import json import sys import os from typing import Dict LANGCHAIN_DIRS = [ "libs/core", "libs/community", "libs/langchain", "libs/experimental", ] if __name__ == "__main__": files = sys.argv[1:] dirs_to_run: Dict[str, set] = { "lint": set(), "test": set(), "extended-test": set(), } if len(files) == 300: # max diff length is 300 files - there are likely files missing raise ValueError("Max diff reached. Please manually run CI on changed libs.") for file in files: if any( file.startswith(dir_) for dir_ in ( ".github/workflows", ".github/tools", ".github/actions", ".github/scripts/", ) ): # add all LANGCHAIN_DIRS for infra changes dirs_to_run["extended-test"].update(LANGCHAIN_DIRS) dirs_to_run["lint"].add(".") if any(file.startswith(dir_) for dir_ in LANGCHAIN_DIRS): # add that dir and all dirs after in LANGCHAIN_DIRS # for extended testing found = False for dir_ in LANGCHAIN_DIRS: if file.startswith(dir_): found = True if found: dirs_to_run["extended-test"].add(dir_) elif file.startswith("libs/partners"): partner_dir = file.split("/")[2] if os.path.isdir(f"libs/partners/{partner_dir}"): dirs_to_run["test"].add(f"libs/partners/{partner_dir}") # Skip if the directory was deleted elif file.startswith("libs/"): raise ValueError( f"Unknown lib: {file}. likely needs " "an update for this new library!" ) elif any(file.startswith(p) for p in ["docs/", "templates/", "cookbook/"]): dirs_to_run["lint"].add(".") outputs = { "dirs-to-lint": list( dirs_to_run["lint"] | dirs_to_run["test"] | dirs_to_run["extended-test"] ), "dirs-to-test": list(dirs_to_run["test"] | dirs_to_run["extended-test"]), "dirs-to-extended-test": list(dirs_to_run["extended-test"]), } for key, value in outputs.items(): json_output = json.dumps(value) print(f"{key}={json_output}") # noqa: T201