"""Test LLM callbacks.""" from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage from langchain_community.chat_models.fake import FakeListChatModel from langchain_community.llms.fake import FakeListLLM from tests.unit_tests.callbacks.fake_callback_handler import ( FakeCallbackHandler, FakeCallbackHandlerWithChatStart, ) def test_llm_with_callbacks() -> None: """Test LLM callbacks.""" handler = FakeCallbackHandler() llm = FakeListLLM(callbacks=[handler], verbose=True, responses=["foo"]) output = llm("foo") assert output == "foo" assert handler.starts == 1 assert handler.ends == 1 assert handler.errors == 0 def test_chat_model_with_v1_callbacks() -> None: """Test chat model callbacks fall back to on_llm_start.""" handler = FakeCallbackHandler() llm = FakeListChatModel( callbacks=[handler], verbose=True, responses=["fake response"] ) output = llm([HumanMessage(content="foo")]) assert output.content == "fake response" assert handler.starts == 1 assert handler.ends == 1 assert handler.errors == 0 assert handler.llm_starts == 1 assert handler.llm_ends == 1 def test_chat_model_with_v2_callbacks() -> None: """Test chat model callbacks fall back to on_llm_start.""" handler = FakeCallbackHandlerWithChatStart() llm = FakeListChatModel( callbacks=[handler], verbose=True, responses=["fake response"] ) output = llm([HumanMessage(content="foo")]) assert output.content == "fake response" assert handler.starts == 1 assert handler.ends == 1 assert handler.errors == 0 assert handler.llm_starts == 0 assert handler.llm_ends == 1 assert handler.chat_model_starts == 1