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"""Functionality for loading agents."""
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union
import yaml
from langchain.agents.agent import BaseMultiActionAgent, BaseSingleActionAgent
from import Tool
from langchain.agents.types import AGENT_TO_CLASS
from langchain.chains.loading import load_chain, load_chain_from_config
from langchain.schema.language_model import BaseLanguageModel
from langchain.utilities.loading import try_load_from_hub
logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)
def _load_agent_from_tools(
config: dict, llm: BaseLanguageModel, tools: List[Tool], **kwargs: Any
) -> Union[BaseSingleActionAgent, BaseMultiActionAgent]:
config_type = config.pop("_type")
if config_type not in AGENT_TO_CLASS:
raise ValueError(f"Loading {config_type} agent not supported")
agent_cls = AGENT_TO_CLASS[config_type]
combined_config = {**config, **kwargs}
return agent_cls.from_llm_and_tools(llm, tools, **combined_config)
def load_agent_from_config(
config: dict,
llm: Optional[BaseLanguageModel] = None,
tools: Optional[List[Tool]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Union[BaseSingleActionAgent, BaseMultiActionAgent]:
"""Load agent from Config Dict.
config: Config dict to load agent from.
llm: Language model to use as the agent.
tools: List of tools this agent has access to.
**kwargs: Additional key word arguments passed to the agent executor.
An agent executor.
if "_type" not in config:
raise ValueError("Must specify an agent Type in config")
load_from_tools = config.pop("load_from_llm_and_tools", False)
if load_from_tools:
if llm is None:
raise ValueError(
"If `load_from_llm_and_tools` is set to True, "
"then LLM must be provided"
if tools is None:
raise ValueError(
"If `load_from_llm_and_tools` is set to True, "
"then tools must be provided"
return _load_agent_from_tools(config, llm, tools, **kwargs)
config_type = config.pop("_type")
if config_type not in AGENT_TO_CLASS:
raise ValueError(f"Loading {config_type} agent not supported")
agent_cls = AGENT_TO_CLASS[config_type]
if "llm_chain" in config:
config["llm_chain"] = load_chain_from_config(config.pop("llm_chain"))
elif "llm_chain_path" in config:
config["llm_chain"] = load_chain(config.pop("llm_chain_path"))
raise ValueError("One of `llm_chain` and `llm_chain_path` should be specified.")
if "output_parser" in config:
"Currently loading output parsers on agent is not supported, "
"will just use the default one."
del config["output_parser"]
combined_config = {**config, **kwargs}
return agent_cls(**combined_config) # type: ignore
def load_agent(
path: Union[str, Path], **kwargs: Any
) -> Union[BaseSingleActionAgent, BaseMultiActionAgent]:
"""Unified method for loading an agent from LangChainHub or local fs.
path: Path to the agent file.
**kwargs: Additional key word arguments passed to the agent executor.
An agent executor.
if hub_result := try_load_from_hub(
path, _load_agent_from_file, "agents", {"json", "yaml"}
return hub_result
return _load_agent_from_file(path, **kwargs)
def _load_agent_from_file(
file: Union[str, Path], **kwargs: Any
) -> Union[BaseSingleActionAgent, BaseMultiActionAgent]:
"""Load agent from file."""
# Convert file to Path object.
if isinstance(file, str):
file_path = Path(file)
file_path = file
# Load from either json or yaml.
if file_path.suffix == ".json":
with open(file_path) as f:
config = json.load(f)
elif file_path.suffix == ".yaml":
with open(file_path, "r") as f:
config = yaml.safe_load(f)
raise ValueError("File type must be json or yaml")
# Load the agent from the config now.
return load_agent_from_config(config, **kwargs)