You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

121 lines
3.7 KiB

import shutil
from http.client import HTTPMessage
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Union
from unittest.mock import patch
from urllib.error import HTTPError
import pytest
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_community.document_loaders.arxiv import ArxivLoader
EXAMPLE_HELLO_PDF_PATH = Path(__file__).parents[1] / "examples" / "hello.pdf"
def assert_docs(docs: List[Document]) -> None:
for doc in docs:
assert doc.page_content
assert doc.metadata
assert set(doc.metadata) == {"Published", "Title", "Authors", "Summary"}
def test_load_success() -> None:
"""Test that returns one document"""
loader = ArxivLoader(query="1605.08386", load_max_docs=2)
docs = loader.load()
assert len(docs) == 1
print(docs[0].metadata) # noqa: T201
print(docs[0].page_content) # noqa: T201
def test_load_returns_no_result() -> None:
"""Test that returns no docs"""
loader = ArxivLoader(query="1605.08386WWW", load_max_docs=2)
docs = loader.load()
assert len(docs) == 0
def test_load_returns_limited_docs() -> None:
"""Test that returns several docs"""
expected_docs = 2
loader = ArxivLoader(query="ChatGPT", load_max_docs=expected_docs)
docs = loader.load()
assert len(docs) == expected_docs
def test_load_returns_full_set_of_metadata() -> None:
"""Test that returns several docs"""
loader = ArxivLoader(query="ChatGPT", load_max_docs=1, load_all_available_meta=True)
docs = loader.load()
assert len(docs) == 1
for doc in docs:
assert doc.page_content
assert doc.metadata
assert set(doc.metadata).issuperset(
{"Published", "Title", "Authors", "Summary"}
print(doc.metadata) # noqa: T201
assert len(set(doc.metadata)) > 4
def test_skip_http_error() -> None:
"""Test skipping unexpected Http 404 error of a single doc"""
tmp_hello_pdf_path = Path(__file__).parent / "hello.pdf"
def first_download_fails() -> Union[HTTPError, str]:
if not hasattr(first_download_fails, "firstCall"):
first_download_fails.__setattr__("firstCall", False)
raise HTTPError(
url="", code=404, msg="Not Found", hdrs=HTTPMessage(), fp=None
# Return temporary example pdf path
shutil.copy(EXAMPLE_HELLO_PDF_PATH, tmp_hello_pdf_path)
return str(tmp_hello_pdf_path.absolute())
with patch("arxiv.Result.download_pdf") as mock_download_pdf:
# Set up the mock to raise HTTP 404 error
mock_download_pdf.side_effect = first_download_fails
# Load documents
loader = ArxivLoader(
docs = loader.load()
# Only 1 of 2 documents should be loaded
assert len(docs) == 1
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="test could be flaky")
def test_load_issue_9046() -> None:
"""Test for the fixed issue 9046"""
expected_docs = 3
# ":" character could not be an issue
loader = ArxivLoader(
query="MetaGPT: Meta Programming for Multi-Agent Collaborative Framework",
docs = loader.load()
assert "MetaGPT" in docs[0].metadata["Title"]
# "-" character could not be an issue
loader = ArxivLoader(
query="MetaGPT - Meta Programming for Multi-Agent Collaborative Framework",
docs = loader.load()
assert "MetaGPT" in docs[0].metadata["Title"]