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ale-delfino 0df76bee37
core[patch]:: XML parser to cover the case when the xml only contains the root level tag (#17456)
Description: Fix xml parser to handle strings that only contain the root
Issue: N/A
Dependencies: None
Twitter handle: N/A

A valid xml text can contain only the root level tag. Example: <body>
  Some text here
The example above is a valid xml string. If parsed with the current
implementation the result is {"body": []}. This fix checks if the root
level text contains any non-whitespace character and if that's the case
it returns {root.tag: root.text}. The result is that the above text is
correctly parsed as {"body": "Some text here"}


Thank you for contributing to LangChain!


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- [x] PR message: **Delete this entire template message** and replace it
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    - **Description:** a description of the change
    - **Issue:** the issue # it fixes, if applicable
    - **Dependencies:** any dependencies required for this change
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- [x] Pass lint and test: Run `make format`, `make lint` and `make test`
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- [x] Add tests and docs: If you're adding a new integration, please
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- Make sure optional dependencies are imported within a function.
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- Most PRs should not touch more than one package.
- Changes should be backwards compatible.
- If you are adding something to community, do not re-import it in

If no one reviews your PR within a few days, please @-mention one of
@baskaryan, @efriis, @eyurtsev, @hwchase17.


Co-authored-by: Eugene Yurtsev <>
3 months ago
.. core[minor], openai[minor], langchain[patch]: BaseLanguageModel.with_structured_output #17302) 4 months ago Docs: Add custom parsing documentation and extending langchain (#18331) 3 months ago [core, langchain] modelio code improvements (#15277) 6 months ago core[patch]: Fix jsonOutputParser fails if a json value contains ``` inside it. (#19717) 3 months ago Improve markdown list parser (#15295) 6 months ago core[patch], langchain[patch], templates: move openai functions parsers to core (#18060) 4 months ago core[minor]: add streaming support to OAI tool parsers (#18940) 3 months ago core[minor]: support pydantic v2 models in PydanticOutputParser (#18811) 3 months ago manual mapping (#14422) 6 months ago In Runnable.stream_log build up final_output from adding output chunks (#12781) 7 months ago core[patch]:: XML parser to cover the case when the xml only contains the root level tag (#17456) 3 months ago