n", binding.GetKey(), binding.Description)
func getBindingSections(mApp *app.App) []*bindingSection {
bindingSections := []*bindingSection{}
for _, binding := range mApp.Gui.GetInitialKeybindings() {
if binding.Description == "" {
viewName := binding.ViewName
if viewName == "" {
viewName = "global"
titleMap := map[string]string{
"global": mApp.Tr.GlobalTitle,
"main": mApp.Tr.MainTitle,
"project": mApp.Tr.ProjectTitle,
"services": mApp.Tr.ServicesTitle,
"containers": mApp.Tr.ContainersTitle,
"images": mApp.Tr.ImagesTitle,
"volumes": mApp.Tr.VolumesTitle,
"networks": mApp.Tr.NetworksTitle,
bindingSections = addBinding(titleMap[viewName], bindingSections, binding)
return bindingSections
func addBinding(title string, bindingSections []*bindingSection, binding *gui.Binding) []*bindingSection {
if binding.Description == "" {
return bindingSections
for _, section := range bindingSections {
if title == section.title {
section.bindings = append(section.bindings, binding)
return bindingSections
section := &bindingSection{
title: title,
bindings: []*gui.Binding{binding},
return append(bindingSections, section)
func formatSections(mApp *app.App, bindingSections []*bindingSection) string {
content := fmt.Sprintf("# Lazydocker %s\n", mApp.Tr.Menu)
for _, section := range bindingSections {
content += formatTitle(section.title)
content += "<pre>\n"
for _, binding := range section.bindings {
content += formatBinding(binding)
content += "</pre>\n"
return content