Christian Galo 1adaa3c662
community[minor]: Update Azure Cognitive Services to Azure AI Services (#19488)
This is a follow up to #18371. These are the changes:
- New **Azure AI Services** toolkit and tools to replace those of
**Azure Cognitive Services**.
- Updated documentation for Microsoft platform.
- The image analysis tool has been rewritten to use the new package
`azure-ai-vision-imageanalysis`, doing a proper replacement of

These changes:
- Update outdated naming from "Azure Cognitive Services" to "Azure AI
- Update documentation to use non-deprecated methods to create and use
- Removes need to depend on yanked python package (`azure-ai-vision`)

There is one new dependency that is needed as a replacement to
- `azure-ai-vision-imageanalysis`. This is optional and declared within
a function.

There is a new `azure_ai_services.ipynb` notebook showing usage; Changes
have been linted and formatted.

I am leaving the actions of adding deprecation notices and future
removal of Azure Cognitive Services up to the LangChain team, as I am
not sure what the current practice around this is.


If this PR makes it, my handle is


Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
Co-authored-by: ccurme <>
2024-03-28 03:19:02 +00:00

174 lines
10 KiB

"""**Tools** are classes that an Agent uses to interact with the world.
Each tool has a **description**. Agent uses the description to choose the right
tool for the job.
**Class hierarchy:**
.. code-block::
ToolMetaclass --> BaseTool --> <name>Tool # Examples: AIPluginTool, BaseGraphQLTool
<name> # Examples: BraveSearch, HumanInputRun
**Main helpers:**
.. code-block::
CallbackManagerForToolRun, AsyncCallbackManagerForToolRun
import importlib
from typing import Any
# Used for internal purposes
_DEPRECATED_TOOLS = {"PythonAstREPLTool", "PythonREPLTool"}
_module_lookup = {
"AINAppOps": "",
"AINOwnerOps": "",
"AINRuleOps": "",
"AINTransfer": "",
"AINValueOps": "",
"AIPluginTool": "",
"APIOperation": "",
"ArxivQueryRun": "",
"AzureAiServicesDocumentIntelligenceTool": "", # noqa: E501
"AzureAiServicesImageAnalysisTool": "",
"AzureAiServicesSpeechToTextTool": "",
"AzureAiServicesTextToSpeechTool": "",
"AzureAiServicesTextAnalyticsForHealthTool": "", # noqa: E501
"AzureCogsFormRecognizerTool": "",
"AzureCogsImageAnalysisTool": "",
"AzureCogsSpeech2TextTool": "",
"AzureCogsText2SpeechTool": "",
"AzureCogsTextAnalyticsHealthTool": "", # noqa: E501
"BaseGraphQLTool": "",
"BaseRequestsTool": "",
"BaseSQLDatabaseTool": "",
"BaseSparkSQLTool": "",
"BaseTool": "",
"BearlyInterpreterTool": "",
"BingSearchResults": "",
"BingSearchRun": "",
"BraveSearch": "",
"ClickTool": "",
"CogniswitchKnowledgeRequest": "",
"CogniswitchKnowledgeSourceFile": "",
"CogniswitchKnowledgeSourceURL": "",
"CogniswitchKnowledgeStatus": "",
"ConneryAction": "",
"CopyFileTool": "",
"CurrentWebPageTool": "",
"DeleteFileTool": "",
"DuckDuckGoSearchResults": "",
"DuckDuckGoSearchRun": "",
"E2BDataAnalysisTool": "",
"EdenAiExplicitImageTool": "",
"EdenAiObjectDetectionTool": "",
"EdenAiParsingIDTool": "",
"EdenAiParsingInvoiceTool": "",
"EdenAiSpeechToTextTool": "",
"EdenAiTextModerationTool": "",
"EdenAiTextToSpeechTool": "",
"EdenaiTool": "",
"ElevenLabsText2SpeechTool": "",
"ExtractHyperlinksTool": "",
"ExtractTextTool": "",
"FileSearchTool": "",
"GetElementsTool": "",
"GmailCreateDraft": "",
"GmailGetMessage": "",
"GmailGetThread": "",
"GmailSearch": "",
"GmailSendMessage": "",
"GoogleCloudTextToSpeechTool": "", # noqa: E501
"GooglePlacesTool": "",
"GoogleSearchResults": "",
"GoogleSearchRun": "",
"GoogleSerperResults": "",
"GoogleSerperRun": "",
"HumanInputRun": "",
"IFTTTWebhook": "",
"InfoPowerBITool": "",
"InfoSQLDatabaseTool": "",
"InfoSparkSQLTool": "",
"JiraAction": "",
"JsonGetValueTool": "",
"JsonListKeysTool": "",
"ListDirectoryTool": "",
"ListPowerBITool": "",
"ListSQLDatabaseTool": "",
"ListSparkSQLTool": "",
"MerriamWebsterQueryRun": "",
"MetaphorSearchResults": "",
"MoveFileTool": "",
"NasaAction": "",
"NavigateBackTool": "",
"NavigateTool": "",
"O365CreateDraftMessage": "", # noqa: E501
"O365SearchEmails": "",
"O365SearchEvents": "",
"O365SendEvent": "",
"O365SendMessage": "",
"OpenAPISpec": "",
"OpenWeatherMapQueryRun": "",
"PolygonAggregates": "",
"PolygonFinancials": "",
"PolygonLastQuote": "",
"PolygonTickerNews": "",
"PubmedQueryRun": "",
"QueryCheckerTool": "",
"QueryPowerBITool": "",
"QuerySQLCheckerTool": "",
"QuerySQLDataBaseTool": "",
"QuerySparkSQLTool": "",
"ReadFileTool": "",
"RedditSearchRun": "",
"RedditSearchSchema": "",
"RequestsDeleteTool": "",
"RequestsGetTool": "",
"RequestsPatchTool": "",
"RequestsPostTool": "",
"RequestsPutTool": "",
"SceneXplainTool": "",
"SearchAPIResults": "",
"SearchAPIRun": "",
"SearxSearchResults": "",
"SearxSearchRun": "",
"ShellTool": "",
"SlackGetChannel": "",
"SlackGetMessage": "",
"SlackScheduleMessage": "",
"SlackSendMessage": "",
"SleepTool": "",
"StackExchangeTool": "",
"StdInInquireTool": "",
"SteamWebAPIQueryRun": "",
"SteamshipImageGenerationTool": "", # noqa: E501
"StructuredTool": "",
"Tool": "",
"VectorStoreQATool": "",
"VectorStoreQAWithSourcesTool": "",
"WikipediaQueryRun": "",
"WolframAlphaQueryRun": "",
"WriteFileTool": "",
"YahooFinanceNewsTool": "",
"YouSearchTool": "",
"YouTubeSearchTool": "",
"ZapierNLAListActions": "",
"ZapierNLARunAction": "",
"authenticate": "",
"format_tool_to_openai_function": "",
"tool": "",
def __getattr__(name: str) -> Any:
if name in _module_lookup:
module = importlib.import_module(_module_lookup[name])
return getattr(module, name)
raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__} has no attribute {name}")
__all__ = list(_module_lookup.keys())