You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

121 lines
3.6 KiB

imperative = [
"str | List[dict | tuple | BaseMessage] | PromptValue",
"A single chat model call.",
"Defaults to running invoke in an async executor.",
"Defaults to yielding output of invoke.",
"Defaults to yielding output of ainvoke.",
"Event types: 'on_chat_model_start', 'on_chat_model_stream', 'on_chat_model_end'.",
"Defaults to running invoke in concurrent threads.",
"Defaults to running ainvoke in concurrent threads.",
"Iterator[Tuple[int, Union[BaseMessage, Exception]]]",
"Defaults to running invoke in concurrent threads.",
"AsyncIterator[Tuple[int, Union[BaseMessage, Exception]]]",
"Defaults to running ainvoke in concurrent threads.",
declarative = [
# "Tools, ...",
# "Runnable with same inputs/outputs as ChatModel",
"Create ChatModel that can call tools.",
# "An output schema, ...",
# "Runnable that takes ChatModel inputs and returns a dict or Pydantic object",
"Create wrapper that structures model output using schema.",
# "Max retries, exceptions to handle, ...",
# "Runnable with same inputs/outputs as ChatModel",
"Create wrapper that retries model calls on failure.",
# "List of models to fall back on",
# "Runnable with same inputs/outputs as ChatModel",
"Create wrapper that falls back to other models on failure.",
# "*ConfigurableField",
# "Runnable with same inputs/outputs as ChatModel",
"Specify init args of the model that can be configured at runtime via the RunnableConfig.",
# "ConfigurableField, ...",
# "Runnable with same inputs/outputs as ChatModel",
"Specify alternative models which can be swapped in at runtime via the RunnableConfig.",
def create_table(to_build: list) -> str:
for x in to_build:
x[0] = "`" + x[0] + "`"
longest = [max(len(x[i]) for x in to_build) for i in range(len(to_build[0]))]
widths = [int(1.2 * col) for col in longest]
headers = (
["Method", "Input", "Output", "Description"]
if len(widths) == 4
else ["Method", "Description"]
rows = [[h + " " * (w - len(h)) for w, h in zip(widths, headers)]]
for x in to_build:
rows.append([y + " " * (w - len(y)) for w, y in zip(widths, x)])
table = [" | ".join(([""] + x + [""])).strip() for x in rows]
lines = [
"+".join(([""] + ["-" * (len(y) + 2) for y in x] + [""])).strip() for x in rows
lines[1] = lines[1].replace("-", "=")
rst = lines[0]
for r, li in zip(table, lines[1:]):
rst += "\n" + r + "\n" + li
return rst