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import re
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from langchain.chains import LLMChain
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate
from langchain.schema.language_model import BaseLanguageModel
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from langchain_experimental.generative_agents.memory import GenerativeAgentMemory
class GenerativeAgent(BaseModel):
"""An Agent as a character with memory and innate characteristics."""
name: str
"""The character's name."""
age: Optional[int] = None
"""The optional age of the character."""
traits: str = "N/A"
"""Permanent traits to ascribe to the character."""
status: str
"""The traits of the character you wish not to change."""
memory: GenerativeAgentMemory
"""The memory object that combines relevance, recency, and 'importance'."""
llm: BaseLanguageModel
"""The underlying language model."""
verbose: bool = False
summary: str = "" #: :meta private:
"""Stateful self-summary generated via reflection on the character's memory."""
summary_refresh_seconds: int = 3600 #: :meta private:
"""How frequently to re-generate the summary."""
last_refreshed: datetime = Field( # : :meta private:
"""The last time the character's summary was regenerated."""
daily_summaries: List[str] = Field(default_factory=list) # : :meta private:
"""Summary of the events in the plan that the agent took."""
class Config:
"""Configuration for this pydantic object."""
arbitrary_types_allowed = True
# LLM-related methods
def _parse_list(text: str) -> List[str]:
"""Parse a newline-separated string into a list of strings."""
lines = re.split(r"\n", text.strip())
return [re.sub(r"^\s*\d+\.\s*", "", line).strip() for line in lines]
def chain(self, prompt: PromptTemplate) -> LLMChain:
return LLMChain(
llm=self.llm, prompt=prompt, verbose=self.verbose, memory=self.memory
def _get_entity_from_observation(self, observation: str) -> str:
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(
"What is the observed entity in the following observation? {observation}"
+ "\nEntity="
return self.chain(prompt).run(observation=observation).strip()
def _get_entity_action(self, observation: str, entity_name: str) -> str:
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(
"What is the {entity} doing in the following observation? {observation}"
+ "\nThe {entity} is"
return (
self.chain(prompt).run(entity=entity_name, observation=observation).strip()
def summarize_related_memories(self, observation: str) -> str:
"""Summarize memories that are most relevant to an observation."""
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(
Context from memory:
Relevant context:
entity_name = self._get_entity_from_observation(observation)
entity_action = self._get_entity_action(observation, entity_name)
q1 = f"What is the relationship between {} and {entity_name}"
q2 = f"{entity_name} is {entity_action}"
return self.chain(prompt=prompt).run(q1=q1, queries=[q1, q2]).strip()
def _generate_reaction(
self, observation: str, suffix: str, now: Optional[datetime] = None
) -> str:
"""React to a given observation or dialogue act."""
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(
+ "\nIt is {current_time}."
+ "\n{agent_name}'s status: {agent_status}"
+ "\nSummary of relevant context from {agent_name}'s memory:"
+ "\n{relevant_memories}"
+ "\nMost recent observations: {most_recent_memories}"
+ "\nObservation: {observation}"
+ "\n\n"
+ suffix
agent_summary_description = self.get_summary(now=now)
relevant_memories_str = self.summarize_related_memories(observation)
current_time_str = ("%B %d, %Y, %I:%M %p")
if now is None
else now.strftime("%B %d, %Y, %I:%M %p")
kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = dict(
consumed_tokens = self.llm.get_num_tokens(
prompt.format(most_recent_memories="", **kwargs)
kwargs[self.memory.most_recent_memories_token_key] = consumed_tokens
return self.chain(prompt=prompt).run(**kwargs).strip()
def _clean_response(self, text: str) -> str:
return re.sub(f"^{} ", "", text.strip()).strip()
def generate_reaction(
self, observation: str, now: Optional[datetime] = None
) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
"""React to a given observation."""
call_to_action_template = (
"Should {agent_name} react to the observation, and if so,"
+ " what would be an appropriate reaction? Respond in one line."
+ ' If the action is to engage in dialogue, write:\nSAY: "what to say"'
+ "\notherwise, write:\nREACT: {agent_name}'s reaction (if anything)."
+ "\nEither do nothing, react, or say something but not both.\n\n"
full_result = self._generate_reaction(
observation, call_to_action_template, now=now
result = full_result.strip().split("\n")[0]
self.memory.add_memory_key: f"{} observed "
f"{observation} and reacted by {result}",
self.memory.now_key: now,
if "REACT:" in result:
reaction = self._clean_response(result.split("REACT:")[-1])
return False, f"{} {reaction}"
if "SAY:" in result:
said_value = self._clean_response(result.split("SAY:")[-1])
return True, f"{} said {said_value}"
return False, result
def generate_dialogue_response(
self, observation: str, now: Optional[datetime] = None
) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
"""React to a given observation."""
call_to_action_template = (
"What would {agent_name} say? To end the conversation, write:"
' GOODBYE: "what to say". Otherwise to continue the conversation,'
' write: SAY: "what to say next"\n\n'
full_result = self._generate_reaction(
observation, call_to_action_template, now=now
result = full_result.strip().split("\n")[0]
if "GOODBYE:" in result:
farewell = self._clean_response(result.split("GOODBYE:")[-1])
self.memory.add_memory_key: f"{} observed "
f"{observation} and said {farewell}",
self.memory.now_key: now,
return False, f"{} said {farewell}"
if "SAY:" in result:
response_text = self._clean_response(result.split("SAY:")[-1])
self.memory.add_memory_key: f"{} observed "
f"{observation} and said {response_text}",
self.memory.now_key: now,
return True, f"{} said {response_text}"
return False, result
# Agent stateful' summary methods. #
# Each dialog or response prompt includes a header #
# summarizing the agent's self-description. This is #
# updated periodically through probing its memories #
def _compute_agent_summary(self) -> str:
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(
"How would you summarize {name}'s core characteristics given the"
+ " following statements:\n"
+ "{relevant_memories}"
+ "Do not embellish."
+ "\n\nSummary: "
# The agent seeks to think about their core characteristics.
return (
.run(, queries=[f"{}'s core characteristics"])
def get_summary(
self, force_refresh: bool = False, now: Optional[datetime] = None
) -> str:
"""Return a descriptive summary of the agent."""
current_time = if now is None else now
since_refresh = (current_time - self.last_refreshed).seconds
if (
not self.summary
or since_refresh >= self.summary_refresh_seconds
or force_refresh
self.summary = self._compute_agent_summary()
self.last_refreshed = current_time
age = self.age if self.age is not None else "N/A"
return (
f"Name: {} (age: {age})"
+ f"\nInnate traits: {self.traits}"
+ f"\n{self.summary}"
def get_full_header(
self, force_refresh: bool = False, now: Optional[datetime] = None
) -> str:
"""Return a full header of the agent's status, summary, and current time."""
now = if now is None else now
summary = self.get_summary(force_refresh=force_refresh, now=now)
current_time_str = now.strftime("%B %d, %Y, %I:%M %p")
return (
f"{summary}\nIt is {current_time_str}.\n{}'s status: {self.status}"