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"""Verify that the code migrations do not involve alias changes.
Migration script only updates imports not the rest of the code that uses the
from langchain_cli.namespaces.migrate.codemods.replace_imports import (
def test_migration_files() -> None:
"""Generate a codemod to replace imports."""
errors = []
for paths in list(RULE_TO_PATHS.values()):
for path in paths:
migrations = _load_migrations_from_fixtures([path])
for migration in migrations:
old = migration[0].split(".")[-1]
new = migration[1].split(".")[-1]
if old != new:
errors.append((path, migration))
if errors:
raise ValueError(
f"Migration involves an alias change: {errors}. The "
f"migration script does not currently support "
f"corresponding code changes."