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"""Print information about the system and langchain packages for debugging purposes."""
from typing import Sequence
def print_sys_info(*, additional_pkgs: Sequence[str] = tuple()) -> None:
"""Print information about the environment for debugging purposes."""
import pkgutil
import platform
import sys
from importlib import metadata, util
# Packages that do not start with "langchain" prefix.
other_langchain_packages = [
langchain_pkgs = [
name for _, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules() if name.startswith("langchain")
all_packages = sorted(
set(langchain_pkgs + other_langchain_packages + list(additional_pkgs))
# Always surface these packages to the top
order_by = ["langchain_core", "langchain", "langchain_community", "langsmith"]
for pkg in reversed(order_by):
if pkg in all_packages:
all_packages = [pkg] + list(all_packages)
system_info = {
"OS": platform.system(),
"OS Version": platform.version(),
"Python Version": sys.version,
print() # noqa: T201
print("System Information") # noqa: T201
print("------------------") # noqa: T201
print("> OS: ", system_info["OS"]) # noqa: T201
print("> OS Version: ", system_info["OS Version"]) # noqa: T201
print("> Python Version: ", system_info["Python Version"]) # noqa: T201
# Print out only langchain packages
print() # noqa: T201
print("Package Information") # noqa: T201
print("-------------------") # noqa: T201
not_installed = []
for pkg in all_packages:
found_package = util.find_spec(pkg)
except Exception:
found_package = None
if found_package is None:
# Package version
package_version = metadata.version(pkg)
except Exception:
package_version = None
# Print package with version
if package_version is not None:
print(f"> {pkg}: {package_version}") # noqa: T201
print(f"> {pkg}: Installed. No version info available.") # noqa: T201
if not_installed:
print() # noqa: T201
print("Packages not installed (Not Necessarily a Problem)") # noqa: T201
print("--------------------------------------------------") # noqa: T201
print("The following packages were not found:") # noqa: T201
print() # noqa: T201
for pkg in not_installed:
print(f"> {pkg}") # noqa: T201
if __name__ == "__main__":