You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

104 lines
4.5 KiB

import time
from typing import Any, Callable, List, cast
from import (
from langchain.schema.messages import BaseMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage
from langchain.schema.vectorstore import VectorStoreRetriever
from import BaseTool
from langchain_experimental.autonomous_agents.autogpt.prompt_generator import get_prompt
from langchain_experimental.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel
# This class has a metaclass conflict: both `BaseChatPromptTemplate` and `BaseModel`
# define a metaclass to use, and the two metaclasses attempt to define
# the same functions but in mutually-incompatible ways.
# It isn't clear how to resolve this, and this code predates mypy
# beginning to perform that check.
# Mypy errors:
# ```
# Definition of "__private_attributes__" in base class "BaseModel" is
# incompatible with definition in base class "BaseModel" [misc]
# Definition of "__repr_name__" in base class "Representation" is
# incompatible with definition in base class "BaseModel" [misc]
# Definition of "__pretty__" in base class "Representation" is
# incompatible with definition in base class "BaseModel" [misc]
# Definition of "__repr_str__" in base class "Representation" is
# incompatible with definition in base class "BaseModel" [misc]
# Definition of "__rich_repr__" in base class "Representation" is
# incompatible with definition in base class "BaseModel" [misc]
# Metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be
# a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases [misc]
# ```
# TODO: look into refactoring this class in a way that avoids the mypy type errors
class AutoGPTPrompt(BaseChatPromptTemplate, BaseModel): # type: ignore[misc]
"""Prompt for AutoGPT."""
ai_name: str
ai_role: str
tools: List[BaseTool]
token_counter: Callable[[str], int]
send_token_limit: int = 4196
def construct_full_prompt(self, goals: List[str]) -> str:
prompt_start = (
"Your decisions must always be made independently "
"without seeking user assistance.\n"
"Play to your strengths as an LLM and pursue simple "
"strategies with no legal complications.\n"
"If you have completed all your tasks, make sure to "
'use the "finish" command.'
# Construct full prompt
full_prompt = (
f"You are {self.ai_name}, {self.ai_role}\n{prompt_start}\n\nGOALS:\n\n"
for i, goal in enumerate(goals):
full_prompt += f"{i+1}. {goal}\n"
full_prompt += f"\n\n{get_prompt(}"
return full_prompt
def format_messages(self, **kwargs: Any) -> List[BaseMessage]:
base_prompt = SystemMessage(content=self.construct_full_prompt(kwargs["goals"]))
time_prompt = SystemMessage(
content=f"The current time and date is {time.strftime('%c')}"
used_tokens = self.token_counter(
cast(str, base_prompt.content)
) + self.token_counter(cast(str, time_prompt.content))
memory: VectorStoreRetriever = kwargs["memory"]
previous_messages = kwargs["messages"]
relevant_docs = memory.get_relevant_documents(str(previous_messages[-10:]))
relevant_memory = [d.page_content for d in relevant_docs]
relevant_memory_tokens = sum(
[self.token_counter(doc) for doc in relevant_memory]
while used_tokens + relevant_memory_tokens > 2500:
relevant_memory = relevant_memory[:-1]
relevant_memory_tokens = sum(
[self.token_counter(doc) for doc in relevant_memory]
content_format = (
f"This reminds you of these events "
f"from your past:\n{relevant_memory}\n\n"
memory_message = SystemMessage(content=content_format)
used_tokens += self.token_counter(cast(str, memory_message.content))
historical_messages: List[BaseMessage] = []
for message in previous_messages[-10:][::-1]:
message_tokens = self.token_counter(message.content)
if used_tokens + message_tokens > self.send_token_limit - 1000:
historical_messages = [message] + historical_messages
used_tokens += message_tokens
input_message = HumanMessage(content=kwargs["user_input"])
messages: List[BaseMessage] = [base_prompt, time_prompt, memory_message]
messages += historical_messages
return messages