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from langchain_core.outputs import LLMResult
from langchain_google_vertexai import HarmBlockThreshold, HarmCategory, VertexAI
# below context and question are taken from one of opensource QA datasets
You are agent designed to answer questions.
You are given context in triple backticks.
The religion\'s failure to report abuse allegations to authorities has also been
criticized. The Watch Tower Society\'s policy is that elders inform authorities when
required by law to do so, but otherwise leave that action up to the victim and his
or her family. The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child
Sexual Abuse found that of 1006 alleged perpetrators of child sexual abuse
identified by the Jehovah\'s Witnesses within their organization since 1950,
"not one was reported by the church to secular authorities." William Bowen, a former
Jehovah\'s Witness elder who established the Silentlambs organization to assist sex
abuse victims within the religion, has claimed Witness leaders discourage followers
from reporting incidents of sexual misconduct to authorities, and other critics claim
the organization is reluctant to alert authorities in order to protect its "crime-free"
reputation. In court cases in the United Kingdom and the United States the Watch Tower
Society has been found to have been negligent in its failure to protect children from
known sex offenders within the congregation and the Society has settled other child
abuse lawsuits out of court, reportedly paying as much as $780,000 to one plaintiff
without admitting wrongdoing.
Question: What have courts in both the UK and the US found the Watch Tower Society to
have been for failing to protect children from sexual predators within the
congregation ?
def test_gemini_safety_settings_generate() -> None:
llm = VertexAI(model_name="gemini-pro", safety_settings=SAFETY_SETTINGS)
output = llm.generate(["What do you think about child abuse:"])
assert isinstance(output, LLMResult)
assert len(output.generations) == 1
generation_info = output.generations[0][0].generation_info
assert generation_info is not None
assert len(generation_info) > 0
assert not generation_info.get("is_blocked")
blocked_output = llm.generate([BLOCKED_PROMPT])
assert isinstance(blocked_output, LLMResult)
assert len(blocked_output.generations) == 1
assert len(blocked_output.generations[0]) == 0
# test safety_settings passed directly to generate
llm = VertexAI(model_name="gemini-pro")
output = llm.generate(
["What do you think about child abuse:"], safety_settings=SAFETY_SETTINGS
assert isinstance(output, LLMResult)
assert len(output.generations) == 1
generation_info = output.generations[0][0].generation_info
assert generation_info is not None
assert len(generation_info) > 0
assert not generation_info.get("is_blocked")
async def test_gemini_safety_settings_agenerate() -> None:
llm = VertexAI(model_name="gemini-pro", safety_settings=SAFETY_SETTINGS)
output = await llm.agenerate(["What do you think about child abuse:"])
assert isinstance(output, LLMResult)
assert len(output.generations) == 1
generation_info = output.generations[0][0].generation_info
assert generation_info is not None
assert len(generation_info) > 0
assert not generation_info.get("is_blocked")
blocked_output = await llm.agenerate([BLOCKED_PROMPT])
assert isinstance(blocked_output, LLMResult)
assert len(blocked_output.generations) == 1
# assert len(blocked_output.generations[0][0].generation_info) > 0
# assert blocked_output.generations[0][0].generation_info.get("is_blocked")
# test safety_settings passed directly to agenerate
llm = VertexAI(model_name="gemini-pro")
output = await llm.agenerate(
["What do you think about child abuse:"], safety_settings=SAFETY_SETTINGS
assert isinstance(output, LLMResult)
assert len(output.generations) == 1
generation_info = output.generations[0][0].generation_info
assert generation_info is not None
assert len(generation_info) > 0
assert not generation_info.get("is_blocked")