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import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict
import pytest
from langchain_core._api.beta_decorator import beta, warn_beta
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel
"kwargs, expected_message",
"name": "OldClass",
"obj_type": "class",
"The class `OldClass` is in beta. It is actively being worked on, so the "
"API may change.",
"message": "This is a custom message",
"name": "FunctionA",
"obj_type": "",
"addendum": "",
"This is a custom message",
"message": "",
"name": "SomeFunction",
"obj_type": "",
"addendum": "Please migrate your code.",
"`SomeFunction` is in beta. It is actively being worked on, so the API may "
"change. Please migrate your code.",
def test_warn_beta(kwargs: Dict[str, Any], expected_message: str) -> None:
"""Test warn beta."""
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warning_list:
assert len(warning_list) == 1
warning = warning_list[0].message
assert str(warning) == expected_message
def beta_function() -> str:
"""original doc"""
return "This is a beta function."
class ClassWithBetaMethods:
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""original doc"""
def beta_method(self) -> str:
"""original doc"""
return "This is a beta method."
def beta_classmethod(cls) -> str:
"""original doc"""
return "This is a beta classmethod."
def beta_staticmethod() -> str:
"""original doc"""
return "This is a beta staticmethod."
def beta_property(self) -> str:
"""original doc"""
return "This is a beta property."
def test_beta_function() -> None:
"""Test beta function."""
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warning_list:
assert beta_function() == "This is a beta function."
assert len(warning_list) == 1
warning = warning_list[0].message
assert str(warning) == (
"The function `beta_function` is in beta. It is actively being worked on, "
"so the API may change."
doc = beta_function.__doc__
assert isinstance(doc, str)
assert doc.startswith("[*Beta*] original doc")
def test_beta_method() -> None:
"""Test beta method."""
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warning_list:
obj = ClassWithBetaMethods()
assert obj.beta_method() == "This is a beta method."
assert len(warning_list) == 1
warning = warning_list[0].message
assert str(warning) == (
"The function `beta_method` is in beta. It is actively being worked on, so "
"the API may change."
doc = obj.beta_method.__doc__
assert isinstance(doc, str)
assert doc.startswith("[*Beta*] original doc")
def test_beta_classmethod() -> None:
"""Test beta classmethod."""
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warning_list:
assert len(warning_list) == 1
warning = warning_list[0].message
assert str(warning) == (
"The function `beta_classmethod` is in beta. It is actively being worked "
"on, so the API may change."
doc = ClassWithBetaMethods.beta_classmethod.__doc__
assert isinstance(doc, str)
assert doc.startswith("[*Beta*] original doc")
def test_beta_staticmethod() -> None:
"""Test beta staticmethod."""
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warning_list:
assert (
ClassWithBetaMethods.beta_staticmethod() == "This is a beta staticmethod."
assert len(warning_list) == 1
warning = warning_list[0].message
assert str(warning) == (
"The function `beta_staticmethod` is in beta. It is actively being worked "
"on, so the API may change."
doc = ClassWithBetaMethods.beta_staticmethod.__doc__
assert isinstance(doc, str)
assert doc.startswith("[*Beta*] original doc")
def test_beta_property() -> None:
"""Test beta staticmethod."""
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warning_list:
obj = ClassWithBetaMethods()
assert obj.beta_property == "This is a beta property."
assert len(warning_list) == 1
warning = warning_list[0].message
assert str(warning) == (
"The function `beta_property` is in beta. It is actively being worked on, "
"so the API may change."
doc = ClassWithBetaMethods.beta_property.__doc__
assert isinstance(doc, str)
assert doc.startswith("[*Beta*] original doc")
def test_whole_class_deprecation() -> None:
"""Test whole class deprecation."""
# Test whole class deprecation
class BetaClass:
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""original doc"""
def beta_method(self) -> str:
"""original doc"""
return "This is a beta method."
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warning_list:
obj = BetaClass()
assert obj.beta_method() == "This is a beta method."
assert len(warning_list) == 2
warning = warning_list[0].message
assert str(warning) == (
"The class `BetaClass` is in beta. It is actively being worked on, so the "
"API may change."
warning = warning_list[1].message
assert str(warning) == (
"The function `beta_method` is in beta. It is actively being worked on, so "
"the API may change."
# Tests with pydantic models
class MyModel(BaseModel):
def beta_method(self) -> str:
"""original doc"""
return "This is a beta method."
def test_beta_method_pydantic() -> None:
"""Test beta method."""
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warning_list:
obj = MyModel()
assert obj.beta_method() == "This is a beta method."
assert len(warning_list) == 1
warning = warning_list[0].message
assert str(warning) == (
"The function `beta_method` is in beta. It is actively being worked on, so "
"the API may change."
doc = obj.beta_method.__doc__
assert isinstance(doc, str)
assert doc.startswith("[*Beta*] original doc")