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114 lines
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from typing import Any, List, Literal
from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage
from langchain_core.outputs import ChatGeneration
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel
from langchain_anthropic.output_parsers import ToolsOutputParser
_CONTENT: List = [
"type": "text",
"text": "thought",
{"type": "tool_use", "input": {"bar": 0}, "id": "1", "name": "_Foo1"},
"type": "text",
"text": "thought",
{"type": "tool_use", "input": {"baz": "a"}, "id": "2", "name": "_Foo2"},
_RESULT: List = [ChatGeneration(message=AIMessage(_CONTENT))] # type: ignore[misc]
class _Foo1(BaseModel):
bar: int
class _Foo2(BaseModel):
baz: Literal["a", "b"]
def test_tools_output_parser() -> None:
output_parser = ToolsOutputParser()
expected = [
"name": "_Foo1",
"args": {"bar": 0},
"id": "1",
"index": 1,
"type": "tool_call",
"name": "_Foo2",
"args": {"baz": "a"},
"id": "2",
"index": 3,
"type": "tool_call",
actual = output_parser.parse_result(_RESULT)
assert expected == actual
def test_tools_output_parser_args_only() -> None:
output_parser = ToolsOutputParser(args_only=True)
expected = [
{"bar": 0},
{"baz": "a"},
actual = output_parser.parse_result(_RESULT)
assert expected == actual
expected = []
actual = output_parser.parse_result([ChatGeneration(message=AIMessage(""))]) # type: ignore[misc]
assert expected == actual
def test_tools_output_parser_first_tool_only() -> None:
output_parser = ToolsOutputParser(first_tool_only=True)
expected: Any = {
"name": "_Foo1",
"args": {"bar": 0},
"id": "1",
"index": 1,
"type": "tool_call",
actual = output_parser.parse_result(_RESULT)
assert expected == actual
expected = None
actual = output_parser.parse_result([ChatGeneration(message=AIMessage(""))]) # type: ignore[misc]
assert expected == actual
def test_tools_output_parser_pydantic() -> None:
output_parser = ToolsOutputParser(pydantic_schemas=[_Foo1, _Foo2])
expected = [_Foo1(bar=0), _Foo2(baz="a")]
actual = output_parser.parse_result(_RESULT)
assert expected == actual
def test_tools_output_parser_empty_content() -> None:
class ChartType(BaseModel):
chart_type: Literal["pie", "line", "bar"]
output_parser = ToolsOutputParser(
first_tool_only=True, pydantic_schemas=[ChartType]
message = AIMessage(
"name": "ChartType",
"args": {"chart_type": "pie"},
"id": "foo",
"type": "tool_call",
actual = output_parser.invoke(message)
expected = ChartType(chart_type="pie")
assert expected == actual