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@base <>.
@prefix voc: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
a voc:Besalisk , voc:Character ;
rdfs:label "Dexter Jettster" ;
voc:eyeColor "yellow" ;
voc:gender "male" ;
voc:height 198.0 ;
voc:mass 102.0 ;
voc:skinColor "brown" .
<> {
voc:Character a owl:Class .
voc:Species a owl:Class .
voc:Besalisk a voc:Species;
rdfs:label "Besalisk";
voc:averageHeight 178.0;
voc:averageLifespan "75";
voc:character <>;
voc:language "besalisk";
voc:skinColor "brown";
voc:eyeColor "yellow" .
voc:averageHeight a owl:DatatypeProperty .
voc:averageLifespan a owl:DatatypeProperty .
voc:character a owl:ObjectProperty .
voc:language a owl:DatatypeProperty .
voc:skinColor a owl:DatatypeProperty .
voc:eyeColor a owl:DatatypeProperty .
voc:gender a owl:DatatypeProperty .
voc:height a owl:DatatypeProperty .
voc:mass a owl:DatatypeProperty .