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"""Test the functionality of loading from langchain-hub."""
import json
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable
from unittest.mock import Mock
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import pytest
import responses
from langchain_core.utils.loading import DEFAULT_REF, URL_BASE, try_load_from_hub
def mocked_responses() -> Iterable[responses.RequestsMock]:
"""Fixture mocking requests.get."""
with responses.RequestsMock() as rsps:
yield rsps
def test_non_hub_path() -> None:
"""Test that a non-hub path returns None."""
path = "chains/some_path"
loader = Mock()
valid_suffixes = {"suffix"}
result = try_load_from_hub(path, loader, "chains", valid_suffixes)
assert result is None
def test_invalid_prefix() -> None:
"""Test that a hub path with an invalid prefix returns None."""
path = "lc://agents/some_path"
loader = Mock()
valid_suffixes = {"suffix"}
result = try_load_from_hub(path, loader, "chains", valid_suffixes)
assert result is None
def test_invalid_suffix() -> None:
"""Test that a hub path with an invalid suffix raises an error."""
path = "lc://chains/path.invalid"
loader = Mock()
valid_suffixes = {"json"}
with pytest.raises(
ValueError, match=f"Unsupported file type, must be one of {valid_suffixes}."
try_load_from_hub(path, loader, "chains", valid_suffixes)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ref", [None, "v0.3"])
def test_success(mocked_responses: responses.RequestsMock, ref: str) -> None:
"""Test that a valid hub path is loaded correctly with and without a ref."""
path = "chains/path/chain.json"
lc_path_prefix = f"lc{('@' + ref) if ref else ''}://"
valid_suffixes = {"json"}
body = json.dumps({"foo": "bar"})
ref = ref or DEFAULT_REF
file_contents = None
def loader(file_path: str) -> None:
nonlocal file_contents
assert file_contents is None
file_contents = Path(file_path).read_text()
mocked_responses.get( # type: ignore
urljoin(URL_BASE.format(ref=ref), path),
try_load_from_hub(f"{lc_path_prefix}{path}", loader, "chains", valid_suffixes)
assert file_contents == body
def test_failed_request(mocked_responses: responses.RequestsMock) -> None:
"""Test that a failed request raises an error."""
path = "chains/path/chain.json"
loader = Mock()
mocked_responses.get( # type: ignore
urljoin(URL_BASE.format(ref=DEFAULT_REF), path), status=500
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.compile("Could not find file at .*")):
try_load_from_hub(f"lc://{path}", loader, "chains", {"json"})