You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

138 lines
5.5 KiB

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Union
from sqlalchemy.engine import RowMapping
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Select
from langchain_community.docstore.document import Document
from langchain_community.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader
from langchain_community.utilities.sql_database import SQLDatabase
class SQLDatabaseLoader(BaseLoader):
Load documents by querying database tables supported by SQLAlchemy.
For talking to the database, the document loader uses the `SQLDatabase`
utility from the LangChain integration toolkit.
Each document represents one row of the result.
def __init__(
query: Union[str, Select],
db: SQLDatabase,
parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
page_content_mapper: Optional[Callable[..., str]] = None,
metadata_mapper: Optional[Callable[..., Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
source_columns: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
include_rownum_into_metadata: bool = False,
include_query_into_metadata: bool = False,
query: The query to execute.
db: A LangChain `SQLDatabase`, wrapping an SQLAlchemy engine.
sqlalchemy_kwargs: More keyword arguments for SQLAlchemy's `create_engine`.
parameters: Optional. Parameters to pass to the query.
page_content_mapper: Optional. Function to convert a row into a string
to use as the `page_content` of the document. By default, the loader
serializes the whole row into a string, including all columns.
metadata_mapper: Optional. Function to convert a row into a dictionary
to use as the `metadata` of the document. By default, no columns are
selected into the metadata dictionary.
source_columns: Optional. The names of the columns to use as the `source`
within the metadata dictionary.
include_rownum_into_metadata: Optional. Whether to include the row number
into the metadata dictionary. Default: False.
include_query_into_metadata: Optional. Whether to include the query
expression into the metadata dictionary. Default: False.
self.query = query
self.db: SQLDatabase = db
self.parameters = parameters or {}
self.page_content_mapper = (
page_content_mapper or self.page_content_default_mapper
self.metadata_mapper = metadata_mapper or self.metadata_default_mapper
self.source_columns = source_columns
self.include_rownum_into_metadata = include_rownum_into_metadata
self.include_query_into_metadata = include_query_into_metadata
def lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]:
import sqlalchemy as sa
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"Could not import sqlalchemy python package. "
"Please install it with `pip install sqlalchemy`."
# Querying in `cursor` fetch mode will return an SQLAlchemy `Result` instance.
result: sa.Result[Any]
# Invoke the database query.
if isinstance(self.query, sa.SelectBase):
result = self.db._execute( # type: ignore[assignment]
self.query, fetch="cursor", parameters=self.parameters
query_sql = str(self.query.compile(bind=self.db._engine))
elif isinstance(self.query, str):
result = self.db._execute( # type: ignore[assignment]
sa.text(self.query), fetch="cursor", parameters=self.parameters
query_sql = self.query
raise TypeError(f"Unable to process query of unknown type: {self.query}")
# Iterate database result rows and generate list of documents.
for i, row in enumerate(result.mappings()):
page_content = self.page_content_mapper(row)
metadata = self.metadata_mapper(row)
if self.include_rownum_into_metadata:
metadata["row"] = i
if self.include_query_into_metadata:
metadata["query"] = query_sql
source_values = []
for column, value in row.items():
if self.source_columns and column in self.source_columns:
if source_values:
metadata["source"] = ",".join(source_values)
yield Document(page_content=page_content, metadata=metadata)
def page_content_default_mapper(
row: RowMapping, column_names: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> str:
A reasonable default function to convert a record into a "page content" string.
if column_names is None:
column_names = list(row.keys())
return "\n".join(
f"{column}: {value}"
for column, value in row.items()
if column in column_names
def metadata_default_mapper(
row: RowMapping, column_names: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
A reasonable default function to convert a record into a "metadata" dictionary.
if column_names is None:
return {}
metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {}
for column, value in row.items():
if column in column_names:
metadata[column] = value
return metadata