import time from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from uuid import UUID from langchain_core.callbacks import BaseCallbackHandler from langchain_core.outputs import LLMResult from langchain_community.callbacks.utils import import_pandas # Define constants # LLMResult keys TOKEN_USAGE = "token_usage" TOTAL_TOKENS = "total_tokens" PROMPT_TOKENS = "prompt_tokens" COMPLETION_TOKENS = "completion_tokens" RUN_ID = "run_id" MODEL_NAME = "model_name" GOOD = "good" BAD = "bad" NEUTRAL = "neutral" SUCCESS = "success" FAILURE = "failure" # Default values DEFAULT_MAX_TOKEN = 65536 DEFAULT_MAX_DURATION = 120000 # Fiddler specific constants PROMPT = "prompt" RESPONSE = "response" CONTEXT = "context" DURATION = "duration" FEEDBACK = "feedback" LLM_STATUS = "llm_status" FEEDBACK_POSSIBLE_VALUES = [GOOD, BAD, NEUTRAL] # Define a dataset dictionary _dataset_dict = { PROMPT: ["fiddler"] * 10, RESPONSE: ["fiddler"] * 10, CONTEXT: ["fiddler"] * 10, FEEDBACK: ["good"] * 10, LLM_STATUS: ["success"] * 10, MODEL_NAME: ["fiddler"] * 10, RUN_ID: ["123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"] * 10, TOTAL_TOKENS: [0, DEFAULT_MAX_TOKEN] * 5, PROMPT_TOKENS: [0, DEFAULT_MAX_TOKEN] * 5, COMPLETION_TOKENS: [0, DEFAULT_MAX_TOKEN] * 5, DURATION: [1, DEFAULT_MAX_DURATION] * 5, } def import_fiddler() -> Any: """Import the fiddler python package and raise an error if it is not installed.""" try: import fiddler # noqa: F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "To use fiddler callback handler you need to have `fiddler-client`" "package installed. Please install it with `pip install fiddler-client`" ) return fiddler # First, define custom callback handler implementations class FiddlerCallbackHandler(BaseCallbackHandler): def __init__( self, url: str, org: str, project: str, model: str, api_key: str, ) -> None: """ Initialize Fiddler callback handler. Args: url: Fiddler URL (e.g. Make sure to include the protocol (http/https). org: Fiddler organization id project: Fiddler project name to publish events to model: Fiddler model name to publish events to api_key: Fiddler authentication token """ super().__init__() # Initialize Fiddler client and other necessary properties self.fdl = import_fiddler() self.pd = import_pandas() self.url = url = org self.project = project self.model = model self.api_key = api_key self._df = self.pd.DataFrame(_dataset_dict) self.run_id_prompts: Dict[UUID, List[str]] = {} self.run_id_response: Dict[UUID, List[str]] = {} self.run_id_starttime: Dict[UUID, int] = {} # Initialize Fiddler client here self.fiddler_client = self.fdl.FiddlerApi(url, org_id=org, auth_token=api_key) if self.project not in self.fiddler_client.get_project_names(): print( # noqa: T201 f"adding project {self.project}." "This only has to be done once." ) try: self.fiddler_client.add_project(self.project) except Exception as e: print( # noqa: T201 f"Error adding project {self.project}:" "{e}. Fiddler integration will not work." ) raise e dataset_info = self.fdl.DatasetInfo.from_dataframe( self._df, max_inferred_cardinality=0 ) # Set feedback column to categorical for i in range(len(dataset_info.columns)): if dataset_info.columns[i].name == FEEDBACK: dataset_info.columns[i].data_type = self.fdl.DataType.CATEGORY dataset_info.columns[i].possible_values = FEEDBACK_POSSIBLE_VALUES elif dataset_info.columns[i].name == LLM_STATUS: dataset_info.columns[i].data_type = self.fdl.DataType.CATEGORY dataset_info.columns[i].possible_values = [SUCCESS, FAILURE] if self.model not in self.fiddler_client.get_model_names(self.project): if self.model not in self.fiddler_client.get_dataset_names(self.project): print( # noqa: T201 f"adding dataset {self.model} to project {self.project}." "This only has to be done once." ) try: self.fiddler_client.upload_dataset( project_id=self.project, dataset_id=self.model, dataset={"train": self._df}, info=dataset_info, ) except Exception as e: print( # noqa: T201 f"Error adding dataset {self.model}: {e}." "Fiddler integration will not work." ) raise e model_info = self.fdl.ModelInfo.from_dataset_info( dataset_info=dataset_info, dataset_id="train", model_task=self.fdl.ModelTask.LLM, features=[PROMPT, CONTEXT, RESPONSE], target=FEEDBACK, metadata_cols=[ RUN_ID, TOTAL_TOKENS, PROMPT_TOKENS, COMPLETION_TOKENS, MODEL_NAME, DURATION, ], custom_features=self.custom_features, ) print( # noqa: T201 f"adding model {self.model} to project {self.project}." "This only has to be done once." # noqa: T201 ) try: self.fiddler_client.add_model( project_id=self.project, dataset_id=self.model, model_id=self.model, model_info=model_info, ) except Exception as e: print( # noqa: T201 f"Error adding model {self.model}: {e}." "Fiddler integration will not work." # noqa: T201 ) raise e @property def custom_features(self) -> list: """ Define custom features for the model to automatically enrich the data with. Here, we enable the following enrichments: - Automatic Embedding generation for prompt and response - Text Statistics such as: - Automated Readability Index - Coleman Liau Index - Dale Chall Readability Score - Difficult Words - Flesch Reading Ease - Flesch Kincaid Grade - Gunning Fog - Linsear Write Formula - PII - Personal Identifiable Information - Sentiment Analysis """ return [ self.fdl.Enrichment( name="Prompt Embedding", enrichment="embedding", columns=[PROMPT], ), self.fdl.TextEmbedding( name="Prompt CF", source_column=PROMPT, column="Prompt Embedding", ), self.fdl.Enrichment( name="Response Embedding", enrichment="embedding", columns=[RESPONSE], ), self.fdl.TextEmbedding( name="Response CF", source_column=RESPONSE, column="Response Embedding", ), self.fdl.Enrichment( name="Text Statistics", enrichment="textstat", columns=[PROMPT, RESPONSE], config={ "statistics": [ "automated_readability_index", "coleman_liau_index", "dale_chall_readability_score", "difficult_words", "flesch_reading_ease", "flesch_kincaid_grade", "gunning_fog", "linsear_write_formula", ] }, ), self.fdl.Enrichment( name="PII", enrichment="pii", columns=[PROMPT, RESPONSE], ), self.fdl.Enrichment( name="Sentiment", enrichment="sentiment", columns=[PROMPT, RESPONSE], ), ] def _publish_events( self, run_id: UUID, prompt_responses: List[str], duration: int, llm_status: str, model_name: Optional[str] = "", token_usage_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """ Publish events to fiddler """ prompt_count = len(self.run_id_prompts[run_id]) df = self.pd.DataFrame( { PROMPT: self.run_id_prompts[run_id], RESPONSE: prompt_responses, RUN_ID: [str(run_id)] * prompt_count, DURATION: [duration] * prompt_count, LLM_STATUS: [llm_status] * prompt_count, MODEL_NAME: [model_name] * prompt_count, } ) if token_usage_dict: for key, value in token_usage_dict.items(): df[key] = [value] * prompt_count if isinstance(value, int) else value try: if df.shape[0] > 1: self.fiddler_client.publish_events_batch(self.project, self.model, df) else: df_dict = df.to_dict(orient="records") self.fiddler_client.publish_event( self.project, self.model, event=df_dict[0] ) except Exception as e: print( # noqa: T201 f"Error publishing events to fiddler: {e}. continuing..." ) def on_llm_start( self, serialized: Dict[str, Any], prompts: List[str], **kwargs: Any ) -> Any: run_id = kwargs[RUN_ID] self.run_id_prompts[run_id] = prompts self.run_id_starttime[run_id] = int(time.time() * 1000) def on_llm_end(self, response: LLMResult, **kwargs: Any) -> None: flattened_llmresult = response.flatten() run_id = kwargs[RUN_ID] run_duration = int(time.time() * 1000) - self.run_id_starttime[run_id] model_name = "" token_usage_dict = {} if isinstance(response.llm_output, dict): token_usage_dict = { k: v for k, v in response.llm_output.items() if k in [TOTAL_TOKENS, PROMPT_TOKENS, COMPLETION_TOKENS] } model_name = response.llm_output.get(MODEL_NAME, "") prompt_responses = [ llmresult.generations[0][0].text for llmresult in flattened_llmresult ] self._publish_events( run_id, prompt_responses, run_duration, SUCCESS, model_name, token_usage_dict, ) def on_llm_error(self, error: BaseException, **kwargs: Any) -> None: run_id = kwargs[RUN_ID] duration = int(time.time() * 1000) - self.run_id_starttime[run_id] self._publish_events( run_id, [""] * len(self.run_id_prompts[run_id]), duration, FAILURE )