You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

214 lines
7.3 KiB

import csv
from io import TextIOWrapper
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Union
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_community.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader
from langchain_community.document_loaders.helpers import detect_file_encodings
from langchain_community.document_loaders.unstructured import (
class CSVLoader(BaseLoader):
"""Load a `CSV` file into a list of Documents.
Each document represents one row of the CSV file. Every row is converted
into a key/value pair and outputted to a new line in the document's
The source for each document loaded from csv is set to the value of the
`file_path` argument for all documents by default.
You can override this by setting the `source_column` argument to the
name of a column in the CSV file.
The source of each document will then be set to the value of the column
with the name specified in `source_column`.
Output Example:
.. code-block:: txt
column1: value1
column2: value2
column3: value3
.. code-block:: python
from langchain_community.document_loaders import CSVLoader
loader = CSVLoader(file_path='./hw_200.csv',
'delimiter': ',',
'quotechar': '"',
'fieldnames': ['Index', 'Height', 'Weight']
.. code-block:: python
docs = loader.load()
.. code-block:: python
Index: Index
Height: Height(Inches)"
Weight: "Weight(Pounds)"
{'source': './hw_200.csv', 'row': 0}
Async load:
.. code-block:: python
docs = await loader.aload()
.. code-block:: python
Index: Index
Height: Height(Inches)"
Weight: "Weight(Pounds)"
{'source': './hw_200.csv', 'row': 0}
Lazy load:
.. code-block:: python
docs = []
docs_lazy = loader.lazy_load()
# async variant:
# docs_lazy = await loader.alazy_load()
for doc in docs_lazy:
.. code-block:: python
Index: Index
Height: Height(Inches)"
Weight: "Weight(Pounds)"
{'source': './hw_200.csv', 'row': 0}
def __init__(
file_path: Union[str, Path],
source_column: Optional[str] = None,
metadata_columns: Sequence[str] = (),
csv_args: Optional[Dict] = None,
encoding: Optional[str] = None,
autodetect_encoding: bool = False,
file_path: The path to the CSV file.
source_column: The name of the column in the CSV file to use as the source.
Optional. Defaults to None.
metadata_columns: A sequence of column names to use as metadata. Optional.
csv_args: A dictionary of arguments to pass to the csv.DictReader.
Optional. Defaults to None.
encoding: The encoding of the CSV file. Optional. Defaults to None.
autodetect_encoding: Whether to try to autodetect the file encoding.
self.file_path = file_path
self.source_column = source_column
self.metadata_columns = metadata_columns
self.encoding = encoding
self.csv_args = csv_args or {}
self.autodetect_encoding = autodetect_encoding
def lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]:
with open(self.file_path, newline="", encoding=self.encoding) as csvfile:
yield from self.__read_file(csvfile)
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
if self.autodetect_encoding:
detected_encodings = detect_file_encodings(self.file_path)
for encoding in detected_encodings:
with open(
self.file_path, newline="", encoding=encoding.encoding
) as csvfile:
yield from self.__read_file(csvfile)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise RuntimeError(f"Error loading {self.file_path}") from e
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"Error loading {self.file_path}") from e
def __read_file(self, csvfile: TextIOWrapper) -> Iterator[Document]:
csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, **self.csv_args)
for i, row in enumerate(csv_reader):
source = (
if self.source_column is not None
else str(self.file_path)
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
f"Source column '{self.source_column}' not found in CSV file."
content = "\n".join(
f"""{k.strip() if k is not None else k}: {v.strip()
if isinstance(v, str) else ','.join(map(str.strip, v))
if isinstance(v, list) else v}"""
for k, v in row.items()
if k not in self.metadata_columns
metadata = {"source": source, "row": i}
for col in self.metadata_columns:
metadata[col] = row[col]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f"Metadata column '{col}' not found in CSV file.")
yield Document(page_content=content, metadata=metadata)
class UnstructuredCSVLoader(UnstructuredFileLoader):
"""Load `CSV` files using `Unstructured`.
Like other
Unstructured loaders, UnstructuredCSVLoader can be used in both
"single" and "elements" mode. If you use the loader in "elements"
mode, the CSV file will be a single Unstructured Table element.
If you use the loader in "elements" mode, an HTML representation
of the table will be available in the "text_as_html" key in the
document metadata.
from langchain_community.document_loaders.csv_loader import UnstructuredCSVLoader
loader = UnstructuredCSVLoader("stanley-cups.csv", mode="elements")
docs = loader.load()
def __init__(
self, file_path: str, mode: str = "single", **unstructured_kwargs: Any
file_path: The path to the CSV file.
mode: The mode to use when loading the CSV file.
Optional. Defaults to "single".
**unstructured_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to unstructured.
super().__init__(file_path=file_path, mode=mode, **unstructured_kwargs)
def _get_elements(self) -> List:
from unstructured.partition.csv import partition_csv
return partition_csv(filename=self.file_path, **self.unstructured_kwargs)