You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import re
import unittest
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Any, Dict, List
from langchain_community.graphs.age_graph import AGEGraph
class TestAGEGraph(unittest.TestCase):
def test_format_triples(self) -> None:
test_input = [
{"start": "from_a", "type": "edge_a", "end": "to_a"},
{"start": "from_b", "type": "edge_b", "end": "to_b"},
expected = [
self.assertEqual(AGEGraph._format_triples(test_input), expected)
def test_get_col_name(self) -> None:
inputs = [
("a", 1),
("a as b", 1),
(" c ", 1),
(" c as d ", 1),
("sum(a)", 1),
("sum(a) as b", 1),
("count(*)", 1),
("count(*) as cnt", 1),
("true", 1),
("false", 1),
("null", 1),
expected = [
for idx, value in enumerate(inputs):
self.assertEqual(AGEGraph._get_col_name(*value), expected[idx])
def test_wrap_query(self) -> None:
inputs = [
MATCH (keanu:Person {name:'Keanu Reeves'})
RETURN AS name, keanu.born AS born
MERGE (n:a {id: 1})
expected = [
SELECT * FROM ag_catalog.cypher('test', $$
MATCH (keanu:Person {name:'Keanu Reeves'})
RETURN AS name, keanu.born AS born
$$) AS (name agtype, born agtype);
SELECT * FROM ag_catalog.cypher('test', $$
MERGE (n:a {id: 1})
$$) AS (a agtype);
for idx, value in enumerate(inputs):
re.sub(r"\s", "", AGEGraph._wrap_query(value, "test")),
re.sub(r"\s", "", expected[idx]),
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
def test_format_properties(self) -> None:
inputs: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [{}, {"a": "b"}, {"a": "b", "c": 1, "d": True}]
expected = ["{}", '{`a`: "b"}', '{`a`: "b", `c`: 1, `d`: true}']
for idx, value in enumerate(inputs):
self.assertEqual(AGEGraph._format_properties(value), expected[idx])
def test_clean_graph_labels(self) -> None:
inputs = ["label", "label 1", "label#$"]
expected = ["label", "label_1", "label_"]
for idx, value in enumerate(inputs):
self.assertEqual(AGEGraph.clean_graph_labels(value), expected[idx])
def test_record_to_dict(self) -> None:
Record = namedtuple("Record", ["node1", "edge", "node2"])
r = Record(
node1='{"id": 1, "label": "label1", "properties":'
+ ' {"prop": "a"}}::vertex',
edge='{"id": 3, "label": "edge", "end_id": 2, '
+ '"start_id": 1, "properties": {"test": "abc"}}::edge',
node2='{"id": 2, "label": "label1", '
+ '"properties": {"prop": "b"}}::vertex',
result = AGEGraph._record_to_dict(r)
expected = {
"node1": {"prop": "a"},
"edge": ({"prop": "a"}, "edge", {"prop": "b"}),
"node2": {"prop": "b"},
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
Record2 = namedtuple("Record2", ["string", "int", "float", "bool", "null"])
r2 = Record2('"test"', "1", "1.5", "true", None)
result = AGEGraph._record_to_dict(r2)
expected2 = {
"string": "test",
"int": 1,
"float": 1.5,
"bool": True,
"null": None,
self.assertEqual(result, expected2)