You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

5499 lines
179 KiB

import sys
import uuid
from functools import partial
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import (
from uuid import UUID
import pytest
from freezegun import freeze_time
from pytest_mock import MockerFixture
from syrupy import SnapshotAssertion
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
from langchain_core.callbacks.manager import (
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.language_models import (
from langchain_core.load import dumpd, dumps
from langchain_core.load.load import loads
from langchain_core.messages import (
from langchain_core.messages.base import BaseMessage
from langchain_core.output_parsers import (
from langchain_core.prompt_values import ChatPromptValue, StringPromptValue
from langchain_core.prompts import (
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel
from langchain_core.retrievers import BaseRetriever
from langchain_core.runnables import (
from langchain_core.runnables.base import RunnableMap, RunnableSerializable
from langchain_core.runnables.utils import Input, Output
from import BaseTool, tool
from langchain_core.tracers import (
from langchain_core.tracers.context import collect_runs
from tests.unit_tests.stubs import AnyStr
class FakeTracer(BaseTracer):
"""Fake tracer that records LangChain execution.
It replaces run ids with deterministic UUIDs for snapshotting."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Initialize the tracer."""
self.runs: List[Run] = []
self.uuids_map: Dict[UUID, UUID] = {}
self.uuids_generator = (
UUID(f"00000000-0000-4000-8000-{i:012}", version=4) for i in range(10000)
def _replace_uuid(self, uuid: UUID) -> UUID:
if uuid not in self.uuids_map:
self.uuids_map[uuid] = next(self.uuids_generator)
return self.uuids_map[uuid]
def _replace_message_id(self, maybe_message: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(maybe_message, BaseMessage): = AnyStr()
return maybe_message
def _copy_run(self, run: Run) -> Run:
if run.dotted_order:
levels = run.dotted_order.split(".")
processed_levels = []
for level in levels:
timestamp, run_id = level.split("Z")
new_run_id = self._replace_uuid(UUID(run_id))
processed_level = f"{timestamp}Z{new_run_id}"
new_dotted_order = ".".join(processed_levels)
new_dotted_order = None
return run.copy(
"id": self._replace_uuid(,
"parent_run_id": (
self.uuids_map[run.parent_run_id] if run.parent_run_id else None
"child_runs": [self._copy_run(child) for child in run.child_runs],
"execution_order": None,
"child_execution_order": None,
"trace_id": self._replace_uuid(run.trace_id) if run.trace_id else None,
"dotted_order": new_dotted_order,
"inputs": (
{k: self._replace_message_id(v) for k, v in run.inputs.items()}
if isinstance(run.inputs, dict)
else run.inputs
"outputs": (
{k: self._replace_message_id(v) for k, v in run.outputs.items()}
if isinstance(run.outputs, dict)
else run.outputs
def _persist_run(self, run: Run) -> None:
"""Persist a run."""
def flattened_runs(self) -> List[Run]:
q = [] + self.runs
result = []
while q:
parent = q.pop()
if parent.child_runs:
return result
def run_ids(self) -> List[Optional[uuid.UUID]]:
runs = self.flattened_runs()
uuids_map = {v: k for k, v in self.uuids_map.items()}
return [uuids_map.get( for r in runs]
class FakeRunnable(Runnable[str, int]):
def invoke(
input: str,
config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None,
) -> int:
return len(input)
class FakeRunnableSerializable(RunnableSerializable[str, int]):
hello: str = ""
def invoke(
input: str,
config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None,
) -> int:
return len(input)
class FakeRetriever(BaseRetriever):
def _get_relevant_documents(
query: str,
callbacks: Callbacks = None,
tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> List[Document]:
return [Document(page_content="foo"), Document(page_content="bar")]
async def _aget_relevant_documents(
query: str,
callbacks: Callbacks = None,
tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> List[Document]:
return [Document(page_content="foo"), Document(page_content="bar")]
def test_schemas(snapshot: SnapshotAssertion) -> None:
fake = FakeRunnable() # str -> int
assert fake.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "FakeRunnableInput",
"type": "string",
assert fake.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "FakeRunnableOutput",
"type": "integer",
assert fake.config_schema(include=["tags", "metadata", "run_name"]).schema() == {
"title": "FakeRunnableConfig",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"metadata": {"title": "Metadata", "type": "object"},
"run_name": {"title": "Run Name", "type": "string"},
"tags": {"items": {"type": "string"}, "title": "Tags", "type": "array"},
fake_bound = FakeRunnable().bind(a="b") # str -> int
assert fake_bound.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "FakeRunnableInput",
"type": "string",
assert fake_bound.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "FakeRunnableOutput",
"type": "integer",
fake_w_fallbacks = FakeRunnable().with_fallbacks((fake,)) # str -> int
assert fake_w_fallbacks.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "FakeRunnableInput",
"type": "string",
assert fake_w_fallbacks.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "FakeRunnableOutput",
"type": "integer",
def typed_lambda_impl(x: str) -> int:
return len(x)
typed_lambda = RunnableLambda(typed_lambda_impl) # str -> int
assert typed_lambda.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "typed_lambda_impl_input",
"type": "string",
assert typed_lambda.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "typed_lambda_impl_output",
"type": "integer",
async def typed_async_lambda_impl(x: str) -> int:
return len(x)
typed_async_lambda: Runnable = RunnableLambda(typed_async_lambda_impl) # str -> int
assert typed_async_lambda.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "typed_async_lambda_impl_input",
"type": "string",
assert typed_async_lambda.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "typed_async_lambda_impl_output",
"type": "integer",
fake_ret = FakeRetriever() # str -> List[Document]
assert fake_ret.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "FakeRetrieverInput",
"type": "string",
assert fake_ret.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "FakeRetrieverOutput",
"type": "array",
"items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Document"},
"definitions": {
"Document": {
"title": "Document",
"description": "Class for storing a piece of text and associated metadata.", # noqa: E501
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"page_content": {"title": "Page Content", "type": "string"},
"metadata": {"title": "Metadata", "type": "object"},
"type": {
"title": "Type",
"enum": ["Document"],
"default": "Document",
"type": "string",
"required": ["page_content"],
fake_llm = FakeListLLM(responses=["a"]) # str -> List[List[str]]
assert fake_llm.input_schema.schema() == snapshot
assert fake_llm.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "FakeListLLMOutput",
"type": "string",
fake_chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=["a"]) # str -> List[List[str]]
assert fake_chat.input_schema.schema() == snapshot
assert fake_chat.output_schema.schema() == snapshot
chat_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("human", "Hello, how are you?"),
assert chat_prompt.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "PromptInput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"history": {
"title": "History",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
{"$ref": "#/definitions/AIMessage"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/HumanMessage"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/ChatMessage"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/SystemMessage"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/FunctionMessage"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/ToolMessage"},
"definitions": {
"ToolCall": {
"title": "ToolCall",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {"title": "Name", "type": "string"},
"args": {"title": "Args", "type": "object"},
"id": {"title": "Id", "type": "string"},
"required": ["name", "args", "id"],
"InvalidToolCall": {
"title": "InvalidToolCall",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {"title": "Name", "type": "string"},
"args": {"title": "Args", "type": "string"},
"id": {"title": "Id", "type": "string"},
"error": {"title": "Error", "type": "string"},
"required": ["name", "args", "id", "error"],
"AIMessage": {
"title": "AIMessage",
"description": "Message from an AI.",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"content": {
"title": "Content",
"anyOf": [
{"type": "string"},
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "object"}]
"additional_kwargs": {
"title": "Additional Kwargs",
"type": "object",
"response_metadata": {
"title": "Response Metadata",
"type": "object",
"type": {
"title": "Type",
"default": "ai",
"enum": ["ai"],
"type": "string",
"name": {"title": "Name", "type": "string"},
"id": {"title": "Id", "type": "string"},
"example": {
"title": "Example",
"default": False,
"type": "boolean",
"tool_calls": {
"title": "Tool Calls",
"default": [],
"type": "array",
"items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/ToolCall"},
"invalid_tool_calls": {
"title": "Invalid Tool Calls",
"default": [],
"type": "array",
"items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidToolCall"},
"required": ["content"],
"HumanMessage": {
"title": "HumanMessage",
"description": "Message from a human.",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"content": {
"title": "Content",
"anyOf": [
{"type": "string"},
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "object"}]
"additional_kwargs": {
"title": "Additional Kwargs",
"type": "object",
"response_metadata": {
"title": "Response Metadata",
"type": "object",
"type": {
"title": "Type",
"default": "human",
"enum": ["human"],
"type": "string",
"name": {"title": "Name", "type": "string"},
"id": {"title": "Id", "type": "string"},
"example": {
"title": "Example",
"default": False,
"type": "boolean",
"required": ["content"],
"ChatMessage": {
"title": "ChatMessage",
"description": "Message that can be assigned an arbitrary speaker (i.e. role).", # noqa: E501
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"content": {
"title": "Content",
"anyOf": [
{"type": "string"},
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "object"}]
"additional_kwargs": {
"title": "Additional Kwargs",
"type": "object",
"response_metadata": {
"title": "Response Metadata",
"type": "object",
"type": {
"title": "Type",
"default": "chat",
"enum": ["chat"],
"type": "string",
"name": {"title": "Name", "type": "string"},
"id": {"title": "Id", "type": "string"},
"role": {"title": "Role", "type": "string"},
"required": ["content", "role"],
"SystemMessage": {
"title": "SystemMessage",
"description": "Message for priming AI behavior, usually passed in as the first of a sequence\nof input messages.", # noqa: E501
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"content": {
"title": "Content",
"anyOf": [
{"type": "string"},
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "object"}]
"additional_kwargs": {
"title": "Additional Kwargs",
"type": "object",
"response_metadata": {
"title": "Response Metadata",
"type": "object",
"type": {
"title": "Type",
"default": "system",
"enum": ["system"],
"type": "string",
"name": {"title": "Name", "type": "string"},
"id": {"title": "Id", "type": "string"},
"required": ["content"],
"FunctionMessage": {
"title": "FunctionMessage",
"description": "Message for passing the result of executing a function back to a model.", # noqa: E501
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"content": {
"title": "Content",
"anyOf": [
{"type": "string"},
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "object"}]
"additional_kwargs": {
"title": "Additional Kwargs",
"type": "object",
"response_metadata": {
"title": "Response Metadata",
"type": "object",
"type": {
"title": "Type",
"default": "function",
"enum": ["function"],
"type": "string",
"name": {"title": "Name", "type": "string"},
"id": {"title": "Id", "type": "string"},
"required": ["content", "name"],
"ToolMessage": {
"title": "ToolMessage",
"description": "Message for passing the result of executing a tool back to a model.", # noqa: E501
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"content": {
"title": "Content",
"anyOf": [
{"type": "string"},
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "object"}]
"additional_kwargs": {
"title": "Additional Kwargs",
"type": "object",
"response_metadata": {
"title": "Response Metadata",
"type": "object",
"type": {
"title": "Type",
"default": "tool",
"enum": ["tool"],
"type": "string",
"name": {"title": "Name", "type": "string"},
"id": {"title": "Id", "type": "string"},
"tool_call_id": {"title": "Tool Call Id", "type": "string"},
"required": ["content", "tool_call_id"],
assert chat_prompt.output_schema.schema() == snapshot
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template("Hello, {name}!")
assert prompt.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "PromptInput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"name": {"title": "Name", "type": "string"}},
assert prompt.output_schema.schema() == snapshot
prompt_mapper = PromptTemplate.from_template("Hello, {name}!").map()
assert prompt_mapper.input_schema.schema() == {
"definitions": {
"PromptInput": {
"properties": {"name": {"title": "Name", "type": "string"}},
"title": "PromptInput",
"type": "object",
"items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/PromptInput"},
"type": "array",
"title": "RunnableEach<PromptTemplate>Input",
assert prompt_mapper.output_schema.schema() == snapshot
list_parser = CommaSeparatedListOutputParser()
assert list_parser.input_schema.schema() == snapshot
assert list_parser.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "CommaSeparatedListOutputParserOutput",
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "string"},
seq = prompt | fake_llm | list_parser
assert seq.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "PromptInput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"name": {"title": "Name", "type": "string"}},
assert seq.output_schema.schema() == {
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "string"},
"title": "CommaSeparatedListOutputParserOutput",
router: Runnable = RouterRunnable({})
assert router.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "RouterRunnableInput",
"$ref": "#/definitions/RouterInput",
"definitions": {
"RouterInput": {
"title": "RouterInput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"key": {"title": "Key", "type": "string"},
"input": {"title": "Input"},
"required": ["key", "input"],
assert router.output_schema.schema() == {"title": "RouterRunnableOutput"}
seq_w_map: Runnable = (
| fake_llm
| {
"original": RunnablePassthrough(input_type=str),
"as_list": list_parser,
"length": typed_lambda_impl,
assert seq_w_map.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "PromptInput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"name": {"title": "Name", "type": "string"}},
assert seq_w_map.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "RunnableParallel<original,as_list,length>Output",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"original": {"title": "Original", "type": "string"},
"length": {"title": "Length", "type": "integer"},
"as_list": {
"title": "As List",
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "string"},
def test_passthrough_assign_schema() -> None:
retriever = FakeRetriever() # str -> List[Document]
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template("{context} {question}")
fake_llm = FakeListLLM(responses=["a"]) # str -> List[List[str]]
seq_w_assign: Runnable = (
RunnablePassthrough.assign(context=itemgetter("question") | retriever)
| prompt
| fake_llm
assert seq_w_assign.input_schema.schema() == {
"properties": {"question": {"title": "Question", "type": "string"}},
"title": "RunnableSequenceInput",
"type": "object",
assert seq_w_assign.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "FakeListLLMOutput",
"type": "string",
invalid_seq_w_assign: Runnable = (
RunnablePassthrough.assign(context=itemgetter("question") | retriever)
| fake_llm
# fallback to RunnableAssign.input_schema if next runnable doesn't have
# expected dict input_schema
assert invalid_seq_w_assign.input_schema.schema() == {
"properties": {"question": {"title": "Question"}},
"title": "RunnableParallel<context>Input",
"type": "object",
sys.version_info < (3, 9), reason="Requires python version >= 3.9 to run."
def test_lambda_schemas() -> None:
first_lambda = lambda x: x["hello"] # noqa: E731
assert RunnableLambda(first_lambda).input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "RunnableLambdaInput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"hello": {"title": "Hello"}},
second_lambda = lambda x, y: (x["hello"], x["bye"], y["bah"]) # noqa: E731
assert RunnableLambda(second_lambda).input_schema.schema() == { # type: ignore[arg-type]
"title": "RunnableLambdaInput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"hello": {"title": "Hello"}, "bye": {"title": "Bye"}},
def get_value(input): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
return input["variable_name"]
assert RunnableLambda(get_value).input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "get_value_input",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"variable_name": {"title": "Variable Name"}},
async def aget_value(input): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
return (input["variable_name"], input.get("another"))
assert RunnableLambda(aget_value).input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "aget_value_input",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"another": {"title": "Another"},
"variable_name": {"title": "Variable Name"},
async def aget_values(input): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
return {
"hello": input["variable_name"],
"bye": input["variable_name"],
"byebye": input["yo"],
assert RunnableLambda(aget_values).input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "aget_values_input",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"variable_name": {"title": "Variable Name"},
"yo": {"title": "Yo"},
class InputType(TypedDict):
variable_name: str
yo: int
class OutputType(TypedDict):
hello: str
bye: str
byebye: int
async def aget_values_typed(input: InputType) -> OutputType:
return {
"hello": input["variable_name"],
"bye": input["variable_name"],
"byebye": input["yo"],
assert (
aget_values_typed # type: ignore[arg-type]
== {
"title": "aget_values_typed_input",
"$ref": "#/definitions/InputType",
"definitions": {
"InputType": {
"properties": {
"variable_name": {
"title": "Variable " "Name",
"type": "string",
"yo": {"title": "Yo", "type": "integer"},
"required": ["variable_name", "yo"],
"title": "InputType",
"type": "object",
assert RunnableLambda(aget_values_typed).output_schema.schema() == { # type: ignore[arg-type]
"title": "aget_values_typed_output",
"$ref": "#/definitions/OutputType",
"definitions": {
"OutputType": {
"properties": {
"bye": {"title": "Bye", "type": "string"},
"byebye": {"title": "Byebye", "type": "integer"},
"hello": {"title": "Hello", "type": "string"},
"required": ["hello", "bye", "byebye"],
"title": "OutputType",
"type": "object",
def test_with_types_with_type_generics() -> None:
"""Verify that with_types works if we use things like List[int]"""
def foo(x: int) -> None:
"""Add one to the input."""
raise NotImplementedError()
# Try specifying some
output_type=List[int], # type: ignore[arg-type]
input_type=List[int], # type: ignore[arg-type]
output_type=Sequence[int], # type: ignore[arg-type]
input_type=Sequence[int], # type: ignore[arg-type]
def test_schema_complex_seq() -> None:
prompt1 = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template("what is the city {person} is from?")
prompt2 = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
"what country is the city {city} in? respond in {language}"
model = FakeListChatModel(responses=[""])
chain1: Runnable = RunnableSequence(
prompt1, model, StrOutputParser(), name="city_chain"
assert == "city_chain"
chain2: Runnable = (
{"city": chain1, "language": itemgetter("language")}
| prompt2
| model
| StrOutputParser()
assert chain2.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "RunnableParallel<city,language>Input",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"person": {"title": "Person", "type": "string"},
"language": {"title": "Language"},
assert chain2.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "StrOutputParserOutput",
"type": "string",
assert chain2.with_types(input_type=str).input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "RunnableSequenceInput",
"type": "string",
assert chain2.with_types(input_type=int).output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "StrOutputParserOutput",
"type": "string",
class InputType(BaseModel):
person: str
assert chain2.with_types(input_type=InputType).input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "InputType",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"person": {"title": "Person", "type": "string"}},
"required": ["person"],
def test_configurable_fields() -> None:
fake_llm = FakeListLLM(responses=["a"]) # str -> List[List[str]]
assert fake_llm.invoke("...") == "a"
fake_llm_configurable = fake_llm.configurable_fields(
name="LLM Responses",
description="A list of fake responses for this LLM",
assert fake_llm_configurable.invoke("...") == "a"
assert fake_llm_configurable.config_schema().schema() == {
"title": "RunnableConfigurableFieldsConfig",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"configurable": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Configurable"}},
"definitions": {
"Configurable": {
"title": "Configurable",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"llm_responses": {
"title": "LLM Responses",
"description": "A list of fake responses for this LLM",
"default": ["a"],
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "string"},
fake_llm_configured = fake_llm_configurable.with_config(
configurable={"llm_responses": ["b"]}
assert fake_llm_configured.invoke("...") == "b"
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template("Hello, {name}!")
assert prompt.invoke({"name": "John"}) == StringPromptValue(text="Hello, John!")
prompt_configurable = prompt.configurable_fields(
name="Prompt Template",
description="The prompt template for this chain",
assert prompt_configurable.invoke({"name": "John"}) == StringPromptValue(
text="Hello, John!"
assert prompt_configurable.config_schema().schema() == {
"title": "RunnableConfigurableFieldsConfig",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"configurable": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Configurable"}},
"definitions": {
"Configurable": {
"title": "Configurable",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"prompt_template": {
"title": "Prompt Template",
"description": "The prompt template for this chain",
"default": "Hello, {name}!",
"type": "string",
prompt_configured = prompt_configurable.with_config(
configurable={"prompt_template": "Hello, {name}! {name}!"}
assert prompt_configured.invoke({"name": "John"}) == StringPromptValue(
text="Hello, John! John!"
assert prompt_configurable.with_config(
configurable={"prompt_template": "Hello {name} in {lang}"}
).input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "PromptInput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"lang": {"title": "Lang", "type": "string"},
"name": {"title": "Name", "type": "string"},
chain_configurable = prompt_configurable | fake_llm_configurable | StrOutputParser()
assert chain_configurable.invoke({"name": "John"}) == "a"
assert chain_configurable.config_schema().schema() == {
"title": "RunnableSequenceConfig",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"configurable": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Configurable"}},
"definitions": {
"Configurable": {
"title": "Configurable",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"llm_responses": {
"title": "LLM Responses",
"description": "A list of fake responses for this LLM",
"default": ["a"],
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "string"},
"prompt_template": {
"title": "Prompt Template",
"description": "The prompt template for this chain",
"default": "Hello, {name}!",
"type": "string",
assert (
"prompt_template": "A very good morning to you, {name} {lang}!",
"llm_responses": ["c"],
).invoke({"name": "John", "lang": "en"})
== "c"
assert chain_configurable.with_config(
"prompt_template": "A very good morning to you, {name} {lang}!",
"llm_responses": ["c"],
).input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "PromptInput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"lang": {"title": "Lang", "type": "string"},
"name": {"title": "Name", "type": "string"},
chain_with_map_configurable: Runnable = prompt_configurable | {
"llm1": fake_llm_configurable | StrOutputParser(),
"llm2": fake_llm_configurable | StrOutputParser(),
"llm3": fake_llm.configurable_fields(
| StrOutputParser(),
assert chain_with_map_configurable.invoke({"name": "John"}) == {
"llm1": "a",
"llm2": "a",
"llm3": "a",
assert chain_with_map_configurable.config_schema().schema() == {
"title": "RunnableSequenceConfig",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"configurable": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Configurable"}},
"definitions": {
"Configurable": {
"title": "Configurable",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"llm_responses": {
"title": "LLM Responses",
"description": "A list of fake responses for this LLM",
"default": ["a"],
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "string"},
"other_responses": {
"title": "Other Responses",
"default": ["a"],
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "string"},
"prompt_template": {
"title": "Prompt Template",
"description": "The prompt template for this chain",
"default": "Hello, {name}!",
"type": "string",
assert chain_with_map_configurable.with_config(
"prompt_template": "A very good morning to you, {name}!",
"llm_responses": ["c"],
"other_responses": ["d"],
).invoke({"name": "John"}) == {"llm1": "c", "llm2": "c", "llm3": "d"}
def test_configurable_alts_factory() -> None:
fake_llm = FakeListLLM(responses=["a"]).configurable_alternatives(
ConfigurableField(id="llm", name="LLM"),
chat=partial(FakeListLLM, responses=["b"]),
assert fake_llm.invoke("...") == "a"
assert fake_llm.with_config(configurable={"llm": "chat"}).invoke("...") == "b"
def test_configurable_fields_prefix_keys() -> None:
fake_chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=["b"]).configurable_fields(
name="Chat Responses",
"hello": "A good morning to you!",
"bye": "See you later!",
"helpful": "How can I help you?",
default=["hello", "bye"],
# (sleep is a configurable field in FakeListChatModel)
fake_llm = (
name="LLM Responses",
description="A list of fake responses for this LLM",
ConfigurableField(id="llm", name="LLM"),
chat=fake_chat | StrOutputParser(),
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template("Hello, {name}!").configurable_fields(
name="Prompt Template",
description="The prompt template for this chain",
"hello": "Hello, {name}!",
"good_morning": "A very good morning to you, {name}!",
chain = prompt | fake_llm
assert chain.config_schema().schema() == {
"title": "RunnableSequenceConfig",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"configurable": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Configurable"}},
"definitions": {
"LLM": {
"title": "LLM",
"description": "An enumeration.",
"enum": ["chat", "default"],
"type": "string",
"Chat_Responses": {
"title": "Chat Responses",
"description": "An enumeration.",
"enum": ["hello", "bye", "helpful"],
"type": "string",
"Prompt_Template": {
"title": "Prompt Template",
"description": "An enumeration.",
"enum": ["hello", "good_morning"],
"type": "string",
"Configurable": {
"title": "Configurable",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"prompt_template": {
"title": "Prompt Template",
"description": "The prompt template for this chain",
"default": "hello",
"allOf": [{"$ref": "#/definitions/Prompt_Template"}],
"llm": {
"title": "LLM",
"default": "default",
"allOf": [{"$ref": "#/definitions/LLM"}],
# not prefixed because marked as shared
"chat_sleep": {
"title": "Chat Sleep",
"type": "number",
# prefixed for "chat" option
"llm==chat/responses": {
"title": "Chat Responses",
"default": ["hello", "bye"],
"type": "array",
"items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Chat_Responses"},
# prefixed for "default" option
"llm==default/responses": {
"title": "LLM Responses",
"description": "A list of fake responses for this LLM",
"default": ["a"],
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "string"},
def test_configurable_fields_example() -> None:
fake_chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=["b"]).configurable_fields(
name="Chat Responses",
"hello": "A good morning to you!",
"bye": "See you later!",
"helpful": "How can I help you?",
default=["hello", "bye"],
fake_llm = (
name="LLM Responses",
description="A list of fake responses for this LLM",
ConfigurableField(id="llm", name="LLM"),
chat=fake_chat | StrOutputParser(),
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template("Hello, {name}!").configurable_fields(
name="Prompt Template",
description="The prompt template for this chain",
"hello": "Hello, {name}!",
"good_morning": "A very good morning to you, {name}!",
# deduplication of configurable fields
chain_configurable = prompt | fake_llm | (lambda x: {"name": x}) | prompt | fake_llm
assert chain_configurable.invoke({"name": "John"}) == "a"
assert chain_configurable.config_schema().schema() == {
"title": "RunnableSequenceConfig",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"configurable": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Configurable"}},
"definitions": {
"LLM": {
"title": "LLM",
"description": "An enumeration.",
"enum": ["chat", "default"],
"type": "string",
"Chat_Responses": {
"description": "An enumeration.",
"enum": ["hello", "bye", "helpful"],
"title": "Chat Responses",
"type": "string",
"Prompt_Template": {
"description": "An enumeration.",
"enum": ["hello", "good_morning"],
"title": "Prompt Template",
"type": "string",
"Configurable": {
"title": "Configurable",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"chat_responses": {
"default": ["hello", "bye"],
"items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Chat_Responses"},
"title": "Chat Responses",
"type": "array",
"llm": {
"title": "LLM",
"default": "default",
"allOf": [{"$ref": "#/definitions/LLM"}],
"llm_responses": {
"title": "LLM Responses",
"description": "A list of fake responses for this LLM",
"default": ["a"],
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "string"},
"prompt_template": {
"title": "Prompt Template",
"description": "The prompt template for this chain",
"default": "hello",
"allOf": [{"$ref": "#/definitions/Prompt_Template"}],
assert (
chain_configurable.with_config(configurable={"llm": "chat"}).invoke(
{"name": "John"}
== "A good morning to you!"
assert (
configurable={"llm": "chat", "chat_responses": ["helpful"]}
).invoke({"name": "John"})
== "How can I help you?"
async def test_passthrough_tap_async(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None:
fake = FakeRunnable()
mock = mocker.Mock()
seq: Runnable = fake | RunnablePassthrough(mock)
assert await seq.ainvoke("hello") == 5
assert mock.call_args_list == []
assert [
part async for part in seq.astream("hello", dict(metadata={"key": "value"}))
] == [5]
assert mock.call_args_list == []
assert seq.invoke("hello") == 5
assert mock.call_args_list == []
assert [part for part in"hello", dict(metadata={"key": "value"}))] == [
assert mock.call_args_list == []
async def test_with_config_metadata_passthrough(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None:
fake = FakeRunnableSerializable()
spy = mocker.spy(fake.__class__, "invoke")
fakew = fake.configurable_fields(hello=ConfigurableField(id="hello", name="Hello"))
assert (
"hello", {"configurable": {"hello": "there"}, "metadata": {"bye": "now"}}
== 5
assert spy.call_args_list[0].args[1:] == (
configurable={"hello": "there"},
metadata={"hello": "there", "bye": "now"},
async def test_with_config(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None:
fake = FakeRunnable()
spy = mocker.spy(fake, "invoke")
assert fake.with_config(tags=["a-tag"]).invoke("hello") == 5
assert spy.call_args_list == ["hello", dict(tags=["a-tag"])),
fake_1: Runnable = RunnablePassthrough()
fake_2: Runnable = RunnablePassthrough()
spy_seq_step = mocker.spy(fake_1.__class__, "invoke")
sequence = fake_1.with_config(tags=["a-tag"]) | fake_2.with_config(
tags=["b-tag"], max_concurrency=5
assert sequence.invoke("hello") == "hello"
assert len(spy_seq_step.call_args_list) == 2
for i, call in enumerate(spy_seq_step.call_args_list):
assert call.args[1] == "hello"
if i == 0:
assert call.args[2].get("tags") == ["a-tag"]
assert call.args[2].get("max_concurrency") is None
assert call.args[2].get("tags") == ["b-tag"]
assert call.args[2].get("max_concurrency") == 5
assert [
"hello", dict(metadata={"key": "value"})
] == [5]
assert spy.call_args_list == ["hello", dict(tags=["a-tag"], metadata={"key": "value"})),
assert fake.with_config(recursion_limit=5).batch(
["hello", "wooorld"], [dict(tags=["a-tag"]), dict(metadata={"key": "value"})]
) == [5, 7]
assert len(spy.call_args_list) == 2
for i, call in enumerate(
sorted(spy.call_args_list, key=lambda x: 0 if x.args[0] == "hello" else 1)
assert call.args[0] == ("hello" if i == 0 else "wooorld")
if i == 0:
assert call.args[1].get("recursion_limit") == 5
assert call.args[1].get("tags") == ["a-tag"]
assert call.args[1].get("metadata") == {}
assert call.args[1].get("recursion_limit") == 5
assert call.args[1].get("tags") == []
assert call.args[1].get("metadata") == {"key": "value"}
assert sorted(
for c in fake.with_config(recursion_limit=5).batch_as_completed(
["hello", "wooorld"],
[dict(tags=["a-tag"]), dict(metadata={"key": "value"})],
) == [(0, 5), (1, 7)]
assert len(spy.call_args_list) == 2
for i, call in enumerate(
sorted(spy.call_args_list, key=lambda x: 0 if x.args[0] == "hello" else 1)
assert call.args[0] == ("hello" if i == 0 else "wooorld")
if i == 0:
assert call.args[1].get("recursion_limit") == 5
assert call.args[1].get("tags") == ["a-tag"]
assert call.args[1].get("metadata") == {}
assert call.args[1].get("recursion_limit") == 5
assert call.args[1].get("tags") == []
assert call.args[1].get("metadata") == {"key": "value"}
assert fake.with_config(metadata={"a": "b"}).batch(
["hello", "wooorld"], dict(tags=["a-tag"])
) == [5, 7]
assert len(spy.call_args_list) == 2
for i, call in enumerate(spy.call_args_list):
assert call.args[0] == ("hello" if i == 0 else "wooorld")
assert call.args[1].get("tags") == ["a-tag"]
assert call.args[1].get("metadata") == {"a": "b"}
assert sorted(
c for c in fake.batch_as_completed(["hello", "wooorld"], dict(tags=["a-tag"]))
) == [(0, 5), (1, 7)]
assert len(spy.call_args_list) == 2
for i, call in enumerate(spy.call_args_list):
assert call.args[0] == ("hello" if i == 0 else "wooorld")
assert call.args[1].get("tags") == ["a-tag"]
handler = ConsoleCallbackHandler()
assert (
await fake.with_config(metadata={"a": "b"}).ainvoke(
"hello", config={"callbacks": [handler]}
== 5
assert spy.call_args_list == ["hello", dict(callbacks=[handler], metadata={"a": "b"})),
assert [
part async for part in fake.with_config(metadata={"a": "b"}).astream("hello")
] == [5]
assert spy.call_args_list == ["hello", dict(metadata={"a": "b"})),
assert await fake.with_config(recursion_limit=5, tags=["c"]).abatch(
["hello", "wooorld"], dict(metadata={"key": "value"})
) == [
assert spy.call_args_list == [
metadata={"key": "value"},
metadata={"key": "value"},
assert sorted(
async for c in fake.with_config(
recursion_limit=5, tags=["c"]
).abatch_as_completed(["hello", "wooorld"], dict(metadata={"key": "value"}))
) == [
(0, 5),
(1, 7),
assert len(spy.call_args_list) == 2
first_call = next(call for call in spy.call_args_list if call.args[0] == "hello")
assert first_call ==
metadata={"key": "value"},
second_call = next(call for call in spy.call_args_list if call.args[0] == "wooorld")
assert second_call ==
metadata={"key": "value"},
async def test_default_method_implementations(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None:
fake = FakeRunnable()
spy = mocker.spy(fake, "invoke")
assert fake.invoke("hello", dict(tags=["a-tag"])) == 5
assert spy.call_args_list == ["hello", dict(tags=["a-tag"])),
assert [*"hello", dict(metadata={"key": "value"}))] == [5]
assert spy.call_args_list == ["hello", dict(metadata={"key": "value"})),
assert fake.batch(
["hello", "wooorld"], [dict(tags=["a-tag"]), dict(metadata={"key": "value"})]
) == [5, 7]
assert len(spy.call_args_list) == 2
for i, call in enumerate(spy.call_args_list):
call_arg = call.args[0]
if call_arg == "hello":
assert call_arg == "hello"
assert call.args[1].get("tags") == ["a-tag"]
assert call.args[1].get("metadata") == {}
assert call_arg == "wooorld"
assert call.args[1].get("tags") == []
assert call.args[1].get("metadata") == {"key": "value"}
assert fake.batch(["hello", "wooorld"], dict(tags=["a-tag"])) == [5, 7]
assert len(spy.call_args_list) == 2
assert set(call.args[0] for call in spy.call_args_list) == {"hello", "wooorld"}
for i, call in enumerate(spy.call_args_list):
assert call.args[1].get("tags") == ["a-tag"]
assert call.args[1].get("metadata") == {}
assert await fake.ainvoke("hello", config={"callbacks": []}) == 5
assert spy.call_args_list == ["hello", dict(callbacks=[])),
assert [part async for part in fake.astream("hello")] == [5]
assert spy.call_args_list == ["hello", None),
assert await fake.abatch(["hello", "wooorld"], dict(metadata={"key": "value"})) == [
assert set(call.args[0] for call in spy.call_args_list) == {"hello", "wooorld"}
for call in spy.call_args_list:
assert call.args[1] == dict(
metadata={"key": "value"},
async def test_prompt() -> None:
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
expected = ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
assert prompt.invoke({"question": "What is your name?"}) == expected
assert prompt.batch(
{"question": "What is your name?"},
{"question": "What is your favorite color?"},
) == [
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your favorite color?"),
assert [*{"question": "What is your name?"})] == [expected]
assert await prompt.ainvoke({"question": "What is your name?"}) == expected
assert await prompt.abatch(
{"question": "What is your name?"},
{"question": "What is your favorite color?"},
) == [
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your favorite color?"),
assert [
part async for part in prompt.astream({"question": "What is your name?"})
] == [expected]
stream_log = [
part async for part in prompt.astream_log({"question": "What is your name?"})
assert len(stream_log[0].ops) == 1
assert stream_log[0].ops[0]["op"] == "replace"
assert stream_log[0].ops[0]["path"] == ""
assert stream_log[0].ops[0]["value"]["logs"] == {}
assert stream_log[0].ops[0]["value"]["final_output"] is None
assert stream_log[0].ops[0]["value"]["streamed_output"] == []
assert isinstance(stream_log[0].ops[0]["value"]["id"], str)
assert stream_log[1:] == [
{"op": "add", "path": "/streamed_output/-", "value": expected},
"op": "replace",
"path": "/final_output",
"value": ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
stream_log_state = [
async for part in prompt.astream_log(
{"question": "What is your name?"}, diff=False
# remove random id
stream_log[0].ops[0]["value"]["id"] = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
stream_log_state[-1].ops[0]["value"]["id"] = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
stream_log_state[-1].state["id"] = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
# assert output with diff=False matches output with diff=True
assert stream_log_state[-1].ops == [op for chunk in stream_log for op in chunk.ops]
assert stream_log_state[-1] == RunLog(
*[op for chunk in stream_log for op in chunk.ops],
"final_output": ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"logs": {},
"streamed_output": [
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
"type": "prompt",
"name": "ChatPromptTemplate",
# nested inside trace_with_chain_group
async with atrace_as_chain_group("a_group") as manager:
stream_log_nested = [
async for part in prompt.astream_log(
{"question": "What is your name?"}, config={"callbacks": manager}
assert len(stream_log_nested[0].ops) == 1
assert stream_log_nested[0].ops[0]["op"] == "replace"
assert stream_log_nested[0].ops[0]["path"] == ""
assert stream_log_nested[0].ops[0]["value"]["logs"] == {}
assert stream_log_nested[0].ops[0]["value"]["final_output"] is None
assert stream_log_nested[0].ops[0]["value"]["streamed_output"] == []
assert isinstance(stream_log_nested[0].ops[0]["value"]["id"], str)
assert stream_log_nested[1:] == [
{"op": "add", "path": "/streamed_output/-", "value": expected},
"op": "replace",
"path": "/final_output",
"value": ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
def test_prompt_template_params() -> None:
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
"Respond to the following question: {question}"
result = prompt.invoke(
"question": "test",
"topic": "test",
assert result == ChatPromptValue(
messages=[HumanMessage(content="Respond to the following question: test")]
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_with_listeners(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=["foo"])
chain: Runnable = prompt | chat
mock_start = mocker.Mock()
mock_end = mocker.Mock()
chain.with_listeners(on_start=mock_start, on_end=mock_end).invoke(
{"question": "Who are you?"}
assert mock_start.call_count == 1
assert mock_start.call_args[0][0].name == "RunnableSequence"
assert mock_end.call_count == 1
with trace_as_chain_group("hello") as manager:
chain.with_listeners(on_start=mock_start, on_end=mock_end).invoke(
{"question": "Who are you?"}, {"callbacks": manager}
assert mock_start.call_count == 1
assert mock_start.call_args[0][0].name == "RunnableSequence"
assert mock_end.call_count == 1
async def test_with_listeners_async(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=["foo"])
chain: Runnable = prompt | chat
mock_start = mocker.Mock()
mock_end = mocker.Mock()
await chain.with_listeners(on_start=mock_start, on_end=mock_end).ainvoke(
{"question": "Who are you?"}
assert mock_start.call_count == 1
assert mock_start.call_args[0][0].name == "RunnableSequence"
assert mock_end.call_count == 1
async with atrace_as_chain_group("hello") as manager:
await chain.with_listeners(on_start=mock_start, on_end=mock_end).ainvoke(
{"question": "Who are you?"}, {"callbacks": manager}
assert mock_start.call_count == 1
assert mock_start.call_args[0][0].name == "RunnableSequence"
assert mock_end.call_count == 1
def test_prompt_with_chat_model(
mocker: MockerFixture, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion
) -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=["foo"])
chain: Runnable = prompt | chat
assert repr(chain) == snapshot
assert isinstance(chain, RunnableSequence)
assert chain.first == prompt
assert chain.middle == []
assert chain.last == chat
assert dumps(chain, pretty=True) == snapshot
# Test invoke
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "invoke")
chat_spy = mocker.spy(chat.__class__, "invoke")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert chain.invoke(
{"question": "What is your name?"}, dict(callbacks=[tracer])
) == AIMessage(content="foo", id=AnyStr())
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {"question": "What is your name?"}
assert chat_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
assert tracer.runs == snapshot
# Test batch
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "batch")
chat_spy = mocker.spy(chat.__class__, "batch")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert chain.batch(
{"question": "What is your name?"},
{"question": "What is your favorite color?"},
) == [
AIMessage(content="foo", id=AnyStr()),
AIMessage(content="foo", id=AnyStr()),
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == [
{"question": "What is your name?"},
{"question": "What is your favorite color?"},
assert chat_spy.call_args.args[1] == [
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your favorite color?"),
assert (
for r in tracer.runs
if r.parent_run_id is None and len(r.child_runs) == 2
== 2
), "Each of 2 outer runs contains exactly two inner runs (1 prompt, 1 chat)"
# Test stream
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "invoke")
chat_spy = mocker.spy(chat.__class__, "stream")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert [
*{"question": "What is your name?"}, dict(callbacks=[tracer]))
] == [
AIMessageChunk(content="f", id=AnyStr()),
AIMessageChunk(content="o", id=AnyStr()),
AIMessageChunk(content="o", id=AnyStr()),
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {"question": "What is your name?"}
assert chat_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
async def test_prompt_with_chat_model_async(
mocker: MockerFixture, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion
) -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=["foo"])
chain: Runnable = prompt | chat
assert repr(chain) == snapshot
assert isinstance(chain, RunnableSequence)
assert chain.first == prompt
assert chain.middle == []
assert chain.last == chat
assert dumps(chain, pretty=True) == snapshot
# Test invoke
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "ainvoke")
chat_spy = mocker.spy(chat.__class__, "ainvoke")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert await chain.ainvoke(
{"question": "What is your name?"}, dict(callbacks=[tracer])
) == AIMessage(content="foo", id=AnyStr())
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {"question": "What is your name?"}
assert chat_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
assert tracer.runs == snapshot
# Test batch
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "abatch")
chat_spy = mocker.spy(chat.__class__, "abatch")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert await chain.abatch(
{"question": "What is your name?"},
{"question": "What is your favorite color?"},
) == [
AIMessage(content="foo", id=AnyStr()),
AIMessage(content="foo", id=AnyStr()),
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == [
{"question": "What is your name?"},
{"question": "What is your favorite color?"},
assert chat_spy.call_args.args[1] == [
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your favorite color?"),
assert (
for r in tracer.runs
if r.parent_run_id is None and len(r.child_runs) == 2
== 2
), "Each of 2 outer runs contains exactly two inner runs (1 prompt, 1 chat)"
# Test stream
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "ainvoke")
chat_spy = mocker.spy(chat.__class__, "astream")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert [
async for a in chain.astream(
{"question": "What is your name?"}, dict(callbacks=[tracer])
] == [
AIMessageChunk(content="f", id=AnyStr()),
AIMessageChunk(content="o", id=AnyStr()),
AIMessageChunk(content="o", id=AnyStr()),
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {"question": "What is your name?"}
assert chat_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
async def test_prompt_with_llm(
mocker: MockerFixture, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion
) -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
llm = FakeListLLM(responses=["foo", "bar"])
chain: Runnable = prompt | llm
assert isinstance(chain, RunnableSequence)
assert chain.first == prompt
assert chain.middle == []
assert chain.last == llm
assert dumps(chain, pretty=True) == snapshot
# Test invoke
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "ainvoke")
llm_spy = mocker.spy(llm.__class__, "ainvoke")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert (
await chain.ainvoke(
{"question": "What is your name?"}, dict(callbacks=[tracer])
== "foo"
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {"question": "What is your name?"}
assert llm_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
assert tracer.runs == snapshot
# Test batch
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "abatch")
llm_spy = mocker.spy(llm.__class__, "abatch")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert await chain.abatch(
{"question": "What is your name?"},
{"question": "What is your favorite color?"},
) == ["bar", "foo"]
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == [
{"question": "What is your name?"},
{"question": "What is your favorite color?"},
assert llm_spy.call_args.args[1] == [
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your favorite color?"),
assert tracer.runs == snapshot
# Test stream
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "ainvoke")
llm_spy = mocker.spy(llm.__class__, "astream")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert [
async for token in chain.astream(
{"question": "What is your name?"}, dict(callbacks=[tracer])
] == ["bar"]
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {"question": "What is your name?"}
assert llm_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
stream_log = [
part async for part in chain.astream_log({"question": "What is your name?"})
# remove ids from logs
for part in stream_log:
for op in part.ops:
if (
isinstance(op["value"], dict)
and "id" in op["value"]
and not isinstance(op["value"]["id"], list) # serialized lc id
del op["value"]["id"]
expected = [
"op": "replace",
"path": "",
"value": {
"logs": {},
"final_output": None,
"streamed_output": [],
"name": "RunnableSequence",
"type": "chain",
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/ChatPromptTemplate",
"value": {
"end_time": None,
"final_output": None,
"metadata": {},
"name": "ChatPromptTemplate",
"start_time": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
"streamed_output": [],
"streamed_output_str": [],
"tags": ["seq:step:1"],
"type": "prompt",
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/ChatPromptTemplate/final_output",
"value": ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/ChatPromptTemplate/end_time",
"value": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/FakeListLLM",
"value": {
"end_time": None,
"final_output": None,
"metadata": {},
"name": "FakeListLLM",
"start_time": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
"streamed_output": [],
"streamed_output_str": [],
"tags": ["seq:step:2"],
"type": "llm",
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/FakeListLLM/final_output",
"value": {
"generations": [
[{"generation_info": None, "text": "foo", "type": "Generation"}]
"llm_output": None,
"run": None,
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/FakeListLLM/end_time",
"value": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
{"op": "add", "path": "/streamed_output/-", "value": "foo"},
{"op": "replace", "path": "/final_output", "value": "foo"},
assert stream_log == expected
async def test_prompt_with_llm_parser(
mocker: MockerFixture, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion
) -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=["bear, dog, cat", "tomato, lettuce, onion"])
parser = CommaSeparatedListOutputParser()
chain: Runnable = prompt | llm | parser
assert isinstance(chain, RunnableSequence)
assert chain.first == prompt
assert chain.middle == [llm]
assert chain.last == parser
assert dumps(chain, pretty=True) == snapshot
# Test invoke
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "ainvoke")
llm_spy = mocker.spy(llm.__class__, "ainvoke")
parser_spy = mocker.spy(parser.__class__, "ainvoke")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert await chain.ainvoke(
{"question": "What is your name?"}, dict(callbacks=[tracer])
) == ["bear", "dog", "cat"]
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {"question": "What is your name?"}
assert llm_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
assert parser_spy.call_args.args[1] == "bear, dog, cat"
assert tracer.runs == snapshot
# Test batch
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "abatch")
llm_spy = mocker.spy(llm.__class__, "abatch")
parser_spy = mocker.spy(parser.__class__, "abatch")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert await chain.abatch(
{"question": "What is your name?"},
{"question": "What is your favorite color?"},
) == [["tomato", "lettuce", "onion"], ["bear", "dog", "cat"]]
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == [
{"question": "What is your name?"},
{"question": "What is your favorite color?"},
assert llm_spy.call_args.args[1] == [
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your favorite color?"),
assert parser_spy.call_args.args[1] == [
"tomato, lettuce, onion",
"bear, dog, cat",
assert tracer.runs == snapshot
# Test stream
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "ainvoke")
llm_spy = mocker.spy(llm.__class__, "astream")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert [
async for token in chain.astream(
{"question": "What is your name?"}, dict(callbacks=[tracer])
] == [["tomato"], ["lettuce"], ["onion"]]
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {"question": "What is your name?"}
assert llm_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
stream_log = [
part async for part in chain.astream_log({"question": "What is your name?"})
# remove ids from logs
for part in stream_log:
for op in part.ops:
if (
isinstance(op["value"], dict)
and "id" in op["value"]
and not isinstance(op["value"]["id"], list) # serialized lc id
del op["value"]["id"]
expected = [
"op": "replace",
"path": "",
"value": {
"logs": {},
"final_output": None,
"streamed_output": [],
"name": "RunnableSequence",
"type": "chain",
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/ChatPromptTemplate",
"value": {
"end_time": None,
"final_output": None,
"metadata": {},
"name": "ChatPromptTemplate",
"start_time": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
"streamed_output": [],
"streamed_output_str": [],
"tags": ["seq:step:1"],
"type": "prompt",
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/ChatPromptTemplate/final_output",
"value": ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/ChatPromptTemplate/end_time",
"value": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/FakeStreamingListLLM",
"value": {
"end_time": None,
"final_output": None,
"metadata": {},
"name": "FakeStreamingListLLM",
"start_time": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
"streamed_output": [],
"streamed_output_str": [],
"tags": ["seq:step:2"],
"type": "llm",
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/FakeStreamingListLLM/final_output",
"value": {
"generations": [
"generation_info": None,
"text": "bear, dog, cat",
"type": "Generation",
"llm_output": None,
"run": None,
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/FakeStreamingListLLM/end_time",
"value": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/CommaSeparatedListOutputParser",
"value": {
"end_time": None,
"final_output": None,
"metadata": {},
"name": "CommaSeparatedListOutputParser",
"start_time": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
"streamed_output": [],
"streamed_output_str": [],
"tags": ["seq:step:3"],
"type": "parser",
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/CommaSeparatedListOutputParser/streamed_output/-",
"value": ["bear"],
{"op": "add", "path": "/streamed_output/-", "value": ["bear"]},
{"op": "replace", "path": "/final_output", "value": ["bear"]},
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/CommaSeparatedListOutputParser/streamed_output/-",
"value": ["dog"],
{"op": "add", "path": "/streamed_output/-", "value": ["dog"]},
{"op": "add", "path": "/final_output/1", "value": "dog"},
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/CommaSeparatedListOutputParser/streamed_output/-",
"value": ["cat"],
{"op": "add", "path": "/streamed_output/-", "value": ["cat"]},
{"op": "add", "path": "/final_output/2", "value": "cat"},
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/CommaSeparatedListOutputParser/final_output",
"value": {"output": ["bear", "dog", "cat"]},
"op": "add",
"path": "/logs/CommaSeparatedListOutputParser/end_time",
"value": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
assert stream_log == expected
async def test_stream_log_retriever() -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{documents}"
+ "{question}"
llm = FakeListLLM(responses=["foo", "bar"])
chain: Runnable = (
{"documents": FakeRetriever(), "question": itemgetter("question")}
| prompt
| {"one": llm, "two": llm}
stream_log = [
part async for part in chain.astream_log({"question": "What is your name?"})
# remove ids from logs
for part in stream_log:
for op in part.ops:
if (
isinstance(op["value"], dict)
and "id" in op["value"]
and not isinstance(op["value"]["id"], list) # serialized lc id
del op["value"]["id"]
assert sorted(cast(RunLog, add(stream_log)).state["logs"]) == [
async def test_stream_log_lists() -> None:
async def list_producer(input: AsyncIterator[Any]) -> AsyncIterator[AddableDict]:
for i in range(4):
yield AddableDict(alist=[str(i)])
chain: Runnable = RunnableGenerator(list_producer)
stream_log = [
part async for part in chain.astream_log({"question": "What is your name?"})
# remove ids from logs
for part in stream_log:
for op in part.ops:
if (
isinstance(op["value"], dict)
and "id" in op["value"]
and not isinstance(op["value"]["id"], list) # serialized lc id
del op["value"]["id"]
assert stream_log == [
"op": "replace",
"path": "",
"value": {
"final_output": None,
"logs": {},
"streamed_output": [],
"name": "list_producer",
"type": "chain",
{"op": "add", "path": "/streamed_output/-", "value": {"alist": ["0"]}},
{"op": "replace", "path": "/final_output", "value": {"alist": ["0"]}},
{"op": "add", "path": "/streamed_output/-", "value": {"alist": ["1"]}},
{"op": "add", "path": "/final_output/alist/1", "value": "1"},
{"op": "add", "path": "/streamed_output/-", "value": {"alist": ["2"]}},
{"op": "add", "path": "/final_output/alist/2", "value": "2"},
{"op": "add", "path": "/streamed_output/-", "value": {"alist": ["3"]}},
{"op": "add", "path": "/final_output/alist/3", "value": "3"},
state = add(stream_log)
assert isinstance(state, RunLog)
assert state.state == {
"final_output": {"alist": ["0", "1", "2", "3"]},
"logs": {},
"name": "list_producer",
"streamed_output": [
{"alist": ["0"]},
{"alist": ["1"]},
{"alist": ["2"]},
{"alist": ["3"]},
"type": "chain",
async def test_prompt_with_llm_and_async_lambda(
mocker: MockerFixture, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion
) -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
llm = FakeListLLM(responses=["foo", "bar"])
async def passthrough(input: Any) -> Any:
return input
chain = prompt | llm | passthrough
assert isinstance(chain, RunnableSequence)
assert chain.first == prompt
assert chain.middle == [llm]
assert chain.last == RunnableLambda(func=passthrough)
assert dumps(chain, pretty=True) == snapshot
# Test invoke
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "ainvoke")
llm_spy = mocker.spy(llm.__class__, "ainvoke")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert (
await chain.ainvoke(
{"question": "What is your name?"}, dict(callbacks=[tracer])
== "foo"
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {"question": "What is your name?"}
assert llm_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
assert tracer.runs == snapshot
def test_prompt_with_chat_model_and_parser(
mocker: MockerFixture, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion
) -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=["foo, bar"])
parser = CommaSeparatedListOutputParser()
chain = prompt | chat | parser
assert isinstance(chain, RunnableSequence)
assert chain.first == prompt
assert chain.middle == [chat]
assert chain.last == parser
assert dumps(chain, pretty=True) == snapshot
# Test invoke
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "invoke")
chat_spy = mocker.spy(chat.__class__, "invoke")
parser_spy = mocker.spy(parser.__class__, "invoke")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert chain.invoke(
{"question": "What is your name?"}, dict(callbacks=[tracer])
) == ["foo", "bar"]
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {"question": "What is your name?"}
assert chat_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
assert parser_spy.call_args.args[1] == AIMessage(content="foo, bar", id=AnyStr())
assert tracer.runs == snapshot
def test_combining_sequences(
mocker: MockerFixture, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion
) -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=["foo, bar"])
parser = CommaSeparatedListOutputParser()
chain = prompt | chat | parser
assert isinstance(chain, RunnableSequence)
assert chain.first == prompt
assert chain.middle == [chat]
assert chain.last == parser
if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
assert dumps(chain, pretty=True) == snapshot
prompt2 = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nicer assistant.")
+ "{question}"
chat2 = FakeListChatModel(responses=["baz, qux"])
parser2 = CommaSeparatedListOutputParser()
input_formatter: RunnableLambda[List[str], Dict[str, Any]] = RunnableLambda(
lambda x: {"question": x[0] + x[1]}
chain2 = cast(RunnableSequence, input_formatter | prompt2 | chat2 | parser2)
assert isinstance(chain, RunnableSequence)
assert chain2.first == input_formatter
assert chain2.middle == [prompt2, chat2]
assert chain2.last == parser2
if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
assert dumps(chain2, pretty=True) == snapshot
combined_chain = cast(RunnableSequence, chain | chain2)
assert combined_chain.first == prompt
assert combined_chain.middle == [
assert combined_chain.last == parser2
if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
assert dumps(combined_chain, pretty=True) == snapshot
# Test invoke
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert combined_chain.invoke(
{"question": "What is your name?"}, dict(callbacks=[tracer])
) == ["baz", "qux"]
if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
assert tracer.runs == snapshot
def test_seq_dict_prompt_llm(
mocker: MockerFixture, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion
) -> None:
passthrough = mocker.Mock(side_effect=lambda x: x)
retriever = FakeRetriever()
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ """Context:
chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=["foo, bar"])
parser = CommaSeparatedListOutputParser()
chain: Runnable = (
"question": RunnablePassthrough[str]() | passthrough,
"documents": passthrough | retriever,
"just_to_test_lambda": passthrough,
| prompt
| chat
| parser
assert repr(chain) == snapshot
assert isinstance(chain, RunnableSequence)
assert isinstance(chain.first, RunnableParallel)
assert chain.middle == [prompt, chat]
assert chain.last == parser
assert dumps(chain, pretty=True) == snapshot
# Test invoke
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "invoke")
chat_spy = mocker.spy(chat.__class__, "invoke")
parser_spy = mocker.spy(parser.__class__, "invoke")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert chain.invoke("What is your name?", dict(callbacks=[tracer])) == [
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {
"documents": [Document(page_content="foo"), Document(page_content="bar")],
"question": "What is your name?",
"just_to_test_lambda": "What is your name?",
assert chat_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
[Document(page_content='foo'), Document(page_content='bar')]
What is your name?"""
assert parser_spy.call_args.args[1] == AIMessage(content="foo, bar", id=AnyStr())
assert len([r for r in tracer.runs if r.parent_run_id is None]) == 1
parent_run = next(r for r in tracer.runs if r.parent_run_id is None)
assert len(parent_run.child_runs) == 4
map_run = parent_run.child_runs[0]
assert == "RunnableParallel<question,documents,just_to_test_lambda>"
assert len(map_run.child_runs) == 3
def test_seq_prompt_dict(mocker: MockerFixture, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion) -> None:
passthrough = mocker.Mock(side_effect=lambda x: x)
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=["i'm a chatbot"])
llm = FakeListLLM(responses=["i'm a textbot"])
chain = (
| passthrough
| {
"chat": chat,
"llm": llm,
assert repr(chain) == snapshot
assert isinstance(chain, RunnableSequence)
assert chain.first == prompt
assert chain.middle == [RunnableLambda(passthrough)]
assert isinstance(chain.last, RunnableParallel)
assert dumps(chain, pretty=True) == snapshot
# Test invoke
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "invoke")
chat_spy = mocker.spy(chat.__class__, "invoke")
llm_spy = mocker.spy(llm.__class__, "invoke")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert chain.invoke(
{"question": "What is your name?"}, dict(callbacks=[tracer])
) == {
"chat": AIMessage(content="i'm a chatbot", id=AnyStr()),
"llm": "i'm a textbot",
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {"question": "What is your name?"}
assert chat_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
assert llm_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
assert len([r for r in tracer.runs if r.parent_run_id is None]) == 1
parent_run = next(r for r in tracer.runs if r.parent_run_id is None)
assert len(parent_run.child_runs) == 3
map_run = parent_run.child_runs[2]
assert == "RunnableParallel<chat,llm>"
assert len(map_run.child_runs) == 2
async def test_router_runnable(
mocker: MockerFixture, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion
) -> None:
chain1: Runnable = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
"You are a math genius. Answer the question: {question}"
) | FakeListLLM(responses=["4"])
chain2: Runnable = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
"You are an english major. Answer the question: {question}"
) | FakeListLLM(responses=["2"])
router: Runnable = RouterRunnable({"math": chain1, "english": chain2})
chain: Runnable = {
"key": lambda x: x["key"],
"input": {"question": lambda x: x["question"]},
} | router
assert dumps(chain, pretty=True) == snapshot
result = chain.invoke({"key": "math", "question": "2 + 2"})
assert result == "4"
result2 = chain.batch(
[{"key": "math", "question": "2 + 2"}, {"key": "english", "question": "2 + 2"}]
assert result2 == ["4", "2"]
result = await chain.ainvoke({"key": "math", "question": "2 + 2"})
assert result == "4"
result2 = await chain.abatch(
[{"key": "math", "question": "2 + 2"}, {"key": "english", "question": "2 + 2"}]
assert result2 == ["4", "2"]
# Test invoke
router_spy = mocker.spy(router.__class__, "invoke")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert (
chain.invoke({"key": "math", "question": "2 + 2"}, dict(callbacks=[tracer]))
== "4"
assert router_spy.call_args.args[1] == {
"key": "math",
"input": {"question": "2 + 2"},
assert len([r for r in tracer.runs if r.parent_run_id is None]) == 1
parent_run = next(r for r in tracer.runs if r.parent_run_id is None)
assert len(parent_run.child_runs) == 2
router_run = parent_run.child_runs[1]
assert == "RunnableSequence" # TODO: should be RunnableRouter
assert len(router_run.child_runs) == 2
async def test_higher_order_lambda_runnable(
mocker: MockerFixture, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion
) -> None:
math_chain: Runnable = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
"You are a math genius. Answer the question: {question}"
) | FakeListLLM(responses=["4"])
english_chain: Runnable = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
"You are an english major. Answer the question: {question}"
) | FakeListLLM(responses=["2"])
input_map: Runnable = RunnableParallel(
key=lambda x: x["key"],
input={"question": lambda x: x["question"]},
def router(input: Dict[str, Any]) -> Runnable:
if input["key"] == "math":
return itemgetter("input") | math_chain
elif input["key"] == "english":
return itemgetter("input") | english_chain
raise ValueError(f"Unknown key: {input['key']}")
chain: Runnable = input_map | router
if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
assert dumps(chain, pretty=True) == snapshot
result = chain.invoke({"key": "math", "question": "2 + 2"})
assert result == "4"
result2 = chain.batch(
[{"key": "math", "question": "2 + 2"}, {"key": "english", "question": "2 + 2"}]
assert result2 == ["4", "2"]
result = await chain.ainvoke({"key": "math", "question": "2 + 2"})
assert result == "4"
result2 = await chain.abatch(
[{"key": "math", "question": "2 + 2"}, {"key": "english", "question": "2 + 2"}]
assert result2 == ["4", "2"]
# Test invoke
math_spy = mocker.spy(math_chain.__class__, "invoke")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert (
chain.invoke({"key": "math", "question": "2 + 2"}, dict(callbacks=[tracer]))
== "4"
assert math_spy.call_args.args[1] == {
"key": "math",
"input": {"question": "2 + 2"},
assert len([r for r in tracer.runs if r.parent_run_id is None]) == 1
parent_run = next(r for r in tracer.runs if r.parent_run_id is None)
assert len(parent_run.child_runs) == 2
router_run = parent_run.child_runs[1]
assert == "router"
assert len(router_run.child_runs) == 1
math_run = router_run.child_runs[0]
assert == "RunnableSequence"
assert len(math_run.child_runs) == 3
# Test ainvoke
async def arouter(input: Dict[str, Any]) -> Runnable:
if input["key"] == "math":
return itemgetter("input") | math_chain
elif input["key"] == "english":
return itemgetter("input") | english_chain
raise ValueError(f"Unknown key: {input['key']}")
achain: Runnable = input_map | arouter
math_spy = mocker.spy(math_chain.__class__, "ainvoke")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert (
await achain.ainvoke(
{"key": "math", "question": "2 + 2"}, dict(callbacks=[tracer])
== "4"
assert math_spy.call_args.args[1] == {
"key": "math",
"input": {"question": "2 + 2"},
assert len([r for r in tracer.runs if r.parent_run_id is None]) == 1
parent_run = next(r for r in tracer.runs if r.parent_run_id is None)
assert len(parent_run.child_runs) == 2
router_run = parent_run.child_runs[1]
assert == "arouter"
assert len(router_run.child_runs) == 1
math_run = router_run.child_runs[0]
assert == "RunnableSequence"
assert len(math_run.child_runs) == 3
def test_seq_prompt_map(mocker: MockerFixture, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion) -> None:
passthrough = mocker.Mock(side_effect=lambda x: x)
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=["i'm a chatbot"])
llm = FakeListLLM(responses=["i'm a textbot"])
chain = (
| passthrough
| {
"chat": chat.bind(stop=["Thought:"]),
"llm": llm,
"passthrough": passthrough,
assert isinstance(chain, RunnableSequence)
assert chain.first == prompt
assert chain.middle == [RunnableLambda(passthrough)]
assert isinstance(chain.last, RunnableParallel)
assert dumps(chain, pretty=True) == snapshot
# Test invoke
prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, "invoke")
chat_spy = mocker.spy(chat.__class__, "invoke")
llm_spy = mocker.spy(llm.__class__, "invoke")
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert chain.invoke(
{"question": "What is your name?"}, dict(callbacks=[tracer])
) == {
"chat": AIMessage(content="i'm a chatbot", id=AnyStr()),
"llm": "i'm a textbot",
"passthrough": ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {"question": "What is your name?"}
assert chat_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
assert llm_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(
SystemMessage(content="You are a nice assistant."),
HumanMessage(content="What is your name?"),
assert len([r for r in tracer.runs if r.parent_run_id is None]) == 1
parent_run = next(r for r in tracer.runs if r.parent_run_id is None)
assert len(parent_run.child_runs) == 3
map_run = parent_run.child_runs[2]
assert == "RunnableParallel<chat,llm,passthrough>"
assert len(map_run.child_runs) == 3
def test_map_stream() -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
chat_res = "i'm a chatbot"
# sleep to better simulate a real stream
chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=[chat_res], sleep=0.01)
llm_res = "i'm a textbot"
# sleep to better simulate a real stream
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=[llm_res], sleep=0.01)
chain: Runnable = prompt | {
"chat": chat.bind(stop=["Thought:"]),
"llm": llm,
"passthrough": RunnablePassthrough(),
stream ={"question": "What is your name?"})
final_value = None
streamed_chunks = []
for chunk in stream:
if final_value is None:
final_value = chunk
final_value += chunk
assert streamed_chunks[0] in [
{"passthrough": prompt.invoke({"question": "What is your name?"})},
{"llm": "i"},
{"chat": AIMessageChunk(content="i")},
assert len(streamed_chunks) == len(chat_res) + len(llm_res) + 1
assert all(len(c.keys()) == 1 for c in streamed_chunks)
assert final_value is not None
assert final_value.get("chat").content == "i'm a chatbot"
assert final_value.get("llm") == "i'm a textbot"
assert final_value.get("passthrough") == prompt.invoke(
{"question": "What is your name?"}
chain_pick_one = chain.pick("llm")
assert chain_pick_one.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "RunnableSequenceOutput",
"type": "string",
stream ={"question": "What is your name?"})
final_value = None
streamed_chunks = []
for chunk in stream:
if final_value is None:
final_value = chunk
final_value += chunk
assert streamed_chunks[0] == "i"
assert len(streamed_chunks) == len(llm_res)
chain_pick_two = chain.assign(hello=RunnablePick("llm").pipe(llm)).pick(
["llm", "hello"]
assert chain_pick_two.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "RunnableSequenceOutput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"hello": {"title": "Hello", "type": "string"},
"llm": {"title": "Llm", "type": "string"},
stream ={"question": "What is your name?"})
final_value = None
streamed_chunks = []
for chunk in stream:
if final_value is None:
final_value = chunk
final_value += chunk
assert streamed_chunks[0] in [
{"llm": "i"},
{"chat": AIMessageChunk(content="i")},
assert len(streamed_chunks) == len(llm_res) + len(chat_res)
def test_map_stream_iterator_input() -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
chat_res = "i'm a chatbot"
# sleep to better simulate a real stream
chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=[chat_res], sleep=0.01)
llm_res = "i'm a textbot"
# sleep to better simulate a real stream
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=[llm_res], sleep=0.01)
chain: Runnable = (
| llm
| {
"chat": chat.bind(stop=["Thought:"]),
"llm": llm,
"passthrough": RunnablePassthrough(),
stream ={"question": "What is your name?"})
final_value = None
streamed_chunks = []
for chunk in stream:
if final_value is None:
final_value = chunk
final_value += chunk
assert streamed_chunks[0] in [
{"passthrough": "i"},
{"llm": "i"},
{"chat": AIMessageChunk(content="i")},
assert len(streamed_chunks) == len(chat_res) + len(llm_res) + len(llm_res)
assert all(len(c.keys()) == 1 for c in streamed_chunks)
assert final_value is not None
assert final_value.get("chat").content == "i'm a chatbot"
assert final_value.get("llm") == "i'm a textbot"
assert final_value.get("passthrough") == "i'm a textbot"
async def test_map_astream() -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
chat_res = "i'm a chatbot"
# sleep to better simulate a real stream
chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=[chat_res], sleep=0.01)
llm_res = "i'm a textbot"
# sleep to better simulate a real stream
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=[llm_res], sleep=0.01)
chain: Runnable = prompt | {
"chat": chat.bind(stop=["Thought:"]),
"llm": llm,
"passthrough": RunnablePassthrough(),
stream = chain.astream({"question": "What is your name?"})
final_value = None
streamed_chunks = []
async for chunk in stream:
if final_value is None:
final_value = chunk
final_value += chunk
assert streamed_chunks[0] in [
{"passthrough": prompt.invoke({"question": "What is your name?"})},
{"llm": "i"},
{"chat": AIMessageChunk(content="i", id=AnyStr())},
assert len(streamed_chunks) == len(chat_res) + len(llm_res) + 1
assert all(len(c.keys()) == 1 for c in streamed_chunks)
assert final_value is not None
assert final_value.get("chat").content == "i'm a chatbot"
final_value["chat"].id = AnyStr()
assert final_value.get("llm") == "i'm a textbot"
assert final_value.get("passthrough") == prompt.invoke(
{"question": "What is your name?"}
# Test astream_log state accumulation
final_state = None
streamed_ops = []
async for chunk in chain.astream_log({"question": "What is your name?"}):
if final_state is None:
final_state = chunk
final_state += chunk
final_state = cast(RunLog, final_state)
assert final_state.state["final_output"] == final_value
assert len(final_state.state["streamed_output"]) == len(streamed_chunks)
assert isinstance(final_state.state["id"], str)
assert len(final_state.ops) == len(streamed_ops)
assert len(final_state.state["logs"]) == 5
assert (
final_state.state["logs"]["ChatPromptTemplate"]["name"] == "ChatPromptTemplate"
assert final_state.state["logs"]["ChatPromptTemplate"][
] == prompt.invoke({"question": "What is your name?"})
assert (
== "RunnableParallel<chat,llm,passthrough>"
assert sorted(final_state.state["logs"]) == [
# Test astream_log with include filters
final_state = None
async for chunk in chain.astream_log(
{"question": "What is your name?"}, include_names=["FakeListChatModel"]
if final_state is None:
final_state = chunk
final_state += chunk
final_state = cast(RunLog, final_state)
assert final_state.state["final_output"] == final_value
assert len(final_state.state["streamed_output"]) == len(streamed_chunks)
assert len(final_state.state["logs"]) == 1
assert final_state.state["logs"]["FakeListChatModel"]["name"] == "FakeListChatModel"
# Test astream_log with exclude filters
final_state = None
async for chunk in chain.astream_log(
{"question": "What is your name?"}, exclude_names=["FakeListChatModel"]
if final_state is None:
final_state = chunk
final_state += chunk
final_state = cast(RunLog, final_state)
assert final_state.state["final_output"] == final_value
assert len(final_state.state["streamed_output"]) == len(streamed_chunks)
assert len(final_state.state["logs"]) == 4
assert (
final_state.state["logs"]["ChatPromptTemplate"]["name"] == "ChatPromptTemplate"
assert final_state.state["logs"]["ChatPromptTemplate"]["final_output"] == (
prompt.invoke({"question": "What is your name?"})
assert (
== "RunnableParallel<chat,llm,passthrough>"
assert sorted(final_state.state["logs"]) == [
async def test_map_astream_iterator_input() -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
chat_res = "i'm a chatbot"
# sleep to better simulate a real stream
chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=[chat_res], sleep=0.01)
llm_res = "i'm a textbot"
# sleep to better simulate a real stream
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=[llm_res], sleep=0.01)
chain: Runnable = (
| llm
| {
"chat": chat.bind(stop=["Thought:"]),
"llm": llm,
"passthrough": RunnablePassthrough(),
stream = chain.astream({"question": "What is your name?"})
final_value = None
streamed_chunks = []
async for chunk in stream:
if final_value is None:
final_value = chunk
final_value += chunk
assert streamed_chunks[0] in [
{"passthrough": "i"},
{"llm": "i"},
{"chat": AIMessageChunk(content="i")},
assert len(streamed_chunks) == len(chat_res) + len(llm_res) + len(llm_res)
assert all(len(c.keys()) == 1 for c in streamed_chunks)
assert final_value is not None
assert final_value.get("chat").content == "i'm a chatbot"
assert final_value.get("llm") == "i'm a textbot"
assert final_value.get("passthrough") == llm_res
simple_map = RunnableMap(passthrough=RunnablePassthrough())
assert loads(dumps(simple_map)) == simple_map
def test_with_config_with_config() -> None:
llm = FakeListLLM(responses=["i'm a textbot"])
assert dumpd(
llm.with_config({"metadata": {"a": "b"}}).with_config(tags=["a-tag"])
) == dumpd(llm.with_config({"metadata": {"a": "b"}, "tags": ["a-tag"]}))
def test_metadata_is_merged() -> None:
"""Test metadata and tags defined in with_config and at are merged/concatend."""
foo = RunnableLambda(lambda x: x).with_config({"metadata": {"my_key": "my_value"}})
expected_metadata = {
"my_key": "my_value",
"my_other_key": "my_other_value",
with collect_runs() as cb:
foo.invoke("hi", {"metadata": {"my_other_key": "my_other_value"}})
run = cb.traced_runs[0]
assert run.extra is not None
assert run.extra["metadata"] == expected_metadata
def test_tags_are_appended() -> None:
"""Test tags from with_config are concatenated with those in invocation."""
foo = RunnableLambda(lambda x: x).with_config({"tags": ["my_key"]})
with collect_runs() as cb:
foo.invoke("hi", {"tags": ["invoked_key"]})
run = cb.traced_runs[0]
assert isinstance(run.tags, list)
assert sorted(run.tags) == sorted(["my_key", "invoked_key"])
def test_bind_bind() -> None:
llm = FakeListLLM(responses=["i'm a textbot"])
assert dumpd(
llm.bind(stop=["Thought:"], one="two").bind(
stop=["Observation:"], hello="world"
) == dumpd(llm.bind(stop=["Observation:"], one="two", hello="world"))
def test_bind_with_lambda() -> None:
def my_function(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> int:
return 3 + kwargs.get("n", 0)
runnable = RunnableLambda(my_function).bind(n=1)
assert 4 == runnable.invoke({})
chunks = list({}))
assert [4] == chunks
async def test_bind_with_lambda_async() -> None:
def my_function(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> int:
return 3 + kwargs.get("n", 0)
runnable = RunnableLambda(my_function).bind(n=1)
assert 4 == await runnable.ainvoke({})
chunks = [item async for item in runnable.astream({})]
assert [4] == chunks
def test_deep_stream() -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=["foo-lish"])
chain = prompt | llm | StrOutputParser()
stream ={"question": "What up"})
chunks = []
for chunk in stream:
assert len(chunks) == len("foo-lish")
assert "".join(chunks) == "foo-lish"
chunks = []
for chunk in (chain | RunnablePassthrough()).stream({"question": "What up"}):
assert len(chunks) == len("foo-lish")
assert "".join(chunks) == "foo-lish"
def test_deep_stream_assign() -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=["foo-lish"])
chain: Runnable = prompt | llm | {"str": StrOutputParser()}
stream ={"question": "What up"})
chunks = []
for chunk in stream:
assert len(chunks) == len("foo-lish")
assert add(chunks) == {"str": "foo-lish"}
chain_with_assign = chain.assign(hello=itemgetter("str") | llm)
assert chain_with_assign.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "PromptInput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"question": {"title": "Question", "type": "string"}},
assert chain_with_assign.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "RunnableSequenceOutput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"str": {"title": "Str", "type": "string"},
"hello": {"title": "Hello", "type": "string"},
chunks = []
for chunk in{"question": "What up"}):
assert len(chunks) == len("foo-lish") * 2
assert chunks == [
# first stream passthrough input chunks
{"str": "f"},
{"str": "o"},
{"str": "o"},
{"str": "-"},
{"str": "l"},
{"str": "i"},
{"str": "s"},
{"str": "h"},
# then stream assign output chunks
{"hello": "f"},
{"hello": "o"},
{"hello": "o"},
{"hello": "-"},
{"hello": "l"},
{"hello": "i"},
{"hello": "s"},
{"hello": "h"},
assert add(chunks) == {"str": "foo-lish", "hello": "foo-lish"}
assert chain_with_assign.invoke({"question": "What up"}) == {
"str": "foo-lish",
"hello": "foo-lish",
chain_with_assign_shadow = chain.assign(
str=lambda _: "shadow",
hello=itemgetter("str") | llm,
assert chain_with_assign_shadow.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "PromptInput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"question": {"title": "Question", "type": "string"}},
assert chain_with_assign_shadow.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "RunnableSequenceOutput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"str": {"title": "Str"},
"hello": {"title": "Hello", "type": "string"},
chunks = []
for chunk in{"question": "What up"}):
assert len(chunks) == len("foo-lish") + 1
assert add(chunks) == {"str": "shadow", "hello": "foo-lish"}
assert chain_with_assign_shadow.invoke({"question": "What up"}) == {
"str": "shadow",
"hello": "foo-lish",
async def test_deep_astream() -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=["foo-lish"])
chain = prompt | llm | StrOutputParser()
stream = chain.astream({"question": "What up"})
chunks = []
async for chunk in stream:
assert len(chunks) == len("foo-lish")
assert "".join(chunks) == "foo-lish"
chunks = []
async for chunk in (chain | RunnablePassthrough()).astream({"question": "What up"}):
assert len(chunks) == len("foo-lish")
assert "".join(chunks) == "foo-lish"
async def test_deep_astream_assign() -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=["foo-lish"])
chain: Runnable = prompt | llm | {"str": StrOutputParser()}
stream = chain.astream({"question": "What up"})
chunks = []
async for chunk in stream:
assert len(chunks) == len("foo-lish")
assert add(chunks) == {"str": "foo-lish"}
chain_with_assign = chain.assign(
hello=itemgetter("str") | llm,
assert chain_with_assign.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "PromptInput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"question": {"title": "Question", "type": "string"}},
assert chain_with_assign.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "RunnableSequenceOutput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"str": {"title": "Str", "type": "string"},
"hello": {"title": "Hello", "type": "string"},
chunks = []
async for chunk in chain_with_assign.astream({"question": "What up"}):
assert len(chunks) == len("foo-lish") * 2
assert chunks == [
# first stream passthrough input chunks
{"str": "f"},
{"str": "o"},
{"str": "o"},
{"str": "-"},
{"str": "l"},
{"str": "i"},
{"str": "s"},
{"str": "h"},
# then stream assign output chunks
{"hello": "f"},
{"hello": "o"},
{"hello": "o"},
{"hello": "-"},
{"hello": "l"},
{"hello": "i"},
{"hello": "s"},
{"hello": "h"},
assert add(chunks) == {"str": "foo-lish", "hello": "foo-lish"}
assert await chain_with_assign.ainvoke({"question": "What up"}) == {
"str": "foo-lish",
"hello": "foo-lish",
chain_with_assign_shadow = chain | RunnablePassthrough.assign(
str=lambda _: "shadow",
hello=itemgetter("str") | llm,
assert chain_with_assign_shadow.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "PromptInput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {"question": {"title": "Question", "type": "string"}},
assert chain_with_assign_shadow.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "RunnableSequenceOutput",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"str": {"title": "Str"},
"hello": {"title": "Hello", "type": "string"},
chunks = []
async for chunk in chain_with_assign_shadow.astream({"question": "What up"}):
assert len(chunks) == len("foo-lish") + 1
assert add(chunks) == {"str": "shadow", "hello": "foo-lish"}
assert await chain_with_assign_shadow.ainvoke({"question": "What up"}) == {
"str": "shadow",
"hello": "foo-lish",
def test_runnable_sequence_transform() -> None:
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=["foo-lish"])
chain: Runnable = llm | StrOutputParser()
stream = chain.transform("Hi there!"))
chunks = []
for chunk in stream:
assert len(chunks) == len("foo-lish")
assert "".join(chunks) == "foo-lish"
async def test_runnable_sequence_atransform() -> None:
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=["foo-lish"])
chain: Runnable = llm | StrOutputParser()
stream = chain.atransform(llm.astream("Hi there!"))
chunks = []
async for chunk in stream:
assert len(chunks) == len("foo-lish")
assert "".join(chunks) == "foo-lish"
class FakeSplitIntoListParser(BaseOutputParser[List[str]]):
"""Parse the output of an LLM call to a comma-separated list."""
def is_lc_serializable(cls) -> bool:
"""Return whether or not the class is serializable."""
return True
def get_format_instructions(self) -> str:
return (
"Your response should be a list of comma separated values, "
"eg: `foo, bar, baz`"
def parse(self, text: str) -> List[str]:
"""Parse the output of an LLM call."""
return text.strip().split(", ")
def test_each_simple() -> None:
"""Test that each() works with a simple runnable."""
parser = FakeSplitIntoListParser()
assert parser.invoke("first item, second item") == ["first item", "second item"]
assert["a, b", "c"]) == [["a", "b"], ["c"]]
assert[["a, b", "c"], ["c, e"]]) == [
[["a", "b"], ["c"]],
[["c", "e"]],
def test_each(snapshot: SnapshotAssertion) -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
first_llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=["first item, second item, third item"])
parser = FakeSplitIntoListParser()
second_llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=["this", "is", "a", "test"])
chain = prompt | first_llm | parser |
assert dumps(chain, pretty=True) == snapshot
output = chain.invoke({"question": "What up"})
assert output == ["this", "is", "a"]
assert (parser |"first item, second item") == [
def test_recursive_lambda() -> None:
def _simple_recursion(x: int) -> Union[int, Runnable]:
if x < 10:
return RunnableLambda(lambda *args: _simple_recursion(x + 1))
return x
runnable = RunnableLambda(_simple_recursion)
assert runnable.invoke(5) == 10
with pytest.raises(RecursionError):
runnable.invoke(0, {"recursion_limit": 9})
def test_retrying(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None:
def _lambda(x: int) -> Union[int, Runnable]:
if x == 1:
raise ValueError("x is 1")
elif x == 2:
raise RuntimeError("x is 2")
return x
_lambda_mock = mocker.Mock(side_effect=_lambda)
runnable = RunnableLambda(_lambda_mock)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert _lambda_mock.call_count == 1
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert _lambda_mock.call_count == 2 # retried
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
assert _lambda_mock.call_count == 1 # did not retry
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
).batch([1, 2, 0])
# 3rd input isn't retried because it succeeded
assert _lambda_mock.call_count == 3 + 2
output = runnable.with_retry(
).batch([1, 2, 0], return_exceptions=True)
# 3rd input isn't retried because it succeeded
assert _lambda_mock.call_count == 3 + 2
assert len(output) == 3
assert isinstance(output[0], ValueError)
assert isinstance(output[1], RuntimeError)
assert output[2] == 0
async def test_async_retrying(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None:
def _lambda(x: int) -> Union[int, Runnable]:
if x == 1:
raise ValueError("x is 1")
elif x == 2:
raise RuntimeError("x is 2")
return x
_lambda_mock = mocker.Mock(side_effect=_lambda)
runnable = RunnableLambda(_lambda_mock)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
await runnable.ainvoke(1)
assert _lambda_mock.call_count == 1
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
await runnable.with_retry(
retry_if_exception_type=(ValueError, KeyError),
assert _lambda_mock.call_count == 2 # retried
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
await runnable.with_retry(
assert _lambda_mock.call_count == 1 # did not retry
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
await runnable.with_retry(
).abatch([1, 2, 0])
# 3rd input isn't retried because it succeeded
assert _lambda_mock.call_count == 3 + 2
output = await runnable.with_retry(
).abatch([1, 2, 0], return_exceptions=True)
# 3rd input isn't retried because it succeeded
assert _lambda_mock.call_count == 3 + 2
assert len(output) == 3
assert isinstance(output[0], ValueError)
assert isinstance(output[1], RuntimeError)
assert output[2] == 0
def test_runnable_lambda_stream() -> None:
"""Test that stream works for both normal functions & those returning Runnable."""
# Normal output should work
output: List[Any] = [chunk for chunk in RunnableLambda(range).stream(5)]
assert output == [range(5)]
# Runnable output should also work
llm_res = "i'm a textbot"
# sleep to better simulate a real stream
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=[llm_res], sleep=0.01)
output = list(RunnableLambda(lambda x: llm).stream(""))
assert output == list(llm_res)
def test_runnable_lambda_stream_with_callbacks() -> None:
"""Test that stream works for RunnableLambda when using callbacks."""
tracer = FakeTracer()
llm_res = "i'm a textbot"
# sleep to better simulate a real stream
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=[llm_res], sleep=0.01)
config: RunnableConfig = {"callbacks": [tracer]}
assert list(RunnableLambda(lambda x: llm).stream("", config=config)) == list(
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].error is None
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": llm_res}
def raise_value_error(x: int) -> int:
"""Raise a value error."""
raise ValueError("x is too large")
# Check that the chain on error is invoked
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
for _ in RunnableLambda(raise_value_error).stream(1000, config=config):
assert len(tracer.runs) == 2
assert "ValueError('x is too large')" in str(tracer.runs[1].error)
assert tracer.runs[1].outputs is None
async def test_runnable_lambda_astream() -> None:
"""Test that astream works for both normal functions & those returning Runnable."""
# Wrapper to make a normal function async
def awrapper(func: Callable) -> Callable[..., Awaitable[Any]]:
async def afunc(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return afunc
# Normal output should work
output: List[Any] = [
async for chunk in RunnableLambda(
afunc=awrapper(range), # id func is just dummy
assert output == [range(5)]
# Normal output using func should also work
output = [_ async for _ in RunnableLambda(range).astream(5)]
assert output == [range(5)]
# Runnable output should also work
llm_res = "i'm a textbot"
# sleep to better simulate a real stream
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=[llm_res], sleep=0.01)
output = [
async for _ in RunnableLambda(
afunc=awrapper(lambda x: llm),
assert output == list(llm_res)
output = [
async for chunk in cast(
AsyncIterator[str], RunnableLambda(lambda x: llm).astream("")
assert output == list(llm_res)
async def test_runnable_lambda_astream_with_callbacks() -> None:
"""Test that astream works for RunnableLambda when using callbacks."""
tracer = FakeTracer()
llm_res = "i'm a textbot"
# sleep to better simulate a real stream
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=[llm_res], sleep=0.01)
config: RunnableConfig = {"callbacks": [tracer]}
assert [
_ async for _ in RunnableLambda(lambda x: llm).astream("", config=config)
] == list(llm_res)
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].error is None
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": llm_res}
def raise_value_error(x: int) -> int:
"""Raise a value error."""
raise ValueError("x is too large")
# Check that the chain on error is invoked
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
async for _ in RunnableLambda(raise_value_error).astream(1000, config=config):
assert len(tracer.runs) == 2
assert "ValueError('x is too large')" in str(tracer.runs[1].error)
assert tracer.runs[1].outputs is None
def test_seq_batch_return_exceptions(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None:
class ControlledExceptionRunnable(Runnable[str, str]):
def __init__(self, fail_starts_with: str) -> None:
self.fail_starts_with = fail_starts_with
def invoke(self, input: Any, config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None) -> Any:
raise NotImplementedError()
def _batch(
inputs: List[str],
) -> List:
outputs: List[Any] = []
for input in inputs:
if input.startswith(self.fail_starts_with):
outputs.append(input + "a")
return outputs
def batch(
inputs: List[str],
config: Optional[Union[RunnableConfig, List[RunnableConfig]]] = None,
return_exceptions: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> List[str]:
return self._batch_with_config(
chain = (
| ControlledExceptionRunnable("bar")
| ControlledExceptionRunnable("baz")
| ControlledExceptionRunnable("foo")
assert isinstance(chain, RunnableSequence)
# Test batch
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
chain.batch(["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"])
spy = mocker.spy(ControlledExceptionRunnable, "batch")
tracer = FakeTracer()
inputs = ["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"]
outputs = chain.batch(inputs, dict(callbacks=[tracer]), return_exceptions=True)
assert len(outputs) == 4
assert isinstance(outputs[0], ValueError)
assert isinstance(outputs[1], ValueError)
assert isinstance(outputs[2], ValueError)
assert outputs[3] == "quxaaaa"
assert spy.call_count == 4
inputs_to_batch = [c[0][1] for c in spy.call_args_list]
assert inputs_to_batch == [
# inputs to sequence step 0
# same as inputs to sequence.batch()
["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"],
# inputs to sequence step 1
# == outputs of sequence step 0 as no exceptions were raised
["fooa", "bara", "baza", "quxa"],
# inputs to sequence step 2
# 'bar' was dropped as it raised an exception in step 1
["fooaa", "bazaa", "quxaa"],
# inputs to sequence step 3
# 'baz' was dropped as it raised an exception in step 2
["fooaaa", "quxaaa"],
parent_runs = sorted(
(r for r in tracer.runs if r.parent_run_id is None),
key=lambda run: inputs.index(run.inputs["input"]),
assert len(parent_runs) == 4
parent_run_foo = parent_runs[0]
assert parent_run_foo.inputs["input"] == "foo"
assert repr(ValueError()) in str(parent_run_foo.error)
assert len(parent_run_foo.child_runs) == 4
assert [r.error for r in parent_run_foo.child_runs[:-1]] == [
assert repr(ValueError()) in str(parent_run_foo.child_runs[-1].error)
parent_run_bar = parent_runs[1]
assert parent_run_bar.inputs["input"] == "bar"
assert repr(ValueError()) in str(parent_run_bar.error)
assert len(parent_run_bar.child_runs) == 2
assert parent_run_bar.child_runs[0].error is None
assert repr(ValueError()) in str(parent_run_bar.child_runs[1].error)
parent_run_baz = parent_runs[2]
assert parent_run_baz.inputs["input"] == "baz"
assert repr(ValueError()) in str(parent_run_baz.error)
assert len(parent_run_baz.child_runs) == 3
assert [r.error for r in parent_run_baz.child_runs[:-1]] == [
assert repr(ValueError()) in str(parent_run_baz.child_runs[-1].error)
parent_run_qux = parent_runs[3]
assert parent_run_qux.inputs["input"] == "qux"
assert parent_run_qux.error is None
assert parent_run_qux.outputs is not None
assert parent_run_qux.outputs["output"] == "quxaaaa"
assert len(parent_run_qux.child_runs) == 4
assert [r.error for r in parent_run_qux.child_runs] == [None, None, None, None]
async def test_seq_abatch_return_exceptions(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None:
class ControlledExceptionRunnable(Runnable[str, str]):
def __init__(self, fail_starts_with: str) -> None:
self.fail_starts_with = fail_starts_with
def invoke(self, input: Any, config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None) -> Any:
raise NotImplementedError()
async def _abatch(
inputs: List[str],
) -> List:
outputs: List[Any] = []
for input in inputs:
if input.startswith(self.fail_starts_with):
outputs.append(input + "a")
return outputs
async def abatch(
inputs: List[str],
config: Optional[Union[RunnableConfig, List[RunnableConfig]]] = None,
return_exceptions: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> List[str]:
return await self._abatch_with_config(
chain = (
| ControlledExceptionRunnable("bar")
| ControlledExceptionRunnable("baz")
| ControlledExceptionRunnable("foo")
assert isinstance(chain, RunnableSequence)
# Test abatch
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
await chain.abatch(["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"])
spy = mocker.spy(ControlledExceptionRunnable, "abatch")
tracer = FakeTracer()
inputs = ["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"]
outputs = await chain.abatch(
inputs, dict(callbacks=[tracer]), return_exceptions=True
assert len(outputs) == 4
assert isinstance(outputs[0], ValueError)
assert isinstance(outputs[1], ValueError)
assert isinstance(outputs[2], ValueError)
assert outputs[3] == "quxaaaa"
assert spy.call_count == 4
inputs_to_batch = [c[0][1] for c in spy.call_args_list]
assert inputs_to_batch == [
# inputs to sequence step 0
# same as inputs to sequence.batch()
["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"],
# inputs to sequence step 1
# == outputs of sequence step 0 as no exceptions were raised
["fooa", "bara", "baza", "quxa"],
# inputs to sequence step 2
# 'bar' was dropped as it raised an exception in step 1
["fooaa", "bazaa", "quxaa"],
# inputs to sequence step 3
# 'baz' was dropped as it raised an exception in step 2
["fooaaa", "quxaaa"],
parent_runs = sorted(
(r for r in tracer.runs if r.parent_run_id is None),
key=lambda run: inputs.index(run.inputs["input"]),
assert len(parent_runs) == 4
parent_run_foo = parent_runs[0]
assert parent_run_foo.inputs["input"] == "foo"
assert repr(ValueError()) in str(parent_run_foo.error)
assert len(parent_run_foo.child_runs) == 4
assert [r.error for r in parent_run_foo.child_runs[:-1]] == [
assert repr(ValueError()) in str(parent_run_foo.child_runs[-1].error)
parent_run_bar = parent_runs[1]
assert parent_run_bar.inputs["input"] == "bar"
assert repr(ValueError()) in str(parent_run_bar.error)
assert len(parent_run_bar.child_runs) == 2
assert parent_run_bar.child_runs[0].error is None
assert repr(ValueError()) in str(parent_run_bar.child_runs[1].error)
parent_run_baz = parent_runs[2]
assert parent_run_baz.inputs["input"] == "baz"
assert repr(ValueError()) in str(parent_run_baz.error)
assert len(parent_run_baz.child_runs) == 3
assert [r.error for r in parent_run_baz.child_runs[:-1]] == [
assert repr(ValueError()) in str(parent_run_baz.child_runs[-1].error)
parent_run_qux = parent_runs[3]
assert parent_run_qux.inputs["input"] == "qux"
assert parent_run_qux.error is None
assert parent_run_qux.outputs is not None
assert parent_run_qux.outputs["output"] == "quxaaaa"
assert len(parent_run_qux.child_runs) == 4
assert [r.error for r in parent_run_qux.child_runs] == [None, None, None, None]
def test_runnable_branch_init() -> None:
"""Verify that runnable branch gets initialized properly."""
add = RunnableLambda(lambda x: x + 1)
condition = RunnableLambda(lambda x: x > 0)
# Test failure with less than 2 branches
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
RunnableBranch((condition, add))
# Test failure with less than 2 branches
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
(RunnableLambda(lambda x: x > 0), RunnableLambda(lambda x: x + 1)),
RunnableLambda(lambda x: x - 1),
(RunnableLambda(lambda x: x > 0), RunnableLambda(lambda x: x + 1)),
(RunnableLambda(lambda x: x > 5), RunnableLambda(lambda x: x + 1)),
RunnableLambda(lambda x: x - 1),
(lambda x: x > 0, lambda x: x + 1),
(lambda x: x > 5, lambda x: x + 1),
lambda x: x - 1,
def test_runnable_branch_init_coercion(branches: Sequence[Any]) -> None:
"""Verify that runnable branch gets initialized properly."""
runnable = RunnableBranch[int, int](*branches)
for branch in runnable.branches:
condition, body = branch
assert isinstance(condition, Runnable)
assert isinstance(body, Runnable)
assert isinstance(runnable.default, Runnable)
assert runnable.input_schema.schema() == {"title": "RunnableBranchInput"}
def test_runnable_branch_invoke_call_counts(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None:
"""Verify that runnables are invoked only when necessary."""
# Test with single branch
add = RunnableLambda(lambda x: x + 1)
sub = RunnableLambda(lambda x: x - 1)
condition = RunnableLambda(lambda x: x > 0)
spy = mocker.spy(condition, "invoke")
add_spy = mocker.spy(add, "invoke")
branch = RunnableBranch[int, int]((condition, add), (condition, add), sub)
assert spy.call_count == 0
assert add_spy.call_count == 0
assert branch.invoke(1) == 2
assert add_spy.call_count == 1
assert spy.call_count == 1
assert branch.invoke(2) == 3
assert spy.call_count == 2
assert add_spy.call_count == 2
assert branch.invoke(-3) == -4
# Should fall through to default branch with condition being evaluated twice!
assert spy.call_count == 4
# Add should not be invoked
assert add_spy.call_count == 2
def test_runnable_branch_invoke() -> None:
# Test with single branch
def raise_value_error(x: int) -> int:
"""Raise a value error."""
raise ValueError("x is too large")
branch = RunnableBranch[int, int](
(lambda x: x > 100, raise_value_error),
# mypy cannot infer types from the lambda
(lambda x: x > 0 and x < 5, lambda x: x + 1), # type: ignore[misc]
(lambda x: x > 5, lambda x: x * 10),
lambda x: x - 1,
assert branch.invoke(1) == 2
assert branch.invoke(10) == 100
assert branch.invoke(0) == -1
# Should raise an exception
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_runnable_branch_batch() -> None:
"""Test batch variant."""
# Test with single branch
branch = RunnableBranch[int, int](
(lambda x: x > 0 and x < 5, lambda x: x + 1),
(lambda x: x > 5, lambda x: x * 10),
lambda x: x - 1,
assert branch.batch([1, 10, 0]) == [2, 100, -1]
async def test_runnable_branch_ainvoke() -> None:
"""Test async variant of invoke."""
branch = RunnableBranch[int, int](
(lambda x: x > 0 and x < 5, lambda x: x + 1),
(lambda x: x > 5, lambda x: x * 10),
lambda x: x - 1,
assert await branch.ainvoke(1) == 2
assert await branch.ainvoke(10) == 100
assert await branch.ainvoke(0) == -1
# Verify that the async variant is used if available
async def condition(x: int) -> bool:
return x > 0
async def add(x: int) -> int:
return x + 1
async def sub(x: int) -> int:
return x - 1
branch = RunnableBranch[int, int]((condition, add), sub)
assert await branch.ainvoke(1) == 2
assert await branch.ainvoke(-10) == -11
def test_runnable_branch_invoke_callbacks() -> None:
"""Verify that callbacks are correctly used in invoke."""
tracer = FakeTracer()
def raise_value_error(x: int) -> int:
"""Raise a value error."""
raise ValueError("x is too large")
branch = RunnableBranch[int, int](
(lambda x: x > 100, raise_value_error),
lambda x: x - 1,
assert branch.invoke(1, config={"callbacks": [tracer]}) == 0
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].error is None
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 0}
# Check that the chain on end is invoked
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
branch.invoke(1000, config={"callbacks": [tracer]})
assert len(tracer.runs) == 2
assert "ValueError('x is too large')" in str(tracer.runs[1].error)
assert tracer.runs[1].outputs is None
async def test_runnable_branch_ainvoke_callbacks() -> None:
"""Verify that callbacks are invoked correctly in ainvoke."""
tracer = FakeTracer()
async def raise_value_error(x: int) -> int:
"""Raise a value error."""
raise ValueError("x is too large")
branch = RunnableBranch[int, int](
(lambda x: x > 100, raise_value_error),
lambda x: x - 1,
assert await branch.ainvoke(1, config={"callbacks": [tracer]}) == 0
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].error is None
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 0}
# Check that the chain on end is invoked
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
await branch.ainvoke(1000, config={"callbacks": [tracer]})
assert len(tracer.runs) == 2
assert "ValueError('x is too large')" in str(tracer.runs[1].error)
assert tracer.runs[1].outputs is None
async def test_runnable_branch_abatch() -> None:
"""Test async variant of invoke."""
branch = RunnableBranch[int, int](
(lambda x: x > 0 and x < 5, lambda x: x + 1),
(lambda x: x > 5, lambda x: x * 10),
lambda x: x - 1,
assert await branch.abatch([1, 10, 0]) == [2, 100, -1]
def test_runnable_branch_stream() -> None:
"""Verify that stream works for RunnableBranch."""
llm_res = "i'm a textbot"
# sleep to better simulate a real stream
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=[llm_res], sleep=0.01)
branch = RunnableBranch[str, Any](
(lambda x: x == "hello", llm),
lambda x: x,
assert list("hello")) == list(llm_res)
assert list("bye")) == ["bye"]
def test_runnable_branch_stream_with_callbacks() -> None:
"""Verify that stream works for RunnableBranch when using callbacks."""
tracer = FakeTracer()
def raise_value_error(x: str) -> Any:
"""Raise a value error."""
raise ValueError(f"x is {x}")
llm_res = "i'm a textbot"
# sleep to better simulate a real stream
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=[llm_res], sleep=0.01)
branch = RunnableBranch[str, Any](
(lambda x: x == "error", raise_value_error),
(lambda x: x == "hello", llm),
lambda x: x,
config: RunnableConfig = {"callbacks": [tracer]}
assert list("hello", config=config)) == list(llm_res)
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].error is None
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": llm_res}
# Verify that the chain on error is invoked
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
for _ in"error", config=config):
assert len(tracer.runs) == 2
assert "ValueError('x is error')" in str(tracer.runs[1].error)
assert tracer.runs[1].outputs is None
assert list("bye", config=config)) == ["bye"]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 3
assert tracer.runs[2].error is None
assert tracer.runs[2].outputs == {"output": "bye"}
async def test_runnable_branch_astream() -> None:
"""Verify that astream works for RunnableBranch."""
llm_res = "i'm a textbot"
# sleep to better simulate a real stream
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=[llm_res], sleep=0.01)
branch = RunnableBranch[str, Any](
(lambda x: x == "hello", llm),
lambda x: x,
assert [_ async for _ in branch.astream("hello")] == list(llm_res)
assert [_ async for _ in branch.astream("bye")] == ["bye"]
# Verify that the async variant is used if available
async def condition(x: str) -> bool:
return x == "hello"
async def repeat(x: str) -> str:
return x + x
async def reverse(x: str) -> str:
return x[::-1]
branch = RunnableBranch[str, Any]((condition, repeat), llm)
assert [_ async for _ in branch.astream("hello")] == ["hello" * 2]
assert [_ async for _ in branch.astream("bye")] == list(llm_res)
branch = RunnableBranch[str, Any]((condition, llm), reverse)
assert [_ async for _ in branch.astream("hello")] == list(llm_res)
assert [_ async for _ in branch.astream("bye")] == ["eyb"]
async def test_runnable_branch_astream_with_callbacks() -> None:
"""Verify that astream works for RunnableBranch when using callbacks."""
tracer = FakeTracer()
def raise_value_error(x: str) -> Any:
"""Raise a value error."""
raise ValueError(f"x is {x}")
llm_res = "i'm a textbot"
# sleep to better simulate a real stream
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=[llm_res], sleep=0.01)
branch = RunnableBranch[str, Any](
(lambda x: x == "error", raise_value_error),
(lambda x: x == "hello", llm),
lambda x: x,
config: RunnableConfig = {"callbacks": [tracer]}
assert [_ async for _ in branch.astream("hello", config=config)] == list(llm_res)
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].error is None
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": llm_res}
# Verify that the chain on error is invoked
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
async for _ in branch.astream("error", config=config):
assert len(tracer.runs) == 2
assert "ValueError('x is error')" in str(tracer.runs[1].error)
assert tracer.runs[1].outputs is None
assert [_ async for _ in branch.astream("bye", config=config)] == ["bye"]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 3
assert tracer.runs[2].error is None
assert tracer.runs[2].outputs == {"output": "bye"}
sys.version_info < (3, 9), reason="Requires python version >= 3.9 to run."
def test_representation_of_runnables() -> None:
"""Test representation of runnables."""
runnable = RunnableLambda(lambda x: x * 2)
assert repr(runnable) == "RunnableLambda(lambda x: x * 2)"
def f(x: int) -> int:
"""Return 2."""
return 2
assert repr(RunnableLambda(func=f)) == "RunnableLambda(f)"
async def af(x: int) -> int:
"""Return 2."""
return 2
assert repr(RunnableLambda(func=f, afunc=af)) == "RunnableLambda(f)"
assert repr(
RunnableLambda(lambda x: x + 2)
| {
"a": RunnableLambda(lambda x: x * 2),
"b": RunnableLambda(lambda x: x * 3),
) == (
"| {\n"
" a: RunnableLambda(...),\n"
" b: RunnableLambda(...)\n"
" }"
), "repr where code string contains multiple lambdas gives up"
async def test_tool_from_runnable() -> None:
prompt = (
SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("You are a nice assistant.")
+ "{question}"
llm = FakeStreamingListLLM(responses=["foo-lish"])
chain = prompt | llm | StrOutputParser()
chain_tool = tool("chain_tool", chain)
assert isinstance(chain_tool, BaseTool)
assert == "chain_tool"
assert{"question": "What up"}) == chain.invoke(
{"question": "What up"}
assert await chain_tool.arun({"question": "What up"}) == await chain.ainvoke(
{"question": "What up"}
assert chain_tool.description.endswith(repr(chain))
assert chain_tool.args_schema.schema() == chain.input_schema.schema()
assert chain_tool.args_schema.schema() == {
"properties": {"question": {"title": "Question", "type": "string"}},
"title": "PromptInput",
"type": "object",
async def test_runnable_gen() -> None:
"""Test that a generator can be used as a runnable."""
def gen(input: Iterator[Any]) -> Iterator[int]:
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
runnable = RunnableGenerator(gen)
assert runnable.input_schema.schema() == {"title": "gen_input"}
assert runnable.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "gen_output",
"type": "integer",
assert runnable.invoke(None) == 6
assert list( == [1, 2, 3]
assert runnable.batch([None, None]) == [6, 6]
async def agen(input: AsyncIterator[Any]) -> AsyncIterator[int]:
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
arunnable = RunnableGenerator(agen)
assert await arunnable.ainvoke(None) == 6
assert [p async for p in arunnable.astream(None)] == [1, 2, 3]
assert await arunnable.abatch([None, None]) == [6, 6]
async def test_runnable_gen_context_config() -> None:
"""Test that a generator can call other runnables with config
propagated from the context."""
fake = RunnableLambda(len)
def gen(input: Iterator[Any]) -> Iterator[int]:
yield fake.invoke("a")
yield fake.invoke("aa")
yield fake.invoke("aaa")
runnable = RunnableGenerator(gen)
assert runnable.input_schema.schema() == {"title": "gen_input"}
assert runnable.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "gen_output",
"type": "integer",
tracer = FakeTracer()
run_id = uuid.uuid4()
assert runnable.invoke(None, {"callbacks": [tracer], "run_id": run_id}) == 6
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
run_ids = tracer.run_ids
assert run_id in run_ids
assert len(run_ids) == len(set(run_ids))
assert list( == [1, 2, 3]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 0, "callbacks doesn't persist from previous call"
tracer = FakeTracer()
run_id = uuid.uuid4()
assert list(, {"callbacks": [tracer], "run_id": run_id})) == [
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
run_ids = tracer.run_ids
assert run_id in run_ids
assert len(run_ids) == len(set(run_ids))
tracer = FakeTracer()
run_id = uuid.uuid4()
with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning):
assert runnable.batch(
[None, None], {"callbacks": [tracer], "run_id": run_id}
) == [6, 6]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 2
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert tracer.runs[1].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
assert len(tracer.runs[1].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[1].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[1].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
if sys.version_info < (3, 11):
# Python 3.10 and below don't support running async tasks in a specific context
async def agen(input: AsyncIterator[Any]) -> AsyncIterator[int]:
yield await fake.ainvoke("a")
yield await fake.ainvoke("aa")
yield await fake.ainvoke("aaa")
arunnable = RunnableGenerator(agen)
tracer = FakeTracer()
run_id = uuid.uuid4()
assert await arunnable.ainvoke(None, {"callbacks": [tracer], "run_id": run_id}) == 6
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
run_ids = tracer.run_ids
assert run_id in run_ids
assert len(run_ids) == len(set(run_ids))
assert [p async for p in arunnable.astream(None)] == [1, 2, 3]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 0, "callbacks doesn't persist from previous call"
tracer = FakeTracer()
run_id = uuid.uuid4()
assert [
async for p in arunnable.astream(
None, {"callbacks": [tracer], "run_id": run_id}
] == [
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
run_ids = tracer.run_ids
assert run_id in run_ids
assert len(run_ids) == len(set(run_ids))
tracer = FakeTracer()
run_id = uuid.uuid4()
with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning):
assert await arunnable.abatch(
[None, None], {"callbacks": [tracer], "run_id": run_id}
) == [6, 6]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 2
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert tracer.runs[1].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
assert len(tracer.runs[1].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[1].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[1].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
async def test_runnable_iter_context_config() -> None:
"""Test that a generator can call other runnables with config
propagated from the context."""
fake = RunnableLambda(len)
def gen(input: str) -> Iterator[int]:
yield fake.invoke(input)
yield fake.invoke(input * 2)
yield fake.invoke(input * 3)
assert gen.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "gen_input",
"type": "string",
assert gen.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "gen_output",
"type": "integer",
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert gen.invoke("a", {"callbacks": [tracer]}) == 6
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
assert list("a")) == [1, 2, 3]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 0, "callbacks doesn't persist from previous call"
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert list("a", {"callbacks": [tracer]})) == [1, 2, 3]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert gen.batch(["a", "a"], {"callbacks": [tracer]}) == [6, 6]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 2
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert tracer.runs[1].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
assert len(tracer.runs[1].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[1].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[1].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
if sys.version_info < (3, 11):
# Python 3.10 and below don't support running async tasks in a specific context
async def agen(input: str) -> AsyncIterator[int]:
yield await fake.ainvoke(input)
yield await fake.ainvoke(input * 2)
yield await fake.ainvoke(input * 3)
assert agen.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "agen_input",
"type": "string",
assert agen.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "agen_output",
"type": "integer",
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert await agen.ainvoke("a", {"callbacks": [tracer]}) == 6
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
assert [p async for p in agen.astream("a")] == [1, 2, 3]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 0, "callbacks doesn't persist from previous call"
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert [p async for p in agen.astream("a", {"callbacks": [tracer]})] == [
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert [p async for p in agen.astream_log("a", {"callbacks": [tracer]})]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert await agen.abatch(["a", "a"], {"callbacks": [tracer]}) == [6, 6]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 2
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert tracer.runs[1].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
assert len(tracer.runs[1].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[1].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[1].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
async def test_runnable_lambda_context_config() -> None:
"""Test that a function can call other runnables with config
propagated from the context."""
fake = RunnableLambda(len)
def fun(input: str) -> int:
output = fake.invoke(input)
output += fake.invoke(input * 2)
output += fake.invoke(input * 3)
return output
assert fun.input_schema.schema() == {"title": "fun_input", "type": "string"}
assert fun.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "fun_output",
"type": "integer",
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert fun.invoke("a", {"callbacks": [tracer]}) == 6
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
assert list("a")) == [6]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 0, "callbacks doesn't persist from previous call"
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert list("a", {"callbacks": [tracer]})) == [6]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert fun.batch(["a", "a"], {"callbacks": [tracer]}) == [6, 6]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 2
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert tracer.runs[1].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
assert len(tracer.runs[1].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[1].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[1].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
if sys.version_info < (3, 11):
# Python 3.10 and below don't support running async tasks in a specific context
async def afun(input: str) -> int:
output = await fake.ainvoke(input)
output += await fake.ainvoke(input * 2)
output += await fake.ainvoke(input * 3)
return output
assert afun.input_schema.schema() == {"title": "afun_input", "type": "string"}
assert afun.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "afun_output",
"type": "integer",
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert await afun.ainvoke("a", {"callbacks": [tracer]}) == 6
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
assert [p async for p in afun.astream("a")] == [6]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 0, "callbacks doesn't persist from previous call"
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert [p async for p in afun.astream("a", {"callbacks": [tracer]})] == [6]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 1
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
tracer = FakeTracer()
assert await afun.abatch(["a", "a"], {"callbacks": [tracer]}) == [6, 6]
assert len(tracer.runs) == 2
assert tracer.runs[0].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert tracer.runs[1].outputs == {"output": 6}
assert len(tracer.runs[0].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[0].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
assert len(tracer.runs[1].child_runs) == 3
assert [r.inputs["input"] for r in tracer.runs[1].child_runs] == ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
assert [(r.outputs or {})["output"] for r in tracer.runs[1].child_runs] == [1, 2, 3]
async def test_runnable_gen_transform() -> None:
"""Test that a generator can be used as a runnable."""
def gen_indexes(length_iter: Iterator[int]) -> Iterator[int]:
for i in range(next(length_iter)):
yield i
async def agen_indexes(length_iter: AsyncIterator[int]) -> AsyncIterator[int]:
async for length in length_iter:
for i in range(length):
yield i
def plus_one(input: Iterator[int]) -> Iterator[int]:
for i in input:
yield i + 1
async def aplus_one(input: AsyncIterator[int]) -> AsyncIterator[int]:
async for i in input:
yield i + 1
chain: Runnable = RunnableGenerator(gen_indexes, agen_indexes) | plus_one
achain = RunnableGenerator(gen_indexes, agen_indexes) | aplus_one
assert chain.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "gen_indexes_input",
"type": "integer",
assert chain.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "plus_one_output",
"type": "integer",
assert achain.input_schema.schema() == {
"title": "gen_indexes_input",
"type": "integer",
assert achain.output_schema.schema() == {
"title": "aplus_one_output",
"type": "integer",
assert list( == [1, 2, 3]
assert [p async for p in achain.astream(4)] == [1, 2, 3, 4]
def test_with_config_callbacks() -> None:
result = RunnableLambda(lambda x: x).with_config({"callbacks": []})
# Bugfix from version 0.0.325
# ConfigError: field "callbacks" not yet prepared so type is still a ForwardRef,
# you might need to call RunnableConfig.update_forward_refs().
assert isinstance(result, RunnableBinding)
async def test_ainvoke_on_returned_runnable() -> None:
"""Verify that a runnable returned by a sync runnable in the async path will
be runthroughaasync path (issue #13407)"""
def idchain_sync(__input: dict) -> bool:
return False
async def idchain_async(__input: dict) -> bool:
return True
idchain = RunnableLambda(func=idchain_sync, afunc=idchain_async)
def func(__input: dict) -> Runnable:
return idchain
assert await RunnableLambda(func).ainvoke({})
def test_invoke_stream_passthrough_assign_trace() -> None:
def idchain_sync(__input: dict) -> bool:
return False
chain = RunnablePassthrough.assign(urls=idchain_sync)
tracer = FakeTracer()
chain.invoke({"example": [1, 2, 3]}, dict(callbacks=[tracer]))
assert tracer.runs[0].name == "RunnableAssign<urls>"
assert tracer.runs[0].child_runs[0].name == "RunnableParallel<urls>"
tracer = FakeTracer()
for item in{"example": [1, 2, 3]}, dict(callbacks=[tracer])):
assert tracer.runs[0].name == "RunnableAssign<urls>"
assert tracer.runs[0].child_runs[0].name == "RunnableParallel<urls>"
async def test_ainvoke_astream_passthrough_assign_trace() -> None:
def idchain_sync(__input: dict) -> bool:
return False
chain = RunnablePassthrough.assign(urls=idchain_sync)
tracer = FakeTracer()
await chain.ainvoke({"example": [1, 2, 3]}, dict(callbacks=[tracer]))
assert tracer.runs[0].name == "RunnableAssign<urls>"
assert tracer.runs[0].child_runs[0].name == "RunnableParallel<urls>"
tracer = FakeTracer()
async for item in chain.astream({"example": [1, 2, 3]}, dict(callbacks=[tracer])):
assert tracer.runs[0].name == "RunnableAssign<urls>"
assert tracer.runs[0].child_runs[0].name == "RunnableParallel<urls>"
async def test_astream_log_deep_copies() -> None:
"""Verify that deep copies are used when using jsonpatch in astream log.
jsonpatch re-uses objects in its API; e.g.,
import jsonpatch
obj1 = { "a": 1 }
value = { "b": 2 }
obj2 = { "a": 1, "value": value }
ops = list(jsonpatch.JsonPatch.from_diff(obj1, obj2))
assert id(ops[0]['value']) == id(value)
This can create unexpected consequences for downstream code.
def _get_run_log(run_log_patches: Sequence[RunLogPatch]) -> RunLog:
"""Get run log"""
run_log = RunLog(state=None) # type: ignore
for log_patch in run_log_patches:
run_log = run_log + log_patch
return run_log
def add_one(x: int) -> int:
"""Add one."""
return x + 1
chain = RunnableLambda(add_one)
chunks = []
final_output = None
async for chunk in chain.astream_log(1):
if final_output is None:
final_output = chunk
final_output = final_output + chunk
run_log = _get_run_log(chunks)
state = run_log.state.copy()
# Ignoring type here since we know that the state is a dict
# so we can delete `id` for testing purposes
state.pop("id") # type: ignore
assert state == {
"final_output": 2,
"logs": {},
"streamed_output": [2],
"name": "add_one",
"type": "chain",
def test_transform_of_runnable_lambda_with_dicts() -> None:
"""Test transform of runnable lamdbda."""
runnable = RunnableLambda(lambda x: x)
chunks = iter(
{"foo": "n"},
assert list(runnable.transform(chunks)) == [{"foo": "n"}]
# Test as part of a sequence
seq = runnable | runnable
chunks = iter(
{"foo": "n"},
assert list(seq.transform(chunks)) == [{"foo": "n"}]
# Test some other edge cases
assert list({"foo": "n"})) == [{"foo": "n"}]
async def test_atransform_of_runnable_lambda_with_dicts() -> None:
async def identity(x: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""Return x."""
return x
runnable = RunnableLambda[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, str]](identity)
async def chunk_iterator() -> AsyncIterator[Dict[str, str]]:
yield {"foo": "a"}
yield {"foo": "n"}
chunks = [chunk async for chunk in runnable.atransform(chunk_iterator())]
assert chunks == [{"foo": "n"}]
seq = runnable | runnable
chunks = [chunk async for chunk in seq.atransform(chunk_iterator())]
assert chunks == [{"foo": "n"}]
def test_default_transform_with_dicts() -> None:
"""Test that default transform works with dicts."""
class CustomRunnable(RunnableSerializable[Input, Output]):
def invoke(
self, input: Input, config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None
) -> Output:
return cast(Output, input) # type: ignore
runnable = CustomRunnable[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, str]]()
chunks = iter(
{"foo": "a"},
{"foo": "n"},
assert list(runnable.transform(chunks)) == [{"foo": "n"}]
assert list({"foo": "n"})) == [{"foo": "n"}]
async def test_default_atransform_with_dicts() -> None:
"""Test that default transform works with dicts."""
class CustomRunnable(RunnableSerializable[Input, Output]):
def invoke(
self, input: Input, config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None
) -> Output:
return cast(Output, input)
runnable = CustomRunnable[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, str]]()
async def chunk_iterator() -> AsyncIterator[Dict[str, str]]:
yield {"foo": "a"}
yield {"foo": "n"}
chunks = [chunk async for chunk in runnable.atransform(chunk_iterator())]
assert chunks == [{"foo": "n"}]
# Test with addable dict
async def chunk_iterator_with_addable() -> AsyncIterator[Dict[str, str]]:
yield AddableDict({"foo": "a"})
yield AddableDict({"foo": "n"})
chunks = [
chunk async for chunk in runnable.atransform(chunk_iterator_with_addable())
assert chunks == [{"foo": "an"}]
def test_passthrough_transform_with_dicts() -> None:
"""Test that default transform works with dicts."""
runnable = RunnablePassthrough(lambda x: x)
chunks = [chunk for chunk in runnable.transform(iter([{"foo": "a"}, {"foo": "n"}]))]
assert chunks == [{"foo": "a"}, {"foo": "n"}]
async def test_passthrough_atransform_with_dicts() -> None:
"""Test that default transform works with dicts."""
runnable = RunnablePassthrough(lambda x: x)
async def chunk_iterator() -> AsyncIterator[Dict[str, str]]:
yield {"foo": "a"}
yield {"foo": "n"}
chunks = [chunk async for chunk in runnable.atransform(chunk_iterator())]
assert chunks == [{"foo": "a"}, {"foo": "n"}]