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from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Dict
def merge_dicts(left: Dict[str, Any], right: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Merge two dicts, handling specific scenarios where a key exists in both
dictionaries but has a value of None in 'left'. In such cases, the method uses the
value from 'right' for that key in the merged dictionary.
If left = {"function_call": {"arguments": None}} and
right = {"function_call": {"arguments": "{\n"}}
then, after merging, for the key "function_call",
the value from 'right' is used,
resulting in merged = {"function_call": {"arguments": "{\n"}}.
merged = left.copy()
for k, v in right.items():
if k not in merged:
merged[k] = v
elif v is not None and merged[k] is None:
merged[k] = v
elif v is None or merged[k] == v:
elif type(merged[k]) != type(v):
raise TypeError(
f'additional_kwargs["{k}"] already exists in this message,'
" but with a different type."
elif isinstance(merged[k], str):
merged[k] += v
elif isinstance(merged[k], dict):
merged[k] = merge_dicts(merged[k], v)
elif isinstance(merged[k], list):
merged[k] = merged[k] + v
raise TypeError(
f"Additional kwargs key {k} already exists in left dict and value has "
f"unsupported type {type(merged[k])}."
return merged