You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

217 lines
7.8 KiB

from typing import Iterator, List
import pytest
from . import is_libcublas_available
@pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
def check_spacy_model() -> Iterator[None]:
import spacy
if not spacy.util.is_package("en_core_web_lg"):
pytest.skip(reason="Spacy model 'en_core_web_lg' not installed")
@pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
def check_libcublas() -> Iterator[None]:
if not is_libcublas_available():
pytest.skip(reason=" is not available")
@pytest.mark.requires("presidio_analyzer", "presidio_anonymizer", "faker")
[(["PERSON"], False), (["PHONE_NUMBER"], True), (None, False)],
def test_anonymize(analyzed_fields: List[str], should_contain: bool) -> None:
"""Test anonymizing a name in a simple sentence"""
from langchain_experimental.data_anonymizer import PresidioAnonymizer
text = "Hello, my name is John Doe."
anonymizer = PresidioAnonymizer(analyzed_fields=analyzed_fields)
anonymized_text = anonymizer.anonymize(text)
assert ("John Doe" in anonymized_text) == should_contain
@pytest.mark.requires("presidio_analyzer", "presidio_anonymizer", "faker")
[(["PERSON"], True), (["PHONE_NUMBER"], True), (None, True)],
def test_anonymize_allow_list(analyzed_fields: List[str], should_contain: bool) -> None:
"""Test anonymizing a name in a simple sentence"""
from langchain_experimental.data_anonymizer import PresidioAnonymizer
text = "Hello, my name is John Doe."
anonymizer = PresidioAnonymizer(analyzed_fields=analyzed_fields)
anonymized_text = anonymizer.anonymize(text, allow_list=["John Doe"])
assert ("John Doe" in anonymized_text) == should_contain
@pytest.mark.requires("presidio_analyzer", "presidio_anonymizer", "faker")
def test_anonymize_multiple() -> None:
"""Test anonymizing multiple items in a sentence"""
from langchain_experimental.data_anonymizer import PresidioAnonymizer
text = "John Smith's phone number is 313-666-7440 and email is"
anonymizer = PresidioAnonymizer()
anonymized_text = anonymizer.anonymize(text)
for phrase in ["John Smith", "313-666-7440", ""]:
assert phrase not in anonymized_text
@pytest.mark.requires("presidio_analyzer", "presidio_anonymizer", "faker")
def test_check_instances() -> None:
"""Test anonymizing multiple items in a sentence"""
from langchain_experimental.data_anonymizer import PresidioAnonymizer
text = (
"This is John Smith. John Smith works in a bakery." "John Smith is a good guy"
anonymizer = PresidioAnonymizer(["PERSON"], faker_seed=42)
anonymized_text = anonymizer.anonymize(text)
assert anonymized_text.count("Connie Lawrence") == 3
# New name should be generated
anonymized_text = anonymizer.anonymize(text)
assert anonymized_text.count("Connie Lawrence") == 0
@pytest.mark.requires("presidio_analyzer", "presidio_anonymizer", "faker")
def test_anonymize_with_custom_operator() -> None:
"""Test anonymize a name with a custom operator"""
from presidio_anonymizer.entities import OperatorConfig
from langchain_experimental.data_anonymizer import PresidioAnonymizer
custom_operator = {"PERSON": OperatorConfig("replace", {"new_value": "NAME"})}
anonymizer = PresidioAnonymizer(operators=custom_operator)
text = "Jane Doe was here."
anonymized_text = anonymizer.anonymize(text)
assert anonymized_text == "NAME was here."
@pytest.mark.requires("presidio_analyzer", "presidio_anonymizer", "faker")
def test_add_recognizer_operator() -> None:
Test add recognizer and anonymize a new type of entity and with a custom operator
from presidio_analyzer import PatternRecognizer
from presidio_anonymizer.entities import OperatorConfig
from langchain_experimental.data_anonymizer import PresidioAnonymizer
anonymizer = PresidioAnonymizer(analyzed_fields=[])
titles_list = ["Sir", "Madam", "Professor"]
custom_recognizer = PatternRecognizer(
supported_entity="TITLE", deny_list=titles_list
# anonymizing with custom recognizer
text = "Madam Jane Doe was here."
anonymized_text = anonymizer.anonymize(text)
assert anonymized_text == "<TITLE> Jane Doe was here."
# anonymizing with custom recognizer and operator
custom_operator = {"TITLE": OperatorConfig("replace", {"new_value": "Dear"})}
anonymized_text = anonymizer.anonymize(text)
assert anonymized_text == "Dear Jane Doe was here."
@pytest.mark.requires("presidio_analyzer", "presidio_anonymizer", "faker")
def test_non_faker_values() -> None:
"""Test anonymizing multiple items in a sentence without faker values"""
from langchain_experimental.data_anonymizer import PresidioAnonymizer
text = (
"My name is John Smith. Your name is Adam Smith. Her name is Jane Smith."
"Our names are: John Smith, Adam Smith, Jane Smith."
expected_result = (
"My name is <PERSON>. Your name is <PERSON_2>. Her name is <PERSON_3>."
"Our names are: <PERSON>, <PERSON_2>, <PERSON_3>."
anonymizer = PresidioAnonymizer(add_default_faker_operators=False)
anonymized_text = anonymizer.anonymize(text)
assert anonymized_text == expected_result
@pytest.mark.requires("presidio_analyzer", "presidio_anonymizer", "faker")
def test_exact_matching_strategy() -> None:
Test exact matching strategy for deanonymization.
from langchain_experimental.data_anonymizer import (
deanonymizer_matching_strategies as dms,
deanonymizer_mapping = {
"PERSON": {"Maria Lynch": "Slim Shady"},
"PHONE_NUMBER": {"7344131647": "313-666-7440"},
"EMAIL_ADDRESS": {"": ""},
"CREDIT_CARD": {"213186379402654": "4916 0387 9536 0861"},
text = (
"Are you Maria Lynch? I found your card with number 213186379402654. "
"Is this your phone number: 7344131647? "
"Is this your email address:"
deanonymized_text = dms.exact_matching_strategy(text, deanonymizer_mapping)
for original_value in [
"Slim Shady",
"4916 0387 9536 0861",
assert original_value in deanonymized_text
@pytest.mark.requires("presidio_analyzer", "presidio_anonymizer", "faker")
def test_best_matching_strategy() -> None:
Test exact matching strategy for deanonymization.
from langchain_experimental.data_anonymizer import (
deanonymizer_matching_strategies as dms,
deanonymizer_mapping = {
"PERSON": {"Maria Lynch": "Slim Shady"},
"PHONE_NUMBER": {"7344131647": "313-666-7440"},
"EMAIL_ADDRESS": {"": ""},
"CREDIT_CARD": {"213186379402654": "4916 0387 9536 0861"},
# Changed some values:
# - "Maria Lynch" -> "Maria K. Lynch"
# - "7344131647" -> "734-413-1647"
# - "213186379402654" -> "2131 8637 9402 654"
# - "" -> the same to test exact match
text = (
"Are you Maria K. Lynch? I found your card with number 2131 8637 9402 654. "
"Is this your phone number: 734-413-1647?"
"Is this your email address:"
deanonymized_text = dms.combined_exact_fuzzy_matching_strategy(
text, deanonymizer_mapping
for original_value in [
"Slim Shady",
"4916 0387 9536 0861",
assert original_value in deanonymized_text