# Fireworks This page covers how to use the Fireworks models within Langchain. ## Installation and Setup - To use the Fireworks model, you need to have a Fireworks API key. To generate one, sign up at [app.fireworks.ai](https://app.fireworks.ai). - Authenticate by setting the FIREWORKS_API_KEY environment variable. ## LLM Fireworks integrates with Langchain through the LLM module, which allows for standardized usage of any models deployed on the Fireworks models. In this example, we'll work the llama-v2-13b-chat model. ```python from langchain.llms.fireworks import Fireworks llm = Fireworks(model="fireworks-llama-v2-13b-chat", max_tokens=256, temperature=0.4) llm("Name 3 sports.") ``` For a more detailed walkthrough, see [here](/docs/integrations/llms/Fireworks).