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hmasdev ff0c06b1e5
langchain[patch]: fix `OutputType` of OutputParsers and fix legacy API in OutputParsers (#19792)
# Description

This pull request aims to address specific issues related to the
ambiguity and error-proneness of the output types of certain output
parsers, as well as the absence of unit tests for some parsers. These
issues could potentially lead to runtime errors or unexpected behaviors
due to type mismatches when used, causing confusion for developers and
users. Through clarifying output types, this PR seeks to improve the
stability and reliability.

Therefore, this pull request

- fixes the `OutputType` of OutputParsers to be the expected type;
- e.g. `OutputType` property of `EnumOutputParser` raises `TypeError`.
This PR introduce a logic to extract `OutputType` from its attribute.
- and fixes the legacy API in OutputParsers like `` to the
modern API like `LLMChain.invoke`;
- Note: For `OutputFixingParser`, `RetryOutputParser` and
`RetryWithErrorOutputParser`, this PR introduces `legacy` attribute with
False as default value in order to keep the backward compatibility
- and adds the tests for the `OutputFixingParser` and

The following table shows my expected output and the actual output of
the `OutputType` of OutputParsers.
I have used this table to fix `OutputType` of OutputParsers.

| Class Name of OutputParser | My Expected `OutputType` (after this PR)|
Actual `OutputType` [evidence](#evidence) (before this PR)| Fix Required
| BooleanOutputParser | `<class 'bool'>` | `<class 'bool'>` | NO |
| CombiningOutputParser | `typing.Dict[str, Any]` | `TypeError` is
raised | YES |
| DatetimeOutputParser | `<class 'datetime.datetime'>` | `<class
'datetime.datetime'>` | NO |
| EnumOutputParser(enum=MyEnum) | `MyEnum` | `TypeError` is raised | YES
| OutputFixingParser | The same type as `self.parser.OutputType` | `~T`
| YES |
| CommaSeparatedListOutputParser | `typing.List[str]` |
`typing.List[str]` | NO |
| MarkdownListOutputParser | `typing.List[str]` | `typing.List[str]` |
NO |
| NumberedListOutputParser | `typing.List[str]` | `typing.List[str]` |
NO |
| JsonOutputKeyToolsParser | `typing.Any` | `typing.Any` | NO |
| JsonOutputToolsParser | `typing.Any` | `typing.Any` | NO |
| PydanticToolsParser | `typing.Any` | `typing.Any` | NO |
| PandasDataFrameOutputParser | `typing.Dict[str, Any]` | `TypeError` is
raised | YES |
| PydanticOutputParser(pydantic_object=MyModel) | `<class
'__main__.MyModel'>` | `<class '__main__.MyModel'>` | NO |
| RegexParser | `typing.Dict[str, str]` | `TypeError` is raised | YES |
| RegexDictParser | `typing.Dict[str, str]` | `TypeError` is raised |
| RetryOutputParser | The same type as `self.parser.OutputType` | `~T` |
| RetryWithErrorOutputParser | The same type as `self.parser.OutputType`
| `~T` | YES |
| StructuredOutputParser | `typing.Dict[str, Any]` | `TypeError` is
raised | YES |
| YamlOutputParser(pydantic_object=MyModel) | `MyModel` | `~T` | YES |

NOTE: In "Fix Required", "YES" means that it is required to fix in this
PR while "NO" means that it is not required.

# Issue

No issues for this PR.

# Twitter handle

- [hmdev3](

# Questions:

1. Is it required to create tests for legacy APIs `` in the
following scripts?
   - libs/langchain/tests/unit_tests/output_parsers/;
   - libs/langchain/tests/unit_tests/output_parsers/

2. Is there a more appropriate expected output type than I expect in the
above table?
- e.g. the `OutputType` of `CombiningOutputParser` should be

# Actual outputs (before this PR)

<div id='evidence'></div>

<details><summary>Actual outputs</summary>

## Requirements

- Python==3.9.13
- langchain==0.1.13

Python 3.9.13 (tags/v3.9.13:6de2ca5, May 17 2022, 16:36:42) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import langchain
>>> langchain.__version__
>>> from langchain import output_parsers

### `BooleanOutputParser`

>>> output_parsers.BooleanOutputParser().OutputType
<class 'bool'>

### `CombiningOutputParser`

>>> output_parsers.CombiningOutputParser(parsers=[output_parsers.DatetimeOutputParser(), output_parsers.CommaSeparatedListOutputParser()]).OutputType
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "D:\workspace\venv\lib\site-packages\langchain_core\output_parsers\", line 160, in OutputType
    raise TypeError(
TypeError: Runnable CombiningOutputParser doesn't have an inferable OutputType. Override the OutputType property to specify the output type.

### `DatetimeOutputParser`

>>> output_parsers.DatetimeOutputParser().OutputType
<class 'datetime.datetime'>

### `EnumOutputParser`

>>> from enum import Enum
>>> class MyEnum(Enum):
...     a = 'a'
...     b = 'b'
>>> output_parsers.EnumOutputParser(enum=MyEnum).OutputType
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "D:\workspace\venv\lib\site-packages\langchain_core\output_parsers\", line 160, in OutputType
    raise TypeError(
TypeError: Runnable EnumOutputParser doesn't have an inferable OutputType. Override the OutputType property to specify the output type.

### `OutputFixingParser`

>>> output_parsers.OutputFixingParser(parser=output_parsers.DatetimeOutputParser()).OutputType

### `CommaSeparatedListOutputParser`

>>> output_parsers.CommaSeparatedListOutputParser().OutputType

### `MarkdownListOutputParser`

>>> output_parsers.MarkdownListOutputParser().OutputType

### `NumberedListOutputParser`

>>> output_parsers.NumberedListOutputParser().OutputType

### `JsonOutputKeyToolsParser`

>>> output_parsers.JsonOutputKeyToolsParser(key_name='tool').OutputType

### `JsonOutputToolsParser`

>>> output_parsers.JsonOutputToolsParser().OutputType

### `PydanticToolsParser`

>>> from langchain.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel
>>> class MyModel(BaseModel):
...     a: int
>>> output_parsers.PydanticToolsParser(tools=[MyModel, MyModel]).OutputType

### `PandasDataFrameOutputParser`

>>> output_parsers.PandasDataFrameOutputParser().OutputType
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "D:\workspace\venv\lib\site-packages\langchain_core\output_parsers\", line 160, in OutputType
    raise TypeError(
TypeError: Runnable PandasDataFrameOutputParser doesn't have an inferable OutputType. Override the OutputType property to specify the output type.

### `PydanticOutputParser`

>>> output_parsers.PydanticOutputParser(pydantic_object=MyModel).OutputType
<class '__main__.MyModel'>

### `RegexParser`

>>> output_parsers.RegexParser(regex='$', output_keys=['a']).OutputType
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "D:\workspace\venv\lib\site-packages\langchain_core\output_parsers\", line 160, in OutputType
    raise TypeError(
TypeError: Runnable RegexParser doesn't have an inferable OutputType. Override the OutputType property to specify the output type.

### `RegexDictParser`

>>> output_parsers.RegexDictParser(output_key_to_format={'a':'a'}).OutputType
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "D:\workspace\venv\lib\site-packages\langchain_core\output_parsers\", line 160, in OutputType
    raise TypeError(
TypeError: Runnable RegexDictParser doesn't have an inferable OutputType. Override the OutputType property to specify the output type.

### `RetryOutputParser`

>>> output_parsers.RetryOutputParser(parser=output_parsers.DatetimeOutputParser()).OutputType

### `RetryWithErrorOutputParser`

>>> output_parsers.RetryWithErrorOutputParser(parser=output_parsers.DatetimeOutputParser()).OutputType

### `StructuredOutputParser`

>>> from langchain.output_parsers.structured import ResponseSchema
>>> response_schemas = [ResponseSchema(name="foo",description="a list of strings",type="List[string]"),ResponseSchema(name="bar",description="a string",type="string"), ]
>>> output_parsers.StructuredOutputParser.from_response_schemas(response_schemas).OutputType
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "D:\workspace\venv\lib\site-packages\langchain_core\output_parsers\", line 160, in OutputType
    raise TypeError(
TypeError: Runnable StructuredOutputParser doesn't have an inferable OutputType. Override the OutputType property to specify the output type.

### `YamlOutputParser`

>>> output_parsers.YamlOutputParser(pydantic_object=MyModel).OutputType



Co-authored-by: Eugene Yurtsev <>
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