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import re
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List
from presidio_analyzer import RecognizerResult
from presidio_anonymizer.entities import EngineResult
MappingDataType = Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]
def format_duplicated_operator(operator_name: str, count: int) -> str:
"""Format the operator name with the count."""
clean_operator_name = re.sub(r"[<>]", "", operator_name)
clean_operator_name = re.sub(r"_\d+$", "", clean_operator_name)
if operator_name.startswith("<") and operator_name.endswith(">"):
return f"<{clean_operator_name}_{count}>"
return f"{clean_operator_name}_{count}"
class DeanonymizerMapping:
"""Deanonymizer mapping."""
mapping: MappingDataType = field(
default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(str))
def data(self) -> MappingDataType:
"""Return the deanonymizer mapping."""
return {k: dict(v) for k, v in self.mapping.items()}
def update(self, new_mapping: MappingDataType) -> None:
"""Update the deanonymizer mapping with new values.
Duplicated values will not be added
If there are multiple entities of the same type, the mapping will
include a count to differentiate them. For example, if there are
two names in the input text, the mapping will include NAME_1 and NAME_2.
seen_values = set()
for entity_type, values in new_mapping.items():
count = len(self.mapping[entity_type]) + 1
for key, value in values.items():
if (
value not in seen_values
and value not in self.mapping[entity_type].values()
new_key = (
format_duplicated_operator(key, count)
if key in self.mapping[entity_type]
else key
self.mapping[entity_type][new_key] = value
count += 1
def create_anonymizer_mapping(
original_text: str,
analyzer_results: List["RecognizerResult"],
anonymizer_results: "EngineResult",
is_reversed: bool = False,
) -> MappingDataType:
"""Create or update the mapping used to anonymize and/or
deanonymize a text.
This method exploits the results returned by the
analysis and anonymization processes.
If is_reversed is True, it constructs a mapping from each original
entity to its anonymized value.
If is_reversed is False, it constructs a mapping from each
anonymized entity back to its original text value.
If there are multiple entities of the same type, the mapping will
include a count to differentiate them. For example, if there are
two names in the input text, the mapping will include NAME_1 and NAME_2.
Example of mapping:
"<original>": "<anonymized>",
"John Doe": "Slim Shady"
"111-111-1111": "555-555-5555"
# We are able to zip and loop through both lists because we expect
# them to return corresponding entities for each identified piece
# of analyzable data from our input.
# We sort them by their 'start' attribute because it allows us to
# match corresponding entities by their position in the input text.
analyzer_results.sort(key=lambda d: d.start)
anonymizer_results.items.sort(key=lambda d: d.start)
mapping: MappingDataType = defaultdict(dict)
count: dict = defaultdict(int)
for analyzed, anonymized in zip(analyzer_results, anonymizer_results.items):
original_value = original_text[analyzed.start : analyzed.end]
entity_type = anonymized.entity_type
if is_reversed:
cond = original_value in mapping[entity_type].values()
cond = original_value in mapping[entity_type]
if cond:
if (
anonymized.text in mapping[entity_type].values()
or anonymized.text in mapping[entity_type]
anonymized_value = format_duplicated_operator(
anonymized.text, count[entity_type] + 2
count[entity_type] += 1
anonymized_value = anonymized.text
mapping_key, mapping_value = (
(anonymized_value, original_value)
if is_reversed
else (original_value, anonymized_value)
mapping[entity_type][mapping_key] = mapping_value
return mapping