You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

175 lines
5.6 KiB

from typing import Any, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, cast
from langchain_core._api.deprecation import deprecated
from langchain_core.stores import BaseStore, ByteStore
class _UpstashRedisStore(BaseStore[str, str]):
"""BaseStore implementation using Upstash Redis as the underlying store."""
def __init__(
client: Any = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
token: Optional[str] = None,
ttl: Optional[int] = None,
namespace: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the UpstashRedisStore with HTTP API.
Must provide either an Upstash Redis client or a url.
client: An Upstash Redis instance
ttl: time to expire keys in seconds if provided,
if None keys will never expire
namespace: if provided, all keys will be prefixed with this namespace
from upstash_redis import Redis
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError(
"UpstashRedisStore requires the upstash_redis library to be installed. "
"pip install upstash_redis"
) from e
if client and url:
raise ValueError(
"Either an Upstash Redis client or a url must be provided, not both."
if client:
if not isinstance(client, Redis):
raise TypeError(
f"Expected Upstash Redis client, got {type(client).__name__}."
_client = client
if not url or not token:
raise ValueError(
"Either an Upstash Redis client or url and token must be provided."
_client = Redis(url=url, token=token)
self.client = _client
if not isinstance(ttl, int) and ttl is not None:
raise TypeError(f"Expected int or None, got {type(ttl)} instead.")
self.ttl = ttl
self.namespace = namespace
def _get_prefixed_key(self, key: str) -> str:
"""Get the key with the namespace prefix.
key (str): The original key.
str: The key with the namespace prefix.
delimiter = "/"
if self.namespace:
return f"{self.namespace}{delimiter}{key}"
return key
def mget(self, keys: Sequence[str]) -> List[Optional[str]]:
"""Get the values associated with the given keys."""
keys = [self._get_prefixed_key(key) for key in keys]
return cast(
def mset(self, key_value_pairs: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -> None:
"""Set the given key-value pairs."""
for key, value in key_value_pairs:
self.client.set(self._get_prefixed_key(key), value, ex=self.ttl)
def mdelete(self, keys: Sequence[str]) -> None:
"""Delete the given keys."""
_keys = [self._get_prefixed_key(key) for key in keys]
def yield_keys(self, *, prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Yield keys in the store."""
if prefix:
pattern = self._get_prefixed_key(prefix)
pattern = self._get_prefixed_key("*")
cursor, keys = self.client.scan(0, match=pattern)
for key in keys:
if self.namespace:
relative_key = key[len(self.namespace) + 1 :]
yield relative_key
yield key
while cursor != 0:
cursor, keys = self.client.scan(cursor, match=pattern)
for key in keys:
if self.namespace:
relative_key = key[len(self.namespace) + 1 :]
yield relative_key
yield key
@deprecated("0.0.1", alternative="UpstashRedisByteStore")
class UpstashRedisStore(_UpstashRedisStore):
BaseStore implementation using Upstash Redis
as the underlying store to store strings.
Deprecated in favor of the more generic UpstashRedisByteStore.
class UpstashRedisByteStore(ByteStore):
BaseStore implementation using Upstash Redis
as the underlying store to store raw bytes.
def __init__(
client: Any = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
token: Optional[str] = None,
ttl: Optional[int] = None,
namespace: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
self.underlying_store = _UpstashRedisStore(
client=client, url=url, token=token, ttl=ttl, namespace=namespace
def mget(self, keys: Sequence[str]) -> List[Optional[bytes]]:
"""Get the values associated with the given keys."""
return [
value.encode("utf-8") if value is not None else None
for value in self.underlying_store.mget(keys)
def mset(self, key_value_pairs: Sequence[Tuple[str, bytes]]) -> None:
"""Set the given key-value pairs."""
(k, v.decode("utf-8")) if v is not None else None
for k, v in key_value_pairs
def mdelete(self, keys: Sequence[str]) -> None:
"""Delete the given keys."""
def yield_keys(self, *, prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Yield keys in the store."""
yield from self.underlying_store.yield_keys(prefix=prefix)