# Wolfram Alpha >[WolframAlpha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WolframAlpha) is an answer engine developed by `Wolfram Research`. > It answers factual queries by computing answers from externally sourced data. This page covers how to use the `Wolfram Alpha API` within LangChain. ## Installation and Setup - Install requirements with ```bash pip install wolframalpha ``` - Go to wolfram alpha and sign up for a developer account [here](https://developer.wolframalpha.com/) - Create an app and get your `APP ID` - Set your APP ID as an environment variable `WOLFRAM_ALPHA_APPID` ## Wrappers ### Utility There exists a WolframAlphaAPIWrapper utility which wraps this API. To import this utility: ```python from langchain.utilities.wolfram_alpha import WolframAlphaAPIWrapper ``` For a more detailed walkthrough of this wrapper, see [this notebook](/docs/integrations/tools/wolfram_alpha.html). ### Tool You can also easily load this wrapper as a Tool (to use with an Agent). You can do this with: ```python from langchain.agents import load_tools tools = load_tools(["wolfram-alpha"]) ``` For more information on tools, see [this page](/docs/modules/agents/tools/).