You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field, create_model
from langchain_core.utils.json_schema import dereference_refs
class ReducedOpenAPISpec:
"""A reduced OpenAPI spec.
This is reduced representation for OpenAPI specs.
servers: The servers in the spec.
description: The description of the spec.
endpoints: The endpoints in the spec.
servers: List[dict]
description: str
endpoints: List[Tuple[str, dict]]
def reduce_openapi_spec(url: str, spec: dict) -> ReducedOpenAPISpec:
"""Simplify OpenAPI spec to only required information for the agent"""
# 1. Consider only GET and POST
endpoints = [
(route, docs)
for route, operation in spec["paths"].items()
for operation_name, docs in operation.items()
if operation_name in ["get", "post"]
# 2. Replace any refs so that complete docs are retrieved.
# Note: probably want to do this post-retrieval, it blows up the size of the spec.
# 3. Strip docs down to required request args + happy path response.
def reduce_endpoint_docs(docs: dict) -> dict:
out = {}
if docs.get("summary"):
out["summary"] = docs.get("summary")
if docs.get("operationId"):
out["operationId"] = docs.get("operationId")
if docs.get("description"):
out["description"] = docs.get("description")
if docs.get("parameters"):
out["parameters"] = [
for parameter in docs.get("parameters", [])
if parameter.get("required")
if "200" in docs["responses"]:
out["responses"] = docs["responses"]["200"]
if docs.get("requestBody"):
out["requestBody"] = docs.get("requestBody")
return out
endpoints = [
(name, reduce_endpoint_docs(dereference_refs(docs, full_schema=spec)))
for name, docs in endpoints
return ReducedOpenAPISpec(
"url": url,
description=spec["info"].get("description", ""),
type_mapping = {
"string": str,
"integer": int,
"number": float,
"object": dict,
"array": list,
"boolean": bool,
"null": type(None),
def get_schema(endpoint_spec: dict) -> dict:
return (
endpoint_spec.get("requestBody", {})
.get("content", {})
.get("application/json", {})
.get("schema", {})
def create_field(schema: dict, required: bool) -> Tuple[Any, Any]:
Creates a Pydantic field based on the schema definition.
field_type = type_mapping.get(schema.get("type", "string"), str)
description = schema.get("description", "")
# Handle nested objects
if schema["type"] == "object":
nested_fields = {
k: create_field(v, k in schema.get("required", []))
for k, v in schema.get("properties", {}).items()
model_name = schema.get("title", "NestedModel")
nested_model = create_model(model_name, **nested_fields) # type: ignore
return nested_model, Field(... if required else None, description=description)
# Handle arrays
elif schema["type"] == "array":
item_type, _ = create_field(schema["items"], required=True)
return List[item_type], Field( # type: ignore
... if required else None, description=description
# Other types
return field_type, Field(... if required else None, description=description)
def get_param_fields(endpoint_spec: dict) -> dict:
"""Get an OpenAPI endpoint parameter details"""
schema = get_schema(endpoint_spec)
properties = schema.get("properties", {})
required_fields = schema.get("required", [])
fields = {}
for key, value in properties.items():
is_required = key in required_fields
field_info = create_field(value, is_required)
fields[key] = field_info
return fields
def model_to_dict(
item: Union[BaseModel, List, Dict[str, Any]],
) -> Any:
if isinstance(item, BaseModel):
return item.dict()
elif isinstance(item, dict):
return {key: model_to_dict(value) for key, value in item.items()}
elif isinstance(item, list):
return [model_to_dict(element) for element in item]
return item