import importlib import inspect import json import logging import os import re from pathlib import Path logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Base URL for all class documentation _BASE_URL = "" # Regular expression to match Python code blocks code_block_re = re.compile(r"^(```python\n)(.*?)(```\n)", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) # Regular expression to match langchain import lines _IMPORT_RE = re.compile(r"(from\s+(langchain\.\w+(\.\w+)*?)\s+import\s+)(\w+)") _CURRENT_PATH = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() # Directory where generated markdown files are stored _DOCS_DIR = _CURRENT_PATH / "docs" _JSON_PATH = _CURRENT_PATH.parent / "api_reference" / "guide_imports.json" def find_files(path): """Find all MDX files in the given path""" for root, _, files in os.walk(path): for file in files: if file.endswith(".mdx") or file.endswith(".md"): yield os.path.join(root, file) def get_full_module_name(module_path, class_name): """Get full module name using inspect""" module = importlib.import_module(module_path) class_ = getattr(module, class_name) return inspect.getmodule(class_).__name__ def main(): """Main function""" global_imports = {} for file in find_files(_DOCS_DIR): print(f"Adding links for imports in {file}") # replace_imports now returns the import information rather than writing it to a file file_imports = replace_imports(file) if file_imports: # Use relative file path as key relative_path = os.path.relpath(file, _DOCS_DIR) doc_url = f"{relative_path.replace('.mdx', '').replace('.md', '')}" for import_info in file_imports: doc_title = import_info["title"] class_name = import_info["imported"] if class_name not in global_imports: global_imports[class_name] = {} global_imports[class_name][doc_title] = doc_url # Write the global imports information to a JSON file with"w") as f: json.dump(global_imports, f) def _get_doc_title(data: str, file_name: str) -> str: try: return re.findall(r"^#\s+(.*)", data, re.MULTILINE)[0] except IndexError: pass # Parse the rst-style titles try: return re.findall(r"^(.*)\n=+\n", data, re.MULTILINE)[0] except IndexError: return file_name def replace_imports(file): """Replace imports in each Python code block with links to their documentation and append the import info in a comment""" all_imports = [] with open(file, "r") as f: data = file_name = os.path.basename(file) _DOC_TITLE = _get_doc_title(data, file_name) def replacer(match): # Extract the code block content code = # Replace if any import comment exists # TODO: Use our own custom component rather than this # injection method existing_comment_re = re.compile(r"^\n", re.MULTILINE) code = existing_comment_re.sub("", code) # Process imports in the code block imports = [] for import_match in _IMPORT_RE.finditer(code): class_name = try: module_path = get_full_module_name(, class_name) except AttributeError as e: logger.warning(f"Could not find module for {class_name}, {e}") continue except ImportError as e: # Some CentOS OpenSSL issues can cause this to fail logger.warning(f"Failed to load for class {class_name}, {e}") continue url = ( _BASE_URL + "/" + module_path.split(".")[1] + "/" + module_path + "." + class_name + ".html" ) # Add the import information to our list imports.append( { "imported": class_name, "source":, "docs": url, "title": _DOC_TITLE, } ) if imports: all_imports.extend(imports) # Create a unique comment containing the import information import_comment = f"" # Inject the import comment at the start of the code block return + import_comment + "\n" + code + else: # If there are no imports, return the original match return # Use re.sub to replace each Python code block data = code_block_re.sub(replacer, data) with open(file, "w") as f: f.write(data) return all_imports if __name__ == "__main__": main()