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import sys
import tomllib
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Get the TOML file path from the command line argument
toml_file = sys.argv[1]
# read toml file
with open(toml_file, "rb") as file:
toml_data = tomllib.load(file)
# see if we're releasing an rc
version = toml_data["tool"]["poetry"]["version"]
releasing_rc = "rc" in version
# if not, iterate through dependencies and make sure none allow prereleases
if not releasing_rc:
dependencies = toml_data["tool"]["poetry"]["dependencies"]
for lib in dependencies:
dep_version = dependencies[lib]
dep_version_string = (
dep_version["version"] if isinstance(dep_version, dict) else dep_version
if "rc" in dep_version_string:
raise ValueError(
f"Dependency {lib} has a prerelease version. Please remove this."
if isinstance(dep_version, dict) and dep_version.get(
"allow-prereleases", False
raise ValueError(
f"Dependency {lib} has allow-prereleases set to true. Please remove this."