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description: Interface with language models
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# Model I/O
The core element of any language model application is...the model. LangChain gives you the building blocks to interface with any language model.
![Flowchart illustrating the Model I/O process with steps Format, Predict, and Parse, showing the transformation from input variables to structured output.](/img/model_io.jpg "Model Input/Output Process Diagram")
## [Conceptual Guide](/docs/modules/model_io/concepts)
A conceptual explanation of messages, prompts, LLMs vs ChatModels, and output parsers. You should read this before getting started.
## [Quickstart](/docs/modules/model_io/quick_start)
Covers the basics of getting started working with different types of models. You should walk through [this section] if you want to get an overview of the functionality.
## [Prompts](/docs/modules/model_io/prompts/)
[This section](/docs/modules/model_io/prompts/) deep dives into the different types of prompt templates and how to use them.
## [LLMs](/docs/modules/model_io/llms/)
[This section](/docs/modules/model_io/llms/) covers functionality related to the LLM class. This is a type of model that takes a text string as input and returns a text string.
## [ChatModels](/docs/modules/model_io/chat/)
[This section](/docs/modules/model_io/chat/) covers functionality related to the ChatModel class. This is a type of model that takes a list of messages as input and returns a message.
## [Output Parsers](/docs/modules/model_io/output_parsers/)
Output parsers are responsible for transforming the output of LLMs and ChatModels into more structured data. [This section](/docs/modules/model_io/output_parsers/) covers the different types of output parsers.