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"""Test the server and client together."""
import asyncio
from asyncio import AbstractEventLoop
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from typing import List, Optional, Union
import httpx
import pytest
import pytest_asyncio
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from httpx import AsyncClient
from langchain.callbacks.tracers.log_stream import RunLogPatch
from langchain.schema.messages import HumanMessage, SystemMessage
from langchain.schema.runnable import RunnablePassthrough
from langchain.schema.runnable.base import RunnableLambda
from pytest_mock import MockerFixture
from langserve.client import RemoteRunnable
from langserve.server import add_routes
def event_loop():
"""Create an instance of the default event loop for each test case."""
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
yield loop
def app(event_loop: AbstractEventLoop) -> FastAPI:
"""A simple server that wraps a Runnable and exposes it as an API."""
async def add_one_or_passthrough(
x: Union[int, HumanMessage]
) -> Union[int, HumanMessage]:
"""Add one to int or passthrough."""
if isinstance(x, int):
return x + 1
return x
runnable_lambda = RunnableLambda(func=add_one_or_passthrough)
app = FastAPI()
add_routes(app, runnable_lambda)
yield app
del app
def client(app: FastAPI) -> RemoteRunnable:
"""Create a FastAPI app that exposes the Runnable as an API."""
remote_runnable_client = RemoteRunnable(url="http://localhost:9999")
sync_client = TestClient(app=app)
remote_runnable_client.sync_client = sync_client
yield remote_runnable_client
async def get_async_client(
server: FastAPI, path: Optional[str] = None
) -> RemoteRunnable:
"""Get an async client."""
url = "http://localhost:9999"
if path:
url += path
remote_runnable_client = RemoteRunnable(url=url)
async_client = AsyncClient(app=server, base_url=url)
remote_runnable_client.async_client = async_client
yield remote_runnable_client
await async_client.aclose()
async def async_client(app: FastAPI) -> RemoteRunnable:
"""Create a FastAPI app that exposes the Runnable as an API."""
async with get_async_client(app) as client:
yield client
def test_server(app: FastAPI) -> None:
"""Test the server directly via HTTP requests."""
sync_client = TestClient(app=app)
# Test invoke
response ="/invoke", json={"input": 1})
assert response.json() == {"output": 2}
# Test batch
response ="/batch", json={"inputs": [1]})
assert response.json() == {
"output": [2],
# TODO(Team): Fix test. Issue with eventloops right now when using sync client
## Test stream
# response ="/stream", json={"input": 1})
# assert response.text == "event: data\r\ndata: 2\r\n\r\nevent: end\r\n\r\n"
async def test_server_async(app: FastAPI) -> None:
"""Test the server directly via HTTP requests."""
async_client = AsyncClient(app=app, base_url="http://localhost:9999")
# Test invoke
response = await"/invoke", json={"input": 1})
assert response.json() == {"output": 2}
# Test batch
response = await"/batch", json={"inputs": [1]})
assert response.json() == {
"output": [2],
# Test stream
response = await"/stream", json={"input": 1})
assert response.text == "event: data\r\ndata: 2\r\n\r\nevent: end\r\n\r\n"
def test_invoke(client: RemoteRunnable) -> None:
"""Test sync invoke."""
assert client.invoke(1) == 2
assert client.invoke(HumanMessage(content="hello")) == HumanMessage(content="hello")
# Test invocation with config
assert client.invoke(1, config={"tags": ["test"]}) == 2
def test_batch(client: RemoteRunnable) -> None:
"""Test sync batch."""
assert client.batch([]) == []
assert client.batch([1, 2, 3]) == [2, 3, 4]
assert client.batch([HumanMessage(content="hello")]) == [
async def test_ainvoke(async_client: RemoteRunnable) -> None:
"""Test async invoke."""
assert await async_client.ainvoke(1) == 2
assert await async_client.ainvoke(HumanMessage(content="hello")) == HumanMessage(
async def test_abatch(async_client: RemoteRunnable) -> None:
"""Test async batch."""
assert await async_client.abatch([]) == []
assert await async_client.abatch([1, 2, 3]) == [2, 3, 4]
assert await async_client.abatch([HumanMessage(content="hello")]) == [
# TODO(Team): Determine how to test
# Some issue with event loops
# def test_stream(client: RemoteRunnable) -> None:
# """Test stream."""
# assert list( == [2]
async def test_astream(async_client: RemoteRunnable) -> None:
"""Test async stream."""
outputs = []
async for chunk in async_client.astream(1):
assert outputs == [2]
outputs = []
data = HumanMessage(content="hello")
async for chunk in async_client.astream(data):
assert outputs == [data]
async def test_astream_log(async_client: RemoteRunnable) -> None:
"""Test async stream."""
outputs = []
async for chunk in async_client.astream_log(1):
assert len(outputs) == 3
op = outputs[0].ops[0]
uuid = op["value"]["id"]
assert op == {
"op": "replace",
"path": "",
"value": {
"final_output": {"output": 2},
"id": uuid,
"logs": [],
"streamed_output": [],
def test_invoke_as_part_of_sequence(client: RemoteRunnable) -> None:
"""Test as part of sequence."""
runnable = client | RunnableLambda(func=lambda x: x + 1)
# without config
assert runnable.invoke(1) == 3
# with config
assert runnable.invoke(1, config={"tags": ["test"]}) == 3
# without config
assert runnable.batch([1, 2]) == [3, 4]
# with config
assert runnable.batch([1, 2], config={"tags": ["test"]}) == [3, 4]
# TODO(Team): Determine how to test some issues with event loops for testing
# set up
# without config
# assert list([1, 2])) == [3, 4]
# # with config
# assert list([1, 2], config={"tags": ["test"]})) == [3, 4]
async def test_invoke_as_part_of_sequence_async(async_client: RemoteRunnable) -> None:
"""Test as part of a sequence.
This helps to verify that config is handled properly (e.g., callbacks are not
passed to the server, but other config is)
runnable = async_client | RunnableLambda(
func=lambda x: x + 1 if isinstance(x, int) else x
).with_config({"run_name": "hello"})
# without config
assert await runnable.ainvoke(1) == 3
# with config
assert await runnable.ainvoke(1, config={"tags": ["test"]}) == 3
# without config
assert await runnable.abatch([1, 2]) == [3, 4]
# with config
assert await runnable.abatch([1, 2], config={"tags": ["test"]}) == [3, 4]
# Verify can pass many configs to batch
configs = [{"tags": ["test"]}, {"tags": ["test2"]}]
assert await runnable.abatch([1, 2], config=configs) == [3, 4]
# Verify can ValueError on mismatched configs number
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert await runnable.abatch([1, 2], config=[configs[0]]) == [3, 4]
configs = [{"tags": ["test"]}, {"tags": ["test2"]}]
assert await runnable.abatch([1, 2], config=configs) == [3, 4]
configs = [
{"tags": ["test"]},
{"tags": ["test2"], "other": "test"},
assert await runnable.abatch([1, 2], config=configs) == [3, 4]
# Without config
assert [x async for x in runnable.astream(1)] == [3]
# With Config
assert [x async for x in runnable.astream(1, config={"tags": ["test"]})] == [3]
# With config and LC input data
assert [
async for x in runnable.astream(
HumanMessage(content="hello"), config={"tags": ["test"]}
] == [HumanMessage(content="hello")]
log_patches = [x async for x in runnable.astream_log(1)]
for log_patch in log_patches:
assert isinstance(log_patch, RunLogPatch)
# Only check the first entry (not validating implementation here)
first_op = log_patches[0].ops[0]
assert first_op["op"] == "replace"
assert first_op["path"] == ""
# Validate with HumanMessage
log_patches = [x async for x in runnable.astream_log(HumanMessage(content="hello"))]
for log_patch in log_patches:
assert isinstance(log_patch, RunLogPatch)
# Only check the first entry (not validating implementation here)
first_op = log_patches[0].ops[0]
assert first_op == {
"op": "replace",
"path": "",
"value": {
"final_output": None,
"id": first_op["value"]["id"],
"logs": [],
"streamed_output": [],
async def test_multiple_runnables(event_loop: AbstractEventLoop) -> None:
"""Test serving multiple runnables."""
async def add_one(x: int) -> int:
"""Add one to simulate a valid function"""
return x + 1
async def mul_2(x: int) -> int:
"""Add one to simulate a valid function"""
return x * 2
app = FastAPI()
add_routes(app, RunnableLambda(add_one), path="/add_one")
async with get_async_client(app, path="/add_one") as runnable:
async with get_async_client(app, path="/mul_2") as runnable2:
assert await runnable.ainvoke(1) == 2
assert await runnable2.ainvoke(4) == 8
composite_runnable = runnable | runnable2
assert await composite_runnable.ainvoke(3) == 8
# Invoke runnable (remote add_one), local add_one, remote mul_2
composite_runnable_2 = runnable | add_one | runnable2
assert await composite_runnable_2.ainvoke(3) == 10
async def test_input_validation(
event_loop: AbstractEventLoop, mocker: MockerFixture
) -> None:
"""Test client side and server side exceptions."""
async def add_one(x: int) -> int:
"""Add one to simulate a valid function"""
return x + 1
server_runnable = RunnableLambda(func=add_one, afunc=add_one)
server_runnable2 = RunnableLambda(func=add_one, afunc=add_one)
app = FastAPI()
config_keys=["tags", "run_name"],
async with get_async_client(app, path="/add_one") as runnable:
# Verify that can be invoked with valid input
assert await runnable.ainvoke(1) == 2
# Verify that the following substring is present in the error message
with pytest.raises(httpx.HTTPError):
await runnable.ainvoke("hello")
with pytest.raises(httpx.HTTPError):
await runnable.abatch(["hello"])
config = {"tags": ["test"]}
invoke_spy_1 = mocker.spy(server_runnable, "ainvoke")
# Verify config is handled correctly
async with get_async_client(app, path="/add_one") as runnable1:
# Verify that can be invoked with valid input
# Config ignored for runnable1
assert await runnable1.ainvoke(1, config=config) == 2
assert invoke_spy_1.call_args[1]["config"] == {}
invoke_spy_2 = mocker.spy(server_runnable2, "ainvoke")
async with get_async_client(app, path="/add_one_config") as runnable2:
# Config accepted for runnable2
assert await runnable2.ainvoke(1, config=config) == 2
# Config ignored
assert invoke_spy_2.call_args[1]["config"] == config
async def test_input_validation_with_lc_types(event_loop: AbstractEventLoop) -> None:
"""Test client side and server side exceptions."""
app = FastAPI()
# Test with langchain objects
app, RunnablePassthrough(), input_type=List[HumanMessage], config_keys=["tags"]
# Invoke request
async with get_async_client(app) as passthrough_runnable:
with pytest.raises(httpx.HTTPError):
await passthrough_runnable.ainvoke("Hello")
with pytest.raises(httpx.HTTPError):
await passthrough_runnable.ainvoke(["hello"])
with pytest.raises(httpx.HTTPError):
await passthrough_runnable.ainvoke(HumanMessage(content="h"))
with pytest.raises(httpx.HTTPError):
await passthrough_runnable.ainvoke([SystemMessage(content="hello")])
# Valid
result = await passthrough_runnable.ainvoke([HumanMessage(content="hello")])
assert isinstance(result, list)
assert isinstance(result[0], HumanMessage)
# Batch request
async with get_async_client(app) as passthrough_runnable:
# invalid
with pytest.raises(httpx.HTTPError):
await passthrough_runnable.abatch("Hello")
with pytest.raises(httpx.HTTPError):
await passthrough_runnable.abatch(["hello"])
with pytest.raises(httpx.HTTPError):
await passthrough_runnable.abatch([[SystemMessage(content="hello")]])
# valid
result = await passthrough_runnable.abatch([[HumanMessage(content="hello")]])
assert isinstance(result, list)
assert isinstance(result[0], list)
assert isinstance(result[0][0], HumanMessage)
def test_client_close() -> None:
"""Test that the client can be automatically."""
runnable = RemoteRunnable(url="/dev/null", timeout=1)
sync_client = runnable.sync_client
async_client = runnable.async_client
assert async_client.is_closed is False
assert sync_client.is_closed is False
del runnable
assert sync_client.is_closed is True
assert async_client.is_closed is True
async def test_async_client_close() -> None:
"""Test that the client can be automatically."""
runnable = RemoteRunnable(url="/dev/null", timeout=1)
sync_client = runnable.sync_client
async_client = runnable.async_client
assert async_client.is_closed is False
assert sync_client.is_closed is False
del runnable
assert sync_client.is_closed is True
assert async_client.is_closed is True
async def test_openapi_docs_with_identical_runnables(
event_loop: AbstractEventLoop, mocker: MockerFixture
) -> None:
"""Test client side and server side exceptions."""
async def add_one(x: int) -> int:
"""Add one to simulate a valid function"""
return x + 1
server_runnable = RunnableLambda(func=add_one)
server_runnable2 = RunnableLambda(func=add_one)
app = FastAPI()
# Add another route that uses the same schema (inferred from runnable input schema)
config_keys=["tags", "run_name"],
async with AsyncClient(app=app, base_url="http://localhost:9999") as async_client:
response = await async_client.get("/openapi.json")
assert response.status_code == 200